FMAT: Intellectual True Fighting System

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Intellectual True Fighting System
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:36:50 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


To conceptualize the enemy's strength, capabilities , manpower , weaponry all from land not to mention the air and sea as an Infantry General I have to visualize what will be my strategy to outstrength or outsmart my enemy in the next 45 days expected in the valley of the killing fields. The days of bloody history of every major countries in Europe and in Asia were all merged into one struggle of survival . Each male members of the family were all required to join in the Army of thousands regardless of ages. The famales were left to manage the children to make them grow for manhood in preparation for another manpower to continue the war.It was not a happy task to be fighting out in far country leaving the family expecting to be alive or dead.

During the revolution in the Philippines to fight against a superior dominant enemy, the Spanish Government whose influence had spread to many Islands and having impregnated the filipina women and having children of Spanish fathers with filipina woman,the influenced of religion as a dominant factor for submission without cruelty, changing the names of the filipinos to Spanish names , burning of the ancient writings under the babayin language,taking all the lands and titled as one in the name of Queen Isabela of Spain, execution of the National hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal in an open Luneta Park before thouands of Pilipinos, the filipino men of intellect
were not able to stand the atrocities and abuses of the Spaniards for so many years. 330 years was so much to bear, the pain and sufferings were not strong enough to hold for more generations to suffer, by then it was ripe for the filipinos to form and form INTELLECTUAL organization called the KATIPUNAN -(Gathering of Filipino Warriors) with Gregorio Del Pilar, Andres Bonifacio, Emilo Aguinaldo and the Katipuneros to prepare for strong rebellion. These katipuneros were armed with solid fighting spirit to go to battle without ending but to win at all cost.It took years for the Kaipuneros of planning before the official order.The revolution was re-enforced with deep study of the enemy's strength, capabilities knowing the weakness of each garrison and the type of officers that manned the garrison. But in this gathering , each katipunero was equipped with the kali fighting Philosophy , to believe in life not death, to believe in success not failure and to believe in good health not sickness. With the KALIS in their hands in forms of Talibong and Ginunting, the strategy was to fight in forms of Guerilla Tactics ( evasion and scape) as their Motto" Outnumbered but never Outfought".

Studying the Spanish orthodox way of fighting in using the Toledo Blades,the Katipuneros studied intelligently how to counter those style of fighting since the European method is linear method , the Katipuneros used the Triangulation strategy in terms of engulfing the group of five or more with expressive triangular slashes followed by direct thrust. All of the blade attacks were all based on the principles of triangle, it devastated the Spanish strength in Luzon as well as in other Provinces.As it happens in my Island of Negros. There was that time when hundreds of Spanish soldiers were about to enter into the city of Bago, then General Gregorio Araneta and General Lacson , the Revolutionary leaders of Negros (North and South) and their men outnumbered and outgun decided to gather all bamboo mats rolled each mat and formed like a Cannon and painted with black and each coconut trunk was cut and chop like a rifle placed in line assuming more than 30 artificial canons facing the enemy with one active cannon ,it was fired to the Spanish Battalions but the Spanish officers saw in a far distant using their lenses that there were much firepower of cannons they decided to withdraw instead of attacking the city.

The blade culture was more of an everyday research and study by the Katipuneros, how to develop themselves to more powerful warriors than the Spanish soldiers. So they designed a training system that will give them strength and flexibiity.They cut a tree branch as a training tool to hit the trunck of the tree for power development, and for the blade cutting the tall grasses to develop good timing , going into the woods running, zigzaging making the trees as a shield ,running in full speed slashing and thrusting the Ginunting. Going into the river with their Ginunting slashiing the water in full power to develop stamina and endurance, cutting the branches of trees and bamboos to use as spears, hand made bows and arrows for distancing and all forms of infighting as the use of the Dumog and pangamut for close in forcible attack unarmed.

The revolution had ended in full surrender with Spain selling the Filipinos in the Treaty of Paris in 1898 at $ 3.00 per head to the Americans.

Kali as a true fighting system had proven its effectiveness because the system was perfected , had been put into laboratory,tested and it cost lots of lives to perfect one techique . These techniques had been kept as secrets of Kali and partly the Pekiti-Tirsia founded in 1897 that formed as major player in the revolution had more to teach and more effective methods to be brought into the educational table of todays generation.


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