Court OKs storing guns in car consoles

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Court OKs storing guns in car consoles

Posted Oct 08, 2009 @ 11:29 AM
Last update Oct 09, 2009 @ 06:04 AM EXCERPT:

An Illinois Supreme Court decision that gun owners can carry weapons in consoles and other storage boxes built into their cars wonÂ’t make much difference to law enforcement officers, Sangamon County Sheriff Neil Williamson said Thursday.
Illinois law lets people carry guns in their cars if they are unloaded and enclosed in a case or other container. The question was whether a compartment for items like CDs and sunglasses meets the legal definition of a “case” for carrying guns.
In issuing its ruling Thursday, the Supreme Court overturned a 2003 appellate court decision that said a glove compartment is not a “case” under the law.
Williamson said the change doesnÂ’t concern him.
“All the officers and deputies are trained all the time to constantly be thinking of the possibility of a gun in the car,” he said.
“And it’s not the honest citizen I’m worried about, it’s the crooks,” Williamson added. “They’re going to have the gun anyway -- they’re not going to care if there’s a law on the books or not. We could have a jillion laws on books outlawing guns. They’re going to carry them anyway.”
Sounds like a victory for justice and a sheriff with a good head on his shoulders
Illinois firearms laws fall under 2 catagories... the Criminal Code, and the Wildlife code. Both have provisions for transporting firearms that state the firearm must be EITHER

Unloaded and in a Case


Broken down in a non-firing configuration.

There was an issue where people were carrying in fanny packs and they started citing the Wildlife code which more specifically stated a case designed for the carrying of a firearm, as opposed to the criminal code which stated case.

So... Even tho they have now stated a center console/glove box is a "case" it doesn't meet the wildlife code regulation, so they can still get you on a technicality here.

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