I didn't see it that way..I have been in social situations where what I do for a living has slipped out...There is ALWAYS some jerkoff present that feels the need to tell me about him being harrased by the local ******* coppers OR they will ask legal questions that Perry Mason couldn't figure out..
Drac et al,
I get the same thing. About software and also about cars.
I listen. I acknowledge that there could be a problem.
What I see from police officers, is that they never acknowledge that it was even remotely possible that some other officer might have made a msitake. There are some posts about that link in bad cops getting arrested and such. But they do not acknowledge that it was possible themselves, There always is plausible deniablility on their part.
I mean I could ask people about their illegal downloads. I could ask about following instructions while loading and removing software.
I could ask people about maintenance on their cars. I know some that actually complain to me about their car. The same car they take to the track and race. This piece broke over time at high torque levels. I should have designed it better.
The more I deny the possibility of a bad piece or quality control or bad design, the more they believe that they have a case. Thou does protest to much.
But if I acknowledge the possibility and nod when I listen, they either accept it and move on. If they stay, then I realize they are willing to have a real discussion and I can then ask them questions about what they did or what happened. But for those that want to just complain then they complain and they move on.
I know doctors and lawyers who avoid saying what they do for a living, because the moment they do, there's always the guy who wants free professional advice. And, as I said, there are some serious safety concerns for us.
This may be one of the things that's more unique about the DC area -- but around here, "what do you do" is a common conversation starter. There's also a kind of general acceptance of some vagueness or even outright deception; there are a lot of people around here who don't really work where their documents may say or where they're supposed to... My general approach is generally to simply say where I work... or that I work for the government. If pressed, it depends on the circumstances as to what answer they get.
Then there's the simple issue of actually being able to be off the clock. Despite some popular perception, cops do actually get to be off the clock. We don't need someone pounding on our door because they got a ticket or whatever when we're home any more than a doctor does...
What's so offensive about trying to keep a peaceable atmosphere socially by being a little evasive about what you do?
Well as to the security issue, I understand. But if it is a small party and you are there, and there is a security issue, then why are you there in the first place?
Why does a police officer associate with these Security risk to their life? Or is it that all people are a possible security risk. Everyone is against you because you are a police officer?
As to lawyers and Doctors not telling people what they do, the one I know do. But, I could see your point about how some could. (* You see I acknowledge the other posters have a valid point and a place to stand on for their arguement. Trying to get that from a police officer is difficult or near impossible. *) Free advice in their field could lead to malpractice cases, or even death.
Even when I know a police officer has violated my rights, or is wrong about the law. I smile, and take notes. I agree with everything they say, and then call my lawyer and make sure the offcier then is brought to the case. But, here is my experince for all you Honest LEO's on this board, is that once I fight it in court the officer does not show up and the ticket or case is dropped. I find this to an issue. I am guilty by the LEO, and then I have to PROVE I am innocent in Court. It seems a violation of my rights. It seems to be an injustice of the process and the rights of the people. A simple acknowledgement from time to time from the Honest and good LEO's that there are some that are gray or not so good, and that it is possible that some other HUMAN Being serving as a Police Officer could have been wrong and or made a mistake.
If you search on this site you will find an old thread, where someone "yelled" at me that I should not be arguing or even challenging the comments comming from another poster as he was/is a LEO. I got private messages from the LEO asking me to drop my challenges, here on this site for he as in fear of getting in trouble at work. The issue is that I was being attacked with the threat of Police, but when I questioned it, I was wrong. So, even those who are hard core friends of the LEO's support their actions many times. I think this is why they are hard core friends. But, instead they cannot handle a true friendship of someone being able to challenge a point and have a discussion on a point.
This is why I really did not want to post here on this subject. I know police who have to be right as that is their job to be right, from their point of view. I have others who will admit in private that there are some of run the gray area, because they can. Because they enjoy it. But they never admit it in public. Even to someone who support the LEO's and the risk they take every day even with a simple traffic stop, this seems to be a conspiracy within industry. A code of silence.
I have been wrong before in my life. I admit that. But try to get an officer to do so, is almost impossible even in private. From my experience of course.