Have you been in a fight that went to the ground?

Have you meen in a fight that went to the ground

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If you have been in a fight (even counting high school), did it go to the ground? This doesn't count sparring, security or police takedowns, where takedowns are required. I mean uncontrolled, you got jumped, or in a bar fight, or in the locker room...etc.
Mormegil, I like that avitar!

I didn't vote because it would take too much time to remember that far back. But I don't think I've been in a fight where both of us went to the ground since high school. And, other than school kids, I've seen few serious fights where both went to the ground either intentionally or unintentionally. But that is not to say it doesn't happen, or that we shouldn't prepare for it.
Yeah, I got jumped in the subway onetime and in the process of fighting off my attackers (about 5 guys), I threw a kick and I got hit - I went tumbling down. They then proceeded to stomp the "you know what" out of me.

Getting up close and personal with Timberland boots is not kool - let me tell you.

Thank GOD that the train pulled into the next station and they ran off. That was the hardest 20 odd seconds of my life.
Originally posted by Mormegil
If you have been in a fight (even counting high school), did it go to the ground? This doesn't count sparring, security or police takedowns, where takedowns are required. I mean uncontrolled, you got jumped, or in a bar fight, or in the locker room...etc.

I had 2 fights in school (one in elementary and one in high school) that went to the ground (or, in the case of the 2nd one, to the bench in the locker room). But neither of these was a "serious" fight in the sense that someone was really trying to hurt me or vice versa. They were "pecking order" skirmishes.

As an adult, I've had a few fights go to the ground but all of them were of the "security" variety. I wasn't officially working as security, but that's the type of altercation they were. I was simply working to restrain with minimal injury to the person/people. Not trying to finish the fight and go home.

The handful of fights I've been in where there was serious intent to injure on everyone's part, they never went to the ground. One or more people may have wound up on the ground, but there wasn't any fighting going on down there.

Well there was this one time my girlfriend and I were.........Hmmmmmm well it ended up on the ground:D
If I had to hazard a % I would say I've gone to the ground [by choice] 98% of the time in a couple hundred altercations on duty. But I would stress that the % is high because of our training and our environment.

If I'm in an altercation off-duty I want to stay on my feet. Multiple assailants and other environmental factors are a concern. For example, I'm with my family and attacked, I don't want to get tied up on the ground I want to strike hard and fast and get me and mine out of harm's way asap.

Out of the 4 or 5 scraps I was in in my school days, only one in junior high ever sent me to the ground. The other guy had me in a head lock, I punched him in the chin, he fell down and I went with becasue he was still holding me. We both got up, and he ran off.
Yes, but I usually don't count it because I was still in grade school. I took the guy down so I could try to feed him the heel of my shoe while I was still wearing it (don't ask). His buddy kept whacking me on the back with a trumpet case.

All in all, an odd fight.

I've only been in 4 "real" fights in my life, and 3 were in highschool. The highschool fights never went to the ground. Two years ago I was attacked by a would be mugger, who sort of slammed me to the ground and tried to wrestle me. I'm really not sure what he was tryin to do, he never attempted a strike of any kind and didn't seem to know how to wrestle very well either. He out weighed me by AT LEAST 80 pounds, he probably never had to learn how to fight because of his shear size. He was much stronger than me and would have definately done some damage if he'd have hit me or at least got me into a decent hold, but I simply wormed my way out of his grasp and used a deep eye gouge before trying to choke him with his own neck-chain. I gave up on that and simply gave him a swift kick in the ribs before bolting. A lot of people say that the majority of fights end up on the ground, and that may be true, but they all start standing up. It definately pays to be prepared for anything.
As a kid in school I was in 2 real fights where we were trying to hurt each other, both went to the ground.

The reason for both had everything to do with a lack of skill and balance.

As an adult, I worked security, and nearly every fight there went to the ground, maybe 15 or 20 total. I can only think of one skirmish as security guard that didn't go to the ground.

What's interesting, is that in the adult fight cases, they went to the ground for all the opposite reasons -- to get control of the person without hurting them too much! It was ALL about skill and balance in those cases. (well, except for the one where he pushed me off a roof and I pulled him down after me . . . that was all about fear and terror ... but I don't talk about that one)

It was of the "I went down they didn't" variety.

It was not particularly pleasant.
Originally posted by Bod

It was of the "I went down they didn't" variety.

It was not particularly pleasant.

Ditto... but I kicked him on my way down...

I was standing on a piece of cardboard instead of the ground, and it went out from underneath me... if I'd been standing on the pavement, it wouldn't have happened. Things worked out fine, though.
School fights were about fifty/fifty for me. Often they went to the ground quasi-intentionally (exhaustion, attempts at humiliation, that's how that game was played). Occasionally, especially in high school, they weren't so intentional as I often fought with the football players or other monstrousities whose first thought was to pick my skinny butt up and throw me down. Lucky I was trained to fall, eh?

Streetfights, and there were a lot of 'em, were a different story. Staying up was key. As a skinny, effeminate goth with a mohawk, I was a favorite to get jumped by the skinheads in town (Cincinnati) and it was never a fair ratio. They would make sure they outnumbered us before they would attack. I went down several times, but you feared for your life if you hit the pavement in those situations. Of course, by then, I was kickboxing on the amateur circuit (hey there everybody from back then...1985-1989) so my balance was well trained. You can always count on iced, slippery surfaces and Mr. Murphy to help you come down to earth in those tussles. Scared? Yes. Stupid and young enough to keep finding myself in those situations? Yes.

oh well.
Originally posted by Mormegil
If you have been in a fight (even counting high school), did it go to the ground? This doesn't count sparring, security or police takedowns, where takedowns are required. I mean uncontrolled, you got jumped, or in a bar fight, or in the locker room...etc.

Yes i have been in alot of fights that have hit the ground.
I have only had a few fights not including on duty, but no matter where I'm at they usually end up on the ground.:asian:
Once- he hit the ground I did not. But at that point I made myself scarce, so ground techniques for follow-up were not used.

When I worked in psych, all the altercations went to the floor because we wanted the takedown. It is easier then to carry the patient to a bed with restraints. But I'm not counting that.
Yeah if i want the takedown i could go to the ground.
Inless i feel like playing the stand-up game.
Well, for what's it worth, statisically 7 out of ten will go to the ground. And out of those, one will stay on the ground. I read this somewhere so I don't know for sure. But it sounds about right.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Yeah if i want the takedown i could go to the ground.
Inless i feel like playing the stand-up game.
I agree, it's more on choice.

But in a real fight, it's not really like a "game" as you already know. Anything goes, and it will not always be your choice to go to the ground or not. Sometimes it is.