What real benefits does grappling really bring to the table if push cames to shove, I mean if you where attacked on pavement would you still bring them to the ground or how does one handle these types of stituation?
I know what I would do but a pure grappler or wrestler how do they benefit themself when this occurs. I'm not looking for any agruments just real serious answers.
I wrestled in high school but that was a sport and I would never try some of those move in a real fight especially on a pave ground or sidewalk.
There are tons of wrestling takedowns, and throws that work on hard surfaces real well, just make sure your the one doing them

I've been around great wrestlers, my brother several time state place winner, best friend 2xstate champ, and others (I placed in state also). We'll wrestle on concrete, tar, gravel, whatever. It's all about how your going to land on the opponent if you throw, or if you sweep or trip.
In most confrontations I found most wrestlers will, like most martial artists, back away, they have nothing to prove/self control, distance control, and ability to read if they are going to be attacked.
I watched my brother get attacked after leaving a college wrestling dual, I was a block away, he spun around one of the three individuals and suplex threw him on the concrete, that person was done, before I got there my brother was kicked in the face by the other, got up, went into his wrestling stance, to attack "face first" (he was going to shoot), and got stabbed in the lead leg. No defense from a strike.
If I was being attacked from a "pure grappler" I would strike first and keep backing away and striking, they will lead face first, watch for the shot, if they get a hold of you they aren't going to be afraid to crash into concrete, tables, whatever. I threw a guy and myself onto a pile of bikes (I was defending myself) but I knew he was going to land on his back, on the bikes. No strikes were needed, I dropped on him and locked up his arms.
I always told my friends that if they are going to have to scrap get the guy in a bear hug first before he can start to swing, trap an arm and they are yours. But if they start swinging at you, and they are good, cover up and get away till you can get the distacnce you need to get a grab on them.