Ok. I have now seen a few posts related to racial profiling and I'm going to say this. Absolutely police officers and the like, should use racial profiling. 100%, and here's why.
It was not an african-american, or asia-american, or latino, or white guy, or any other nationality but one, that brought the world trade center down. It was only one nationality. ANd they were of middle eastern decent. So to say in the war on terror, that they should not profile is ridiculous. It makes no sense to pick people at random. YOu are wasting time, money, and making it that much harder on the american people, to get through airport security, when you have to choose every 6th person in line. YEt the 7th, may be of middle-eastern decent, who's sportin, a turbin. You don't pull him out of line? Because it will be construed as racial profiling? You know, I just don't get it. If I'm out hunting duck, I don't say, well I can't profile, so I'll shoot that turkey over there. Well it ain't turkey season, and I didn't get my duck. Although there are several ducks in, and around that group of turkeys. I'm not looking for turkeys, I'm looking for ducks, and if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it's probably a duck.
So yeah I look, and dress like a biker. It's what I am. I get irritated when I'm pulled over, but hey it's part of there job, I am the one that chooses to dress like, and be associated with that particular part of American culture. I have to accept that there may be times when I am momentarily detained because of my demeanor or dress, until such time as they can determine that I'm not one of the bad guys. In my opinion I have nothing to fear from the LEO's of the world. I've never been arrested, ticketed, had accidents, or anything of the like. YOu know why? Cause I follow the law. Period. As long as you ain't breaking the law they ain't gonna' mess with any longer than they have too, once they figure out you're on of the good guys. YOu want to wear a turbin and go to a mosk for church, hey it's cool, nobody has a problem with that. But be prepared to be profiled till they know that your one of the good guys. Simple, don't complain about it, it's America, and you have that right, to dress and be associated with any culture you choose. However, if it is not the way that mainstream society is dressing, or acting, then your going to be treated like a bad guy from time to time. Simple, that's all. Enjoy your freedom, I do.