I find the increase in the use of guns maladaptive for society as a whole.
The availablilty of lawfully owned firearms has nothing to do with crime rates. One could look at two particular cases, where the countries of Japan and Jamaica forbid lawful ownership of firearms, and yet, one country has very little firearms crime, and the other one has one of the world's highest violent crime rate.
The forbiddance of firearms has done absolutely nothing to stop criminals in Jamaica from having quite an arsenal, nor has it stopped the Chicago area gangbangers from being armed, etc.
The bottom line is: it's not a firearms ownership issue. It's a cultural one.
Rather than increase the availability of guns, and thus increase the risk they will be used (appropriately or otherwise)
Once again, though, many people tend to overlook the fact that those who lawfully own firearms are not going to be the types to misuse them. To try to stop the availability of guns would be the same as trying to stop the availability of lawfully prescribed pain killers, just because a bunch of heroin junkies (who obtained their illegal drugs illegally) present a problem.
I would rather see the existing laws properly enforced - by law enforcement officers, rather than citizens who take the law into their own hands due to lack of enforcement. Perhaps then the entire issue will become moot.
It never will be a moot issue. The courts of the land have already repeatedly stated, that the police are not obliged ot protect any particular individual.
One need only look at the case of
Warren v D.C. to see that there are going to be times where the police cannot protect you, and that they are not responsible to do so.
Even when they do come, it takes at least several minutes to get to the site, and during that time, an assailant can do quite a bit of damage. One need only look at the
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics -- 1990 (1991):257, to see a rather chilling statistic, that in 1989, there were 168,881 crimes of violence which were not responded to by police within 1 hour.
In those cases, what's the alternative? I'd much rather have the ability to stop a menace the likes of Eric Klebold and Dylan Harris, or a Charles Whitman, than to be stuck up a certain stinking creek without a paddle. Whether or not I have a firearm at my access has not changed who I am, nor does the firearm have any sort of sentience.