Fire - The elements discussion


White Belt
Jun 17, 2017
Reaction score
Oslo Norway
There are different people. I’m fire. I can burn others and things and i can warm up others. Now i’ve burnt up many things. I have gotten many ‘enemies’ in the form of compulsory treament from Norway. Before i dreamt about meeting other people, someone to fight with (physically) or someone to give a hug and have sex. I was so alone. And solitude makes you patient (not endurant) and gives you statical strength, like endurant strength built layer by layer. One patient is considered sick, statical strength, an-aerob strength is considered a mental sickness much like cancer. But the same word, patient, means tolerant. I say that our western culture, Christian, wants to kill false prophets, put them to ‘sleep’. These prophets/false prophets are the patient ones, like Jesus, leaders, like male lions whom protects his female flock by being stationary, stationary leader. Endurant people, with a healthy heart, are sealed up by SEALs. Patients are the terrorists. This is a game where life and death are involved. Terrorists are fire, and fire is love (internally, secretly) and happiness, a terrorist is also (externally) intelligent, so he misplaces his love and believes terrorism is in service of humanity. A patient one has empirically been in hell, and because he knows how salt tastes, he appreciates sugar. And is full of love.
The answer is 42.
There's no enemy. We have to start with ourselves, whatever that is. Regarding your signature. Terrorists (martial srtists who combine the pen with the sword) talk and do with their enemies. Everone else should consentrate about themselves, wheither introvert or extrovert.
Gotta love it when school lets out for the summer. All these "interesting" people stop by ... :)
There are different people. I’m fire. I can burn others and things and i can warm up others. Now i’ve burnt up many things. I have gotten many ‘enemies’ in the form of compulsory treament from Norway. Before i dreamt about meeting other people, someone to fight with (physically) or someone to give a hug and have sex. I was so alone. And solitude makes you patient (not endurant) and gives you statical strength, like endurant strength built layer by layer. One patient is considered sick, statical strength, an-aerob strength is considered a mental sickness much like cancer. But the same word, patient, means tolerant. I say that our western culture, Christian, wants to kill false prophets, put them to ‘sleep’. These prophets/false prophets are the patient ones, like Jesus, leaders, like male lions whom protects his female flock by being stationary, stationary leader. Endurant people, with a healthy heart, are sealed up by SEALs. Patients are the terrorists. This is a game where life and death are involved. Terrorists are fire, and fire is love (internally, secretly) and happiness, a terrorist is also (externally) intelligent, so he misplaces his love and believes terrorism is in service of humanity. A patient one has empirically been in hell, and because he knows how salt tastes, he appreciates sugar. And is full of love.
Having read some of the OP's posts from other threads I believe we need to go gently here. firstly English is not his first language which always make conversations difficult, and I believe that he may well be a refugee from something that we'd view with horror. I think what he wants to say makes sense in his head in his own language but probably gets mangled when he translates it, English is a real pain of a language for English native speakers never mind those who have it as a second or third language.
Cut him some slack please, if he does turn out to be a weirdo it won't have cost us anything to be nice and if he's not we've made a new online friend. :)
Having read some of the OP's posts from other threads I believe we need to go gently here. firstly English is not his first language which always make conversations difficult, and I believe that he may well be a refugee from something that we'd view with horror. I think what he wants to say makes sense in his head in his own language but probably gets mangled when he translates it, English is a real pain of a language for English native speakers never mind those who have it as a second or third language.
Cut him some slack please, if he does turn out to be a weirdo it won't have cost us anything to be nice and if he's not we've made a new online friend. :)

Fair enough....but he did describe himself in the bio as a retired terrorist that was inspired by a ninja he met and knew.
Fair enough....but he did describe himself in the bio as a retired terrorist that was inspired by a ninja he met and knew.

I know, but that may well not be what he means, we have at least three languages at play with this poster plus a great many people's bio's leave a lot to be desired!
I can't read it nothing comes up

That indicates the account has been disabled.

Having read some of the OP's posts from other threads I believe we need to go gently here. firstly English is not his first language which always make conversations difficult, and I believe that he may well be a refugee from something that we'd view with horror. I think what he wants to say makes sense in his head in his own language but probably gets mangled when he translates it, English is a real pain of a language for English native speakers never mind those who have it as a second or third language.
Cut him some slack please, if he does turn out to be a weirdo it won't have cost us anything to be nice and if he's not we've made a new online friend. :)

I think his command of English seems fine. Unfortunately, he seems to be suffering from some sort of severe mental illness (possibly schizophrenia) and would probably not be able to usefully interact with the forum.
When people read a status/bio or comments that indicate something is different and potentially difficult (not the aggressive or nasty ones) from what we normally see I feel it's always better to err on the side of kindness. On one post he had said he'd been tortured, I asked about it and it's quite likely that while he may be mentally ill he could also be a refugee, Norway has taken in quite a few who aren't in a good state mentally or physically. I'm rather sad we won't know what the situation was, I also have the feeling that whatever it was it wasn't good. :(
He also admitted he had been banned from the board 10 years ago. So maybe just mentally unstable.
He also admitted he had been banned from the board 10 years ago. So maybe just mentally unstable.

We have no reason though to make things worse for him. Better we humour 9 fakes pointlessly than be cruel to the 10th person who is genuine. Mental health authorities say that one in four people has mental health issues....... how many people have joined MT?
We have no reason though to make things worse for him. Better we humour 9 fakes pointlessly than be cruel to the 10th person who is genuine. Mental health authorities say that one in four people has mental health issues....... how many people have joined MT?

I was just wondering out loud if that might have been the reason he was banned the first time.

But I agree whole heartedly about the 1 in 4 being crazy....I tell the other three voices in my head all the time that one of us must be crazy.
Having read some of the OP's posts from other threads I believe we need to go gently here. firstly English is not his first language which always make conversations difficult, and I believe that he may well be a refugee from something that we'd view with horror. I think what he wants to say makes sense in his head in his own language but probably gets mangled when he translates it, English is a real pain of a language for English native speakers never mind those who have it as a second or third language.
Cut him some slack please, if he does turn out to be a weirdo it won't have cost us anything to be nice and if he's not we've made a new online friend. :)
I'm ... wierd allright. Much more special than most. I've lived in Norway since 1994 and for those who thinks (says) my english is bad love down. I don't like Jews who resist discipline and goes on dancing with flowers in one hand and a dagger behind their back IN THE SAME POST.
That indicates the account has been disabled.

I think his command of English seems fine. Unfortunately, he seems to be suffering from some sort of severe mental illness (possibly schizophrenia) and would probably not be able to usefully interact with the forum.
I had shizophrenia imposed on me before before the end of 2009. Now they say I have Asperger. Which is impossible.
I'm ... wierd allright. Much more special than most. I've lived in Norway since 1994 and for those who thinks (says) my english is bad love down. I don't like Jews who resist discipline and goes on dancing with flowers in one hand and a dagger behind their back IN THE SAME POST.

I've been to Norway and 98% of the Norwegians I talk to there spoke english better than many of the people I deal with in the USA
I've been to Norway and 98% of the Norwegians I talk to there spoke english better than many of the people I deal with in the USA
Norway is not unique in this sense. A lot of us - durn furners - have a more comprehensive background in the study of English and American language, literature, history, and geography than many Americans. I am not sure why that is.