My school requires all students to wear a uniform. If someone showed up without a uniform, they would have to borrow one from us.
I disagree with this concept. I understand decorum and all, but why demand a person pay for a uniform up front? If the instructor is confident and it is a quality program it shouldn't matter the attire for the first class as long as it is appropriate of working out (no short, shorts, etc...). Pay up front for a "trial lesson"? No way.
I do remember a few times being caught out traveling and not having a Dobok. A couple of times I was given a Dobok to keep which was very gracious. I know being up front and able to show your certification greatly helps in situation like these. One time I was told I would have to buy a Dobok if I wanted to work out. I respectfully left. That is a for profit situation I do not agree with.