Well, I have to say that when I read the first post on this thread I had exactly the same reaction as Kirk, and read his post thinking- "Yeah!". But the thread continues and a lot of interesting points have come up.
Being female, I couldn't care less about the sexual orientation of the guys in my dojo.
But if a black belt lesbian joined, I wouldn't care about that, either, grappling, suiting up, whatever. :shrug: I doubt I'm the most stunning woman around and that she couldn't keep her hands off me.
There was only one man I refused to work with, Psycho Tony. He trained in privates, then moved into our class, then due to his behaviors, was moved mainly back to privates. Eventually he stopped coming in. He had a criminal history which prohibited him owning guns, but he obsessed about guns all the time. He also talked crap about women all the time- how they lied and played games and couldn't be trusted. Nobody wanted to work with him, but whenever he moved towards me to partner up, one of my classmates always seemed to get in the middle- bless them. Only once did I have to confront him by myself, when we were alone by the changing rooms, and he started talking about someone who had pissed him off, so he killed him. I told him to "knock that $h!t off, I don't want to hear it" and walked away.
In my Taijutsu class, there are two openly gay men (no, not lovers). Nobody in the class seems to care, and there is a good deal more grappling there than in Kenpo. We're all too busy trying not to die. :ninja:
I think as long as everyone is busy learning, it doesn't matter a bit. If someone is coming on to you, that's a whole different matter, and I cetainly would avoid grappling them. Self-defense I wouldn't see the need to avoid, unless it became a problem.
Ground Dragon had an excellent point about nasty people- In a city I'm sure there are a small percent of mentally ill/paranoid people who start to train, and have hygeine issues to deal with. I've seen two in my dojo- one left in a couple of weeks. The other actually cleaned up, clipped the nails, and made it through a couple of belt testings. He had a serious panic disorder, and we were all pretty impressed with his cajones to pull that off!
My instructor has had quite a bit of weirdness to deal with, and he's always managed to do it in his office, so nobody gets embarrassed. (I won't mention his own relationship with a black belt female that blew up in a spectacular fight
Blood is a whole other problem- no matter what the quantity, it gets cleaned up and bandaged without delay but also without any fuss. I'm far more likely to be exposed to TB on the subway than Hep C in the dojo. But if someone is bleeding in the dojo it's easy enough to deal with.
It was actually more of a sticky situation when my training partner ended up with my nailmarks on his throat-
He didn't appreciate that very much. The other guys thought it was pretty funny. His wife did not. Now I keep my nails clipped as short as possible.