The law concering self defense and use of force without guns

I openly admit that this was an oversimplification but nothing I stated was false even if it was out of context, however the stand your ground laws were a big part of the Zimmerman case. As stated from this Washington Post article --
As a legal matter, Zimmermanā€™s attorney did not raise a ā€œstand your groundā€ defense at the trial. But after the trial a juror acknowledged that jurors had discussed the self-defense law before finding Zimmerman not guilty.
The Jury can discuss the National League playoffs. The fact is that "Stand Your Ground" was never used as his defense.

The law also changed the standard instructions to jurors in homicide cases, so that the judge said that Zimmerman had no duty to retreat and could stand his ground if he felt threatened. (The law may have also played a role in the initial failure of the local police to prosecute Zimmerman.)
Interviews with the cops indicate that they believed it was a valid self defense (aka "clean shoot") from the beginning.

The decision to prosecute was declined by the local prosecutor. It only happened when it became political and I strongly recommend you not pursue the politics in this thread. It will cause the thread to be closed.

This was my main point that I was trying to get across and its something that I personally believe should be addressed more if a school is claiming to teach a self-defense program.
It's pretty standard in pretty much any firearms-for-self-defense class I've ever come across.

Peace favor your sword,
I do not know how most of today's schools teach, but I teach as I was taught, there are three forms of fighting "passive, passive aggressive, and aggressive", and we need to recognize which form is needed. I see so many skilled MA forget everything that they have learned, and revert back to street fighting.
I've never heard those terms applied in this way to self defense. Care to expand a bit on this?

Peace favor your sword,
Tell me where this happened... State and city.

I"ve never heard of any true "hand registration" anywhere. Maybe in some other part of the world -- but not in the USA. I know that if you walk into my station and try to register your hands... Well, if you're lucky, the laughter will be gentle.

You're missing an opportunity for revenue. ;)

Peace favor your sword,
regarding Zimmerman, hereā€™s a contemporaneous mega thread on it. All sides of the discussion are well represented.

Yeah, but since he's the senior staff member here, he already makes Bezos look like a pauper.
Well, the exponential quadruple of my salary every year is quite a burden to deal with... Not everyone can handle the riches as well as I can.

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