Ladies Grappling Question

I was reading over upnorthkyosa's shoulder and felt compelled to respond tonight. Hell, I need to respond to things more anyways. :)

I grapple with just a plain ol' Target sports bra. Of course, the ta tas in question are itty bitty so I really could just go with out with no issue. ;) I never have had any problems, probably because there's more fabric than boob.

Samantha said:
Then again - if I ever have kids, I will have to give them formula... they would starve to death if I tried to do it the natural way... :rofl:

Don't you worry about that! :) Being an A cup, I succesfully breastfed our daughter until she was 20-months-old and just finished nursing our 11-month-old to sleep. Neither has ever had formula. In fact, I could feed a small country! The best part of breastfeeding is my breasts actually resemble breasts right now! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, after weaning I will look like a prepubescent boy. ;)
Alrighty, then! Back on topic ....:)

shesulsa said:
I have grappled large women and been smothered by excess of them...the nightmares!
You mentioned this before and please forgive my asking ... are you not grappling other women in your same weight class? I mean, I know 'stepping outside the box' and all, but ... the way you type that it sounds as though you grapple outside your weight class very often - is that just the nature of your class? small size? large women? (honest question, here)
shesulsa said:
See, I refuse to bend to modesty because it's often the first thing used against me if I am. And after having two high-risk deliveries and a speedy one, I got over about 99% of my modesty! :ultracool:whip::rolleyes:

Amen, sista! I gave birth to our son almost buck naked, 10 minutes after arriving at the hospital. I would have been completely au natural if the stupid nurse wouldn't have stuck an IV in before I could get my shirt off.:rolleyes: I definitely have no modesty anymore. One will have to bear the sight of stretch marks 'cause I ain't hiding 'em! I worked hard for those!
UpNorthMum said:
Amen, sista! I gave birth to our son almost buck naked, 10 minutes after arriving at the hospital. I would have been completely au natural if the stupid nurse wouldn't have stuck an IV in before I could get my shirt off.:rolleyes: I definitely have no modesty anymore. One will have to bear the sight of stretch marks 'cause I ain't hiding 'em! I worked hard for those!

Yeah, after having around a dozen sets of eyes staring at ONE SPOT for an extended period of time for purely medical reasons, ya kinda lose that shy-girl air! LOL!

So, Eternal Beginner ... back on topic ... do you regularly grapple out of your weight class?
shesulsa said:
So, Eternal Beginner ... back on topic ... do you regularly grapple out of your weight class?

Yes, I do. In tournament situations there are so few women grappling that anyone over about 130 pounds get lumped together. In Winnipeg there are only three competitive female grapplers that show up at any tournaments that I have been to in Western Canada. As it stands right now, the pool is VERY small. Although I do have to comment that there is one 13 year old girl from another school that is just completely awesome...she is brave too. She will grapple any weight class, any skill level just for the experience. We will be hearing about her at ADCC in a few years I'm sure.

As far as class goes...I exclusively grapple out of my weight class. I am the only female training right now and the guys consistently outweigh me by at least twenty pounds. I do value the experience however, it has made me strong and very technical. Usually when I get the pleasure of grappling someone in my own weight class I have a tremendous amount of fun because I get to develop different aspects of my game that I don't get to while usually being more defensive than offensive.
Kewl. When I grapple my partners are usually men as well, and it's so hard to find women who want to grapple. I think some don't want to grapple with me because I outweigh them and they think I might hurt them. This is a real bummer because it doesn't exactly help either one of us, you know? I sure would like to see other women be more supportive of grappling with other women and also younger guys grappling with us older gals. It seems if one is not a young hottie, one is not worth grappling with.

What a mistake.
shesulsa said:
Yeah, after having around a dozen sets of eyes staring at ONE SPOT for an extended period of time for purely medical reasons, ya kinda lose that shy-girl air! LOL!

I figure after rolling around on the floor having every body part in contact with every other body part of every person in the room at some point, it's likely gone to hell anyways... or maybe it's I'm a guy and vanity got lost in the evolutionary process...

But we all loose are pants in class at one point, best take it like a man... err... well woman for some :D
Andrew Green said:
I figure after rolling around on the floor having every body part in contact with every other body part of every person in the room at some point, it's likely gone to hell anyways... or maybe it's I'm a guy and vanity got lost in the evolutionary process...

But we all loose are pants in class at one point, best take it like a man... err... well woman for some :D

Well, there IS a good point to remember - in a self-defense situation, if a woman is broken in on in the shower, bath, any state of undress, she cannot cower - she must fight! In fact (no offense, Eternal) I might think about shoving the ta-tas in attacker's face to blind him/her so I can get a good choke on or grab the handgun, blade, etc ....
shesulsa said:
Well, there IS a good point to remember - in a self-defense situation, if a woman is broken in on in the shower, bath, any state of undress, she cannot cower - she must fight! In fact (no offense, Eternal) I might think about shoving the ta-tas in attacker's face to blind him/her so I can get a good choke on or grab the handgun, blade, etc ....

So is this generally covered in self-defence classes?
shesulsa said:
Kewl. When I grapple my partners are usually men as well, and it's so hard to find women who want to grapple. I think some don't want to grapple with me because I outweigh them and they think I might hurt them. This is a real bummer because it doesn't exactly help either one of us, you know? I sure would like to see other women be more supportive of grappling with other women and also younger guys grappling with us older gals. It seems if one is not a young hottie, one is not worth grappling with.

What a mistake.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves about grappling. I am 40 years old and I too, outweigh some people and I would hate to think that grappling with me would turn someone off. If that is what they are focusing on, then they are there for the wrong reasons. I don't think of stuff like that, I think about my game. There are not enough women grapplers to begin with and most women are too shy to try it. "Getting into those positions", "what will they think of me", "no one wants to grapple with someone like me" are all detrimental and are reasons why women don't grapple. We need to be supportive of each other and encourage each other.

Women grapplers need to unite and encourage and stand together and show other women what a fun MA this is and that they can succeed too regardless of weight, size, etc.
Andrew Green said:
So is this generally covered in self-defence classes?
Heh ... wouldn't YOU like to know ....:rolleyes:
shesulsa said:
Well, there IS a good point to remember - in a self-defense situation, if a woman is broken in on in the shower, bath, any state of undress, she cannot cower - she must fight!

Absolutely, no question about it! But what I was referring to was class or competition scenarios where I really don't feel comfortable having the girls on display!

And a funny story about losing ones pants...I was at a competition in Calgary and there was a relatively new female grappler there. She was very enthusiastic and did a lot of thrashing about and as I was passing her guard I noticed that her pants were coming undone (I had inadvertently pulled the drawstring while pushing down on her hips). At one point I had broken her guard and was about to move when she gave me an almighty shove with her foot in my hip and stood up again.

Well I shouted and called the ref for a time out as I knew her pants were not long to be in an "up" position. Man...did I get boo'd by the watching crowd. She was a cutie and many guys had noticed the drawsting drama unfolding as I was passing guard. I wasn't anyones favorite mom at that match!:angel::p

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