This is something I feel gets neglected by some schools. They get involved in being fancy, teaching how to defend against guns and knives. They learn all the tricks, but the one thing they don't ever dig into is the WHY of it all. They only do the what and how of self defense. The why is to live. With that in mind...
What is the general mindset that you HAVE or you teach?
Mine is that simply end the confrontation, and there are no rules to do that.
IMO, I think there is alot of garbage taught in alot of schools today, along with alot of things that would probably only work in fantasy land. Sadly, alot of these people who train there, actually fall for the BS that they're being taught. On the flip side, there're alot of very good schools/teachers, who're teaching quality, effective material.
What I teach...first and foremost, I feel the most important thing is awareness. Its amazing how many people walk around with their head in the clouds, distracted by their cell phone, etc. No, I'm not saying that we should be some paranoid nut, that looks over our shoulder every 2 secs, but chances are, the badguys are going to target someone whos got their head in the clouds, rather than someone whos aware, and actually paying attention.
Next, and IMO, this goes hand in hand with the above, would be some good old common sense. If you know a certain area is bad, well, if you dont have to go there, dont! When you pull into the parking lot, parking garage, etc, scan the area. If you know a bar or club is bad news, dont go, and if you do, again, be aware.
As for physical techniques...well, for me, I tend to be a follower of the KISS method. Simple, effective, quick and to the point. All the flashy stuff...well, save that for the demos and fantasy land.
I've mentioned this before, but it's worth saying it again. I think alot of schools only focus on what I call the 'during' portion of the defense. Everyone has a tech for what to do when the badguy is actually attacking, but what about before he attacks? What about after? I'm talking about what you can do to avoid the confrontation in the first place, and how to deal with the aftermath. IMO, I think Rory Millers books talk about this very well. IMO, his stuff should be required reading, as its a wealth of knowledge.