Finger Set

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Does anyone know if there is a video on-line anywhere of the finger set?

I've tried to learn it from written texts but it's confusing to learn in that way, and having no intructor anymore I don't have anyone who can show me it :(

lol, I will always think finger set is an unusual but I finally learned the secquence a while ago. This weekend I learned some more appropriate ways to set my hand for the "pokes" ;).

The end of fingerset the way the IKKO people do it is different then how our school does it but it was nice to see the difference.

all in all a good learning experience.

satans.barber said:
Does anyone know if there is a video on-line anywhere of the finger set?

I've tried to learn it from written texts but it's confusing to learn in that way, and having no intructor anymore I don't have anyone who can show me it :(


Mr. Tatum sells a video on Finger Set. Visit his web site: and you should find it about half way down the main page. His are the best instructional videos I have seen to date.

Now, if you want to get Finger Set from the source... Mr. Parker does Finger Set on a video called Vintage Kenpo that was produced by Chuck Sullivan. Here is the link to his web site:

satans.barber said:
Does anyone know if there is a video on-line anywhere of the finger set?

I've tried to learn it from written texts but it's confusing to learn in that way, and having no intructor anymore I don't have anyone who can show me it :(


Ian, if you are there in England, I would seriously look up Gary Ellis. Attend a class or how about a private lesson on the finger set and video your lesson.

Otherwise, Huk Planas has a "Short Form 2" video and it contains the finger set on it. (I believe that Gary Ellis usually has Mr. Planas come over to England once a year. Do you attend the yearly camp there? I would also suggest looking up Mr. Planas while he is there.)

You may not live close to Gary Ellis or where the camp is held, but I would plan for a weekend trip to take a lesson. It sure would beat trying to learn from a book. Books are good references after you have a base knowledge. If you schedule a private lesson and record it, that would be one hundred times more valuable.

I do persoanlly have several of Huk Planas' video's and each time I watch one, I pick up and understand something else.

Bill Lear said:
Mr. Tatum sells a video on Finger Set. Visit his web site: and you should find it about half way down the main page. His are the best instructional videos I have seen to date.

Now, if you want to get Finger Set from the source... Mr. Parker does Finger Set on a video called Vintage Kenpo that was produced by Chuck Sullivan. Here is the link to his web site:

That video could/should be a thread of its own; heard about it forever, but only saw it recently after Mr. Whites seminar. How freakin' cool was it to see the "old man" young, with dark hair, and "thin" (for those of you who haven't seen it, still a stocky, tall Hawaiian...why I put it in quotes).

The finger set was fun to watch, as were "technique one", etc.
I really liked watching him in those old videos too. I wish there were more videos of him available to the public.

KenpoGirl said:
Anywise after the ranting is complete, I was curious at what speed are you suppose to do it, once you've mastered it of course. A steady pace or zip through it as fast as you can?
This may sound a little wierd, but my instructor plays the first 60 seconds of the Madonna song Vouge for setting the timing for the set.
I know it helped me, not sure if anyone else would agree :idunno:
goodwrench_mc said:
This may sound a little wierd, but my instructor plays the first 60 seconds of the Madonna song Vouge for setting the timing for the set.
I know it helped me, not sure if anyone else would agree :idunno:
I does sound a little weird. I would have picked almost anything but a Madonna song. Maybe some Motab, but on second thought not as accompaniment for a good work out.
If you look at the purpose of finger set being hand speed and precision, it's not bad. Since I started learing this form some months ago, I have gotten much faster and much more accurate.

Does the set you do just have a standing portion, or is there a moving portion where the hand strikes are repeated in different stances?
jdinca said:
Does the set you do just have a standing portion, or is there a moving portion where the hand strikes are repeated in different stances?
yes. that would be finger set 2, which unfortunately is not taught in a lot of kenpo schools.

pete said:
yes. that would be finger set 2, which unfortunately is not taught in a lot of kenpo schools.

Thanks, Pete. Too bad. Finger Set 2 is the one I know. Adding movement to the precision and hand speed of the standing portion is a different ballgame! 3rd degree brown in my system also included Punching Set, Animal Set and Mass Attack (the form). I'm not sure if the rest of the kenpo world calls them them same. From the descriptions of Mass Attack that I've read, it is quite different from the one I'm familiar with.

This forum rocks!
Fingerset is the only Kenpo form I remember. :)
I like Finger Set, it's fast and compact. It was originally explained to me that the kata was to teach speed and extension without over extending. I am not sure if the version that everyone is referring to is the same that I know, but the kata is done from a solid horse stance and teaches you to maintain a good base. A lot of times you watch people doing Finger set and their center is oscilating back and forth with each strike. I was taught to keep my head on my shoulders on shoulders on hips. We actually used to have this as a requirement for 3rd brown I think, but we have since not made it a requirement. I think it's a very valuable kata.
Don't know about finger set 1 but finger set two starts with your feet together, repeats itself in a horse stance and then a third round of the hand strikes while moving through different positions.

I've finally got my tail to quit wiggling during the standing portion. Definitely breaks your concentration when watching yourself in a mirror. :rolleyes:
For those who have longer in the art ... remember Poison Hand Set. It predated Finger Set #1, had a "softer" more circular feel to it, with some minor stance changes (in place).

I now do Finger Sets #1 & #2, but they came from somewhere earlier.

KenpoGirl said:
Okay, when I have seen finger set done in the past I've always thought it was more than a little hokey, with all the finger waving and such.

It reminds me of the three stoogies {Woo Woo Woo}

Now that I have been forced to learn the set ..... my opinion HASN'T CHANGED ONE BIT!!!! :shrug:

Now don't get me wrong I understand that it has a use, but sheesh. :rolleyes:

Anywise after the ranting is complete, I was curious at what speed are you suppose to do it, once you've mastered it of course. A steady pace or zip through it as fast as you can?


The finger set is like other sets in the system, they were added to isolate information. The finger teaches a lot of your insert moves, that is, moves that will cause a reaction in your opponent that will make the technique work better such as the eye hook in Shield & Sword or the finger thrust in Back Breaker.

As far as I remember the set the techniques are performed using thrusting, snapping, whipping, clawing, and slicing methods of execution.

Hope that helps. I no longer do the set but sets do have uses.
KenpoGirl said:
Okay, when I have seen finger set done in the past I've always thought it was more than a little hokey, with all the finger waving and such.

It reminds me of the three stoogies {Woo Woo Woo}

Now that I have been forced to learn the set ..... my opinion HASN'T CHANGED ONE BIT!!!! :shrug:

Now don't get me wrong I understand that it has a use, but sheesh. :rolleyes:

Anywise after the ranting is complete, I was curious at what speed are you suppose to do it, once you've mastered it of course. A steady pace or zip through it as fast as you can?

Like everything else, it depends on who teaches it to you. :)
Like all sets the finger set is a way to isolate a particular group of basics. While I don't know who developed the set this is what I was taught about it:

1. It teaches the insert moves required to make certain techniques work correctly, i.e. the eye hook in Shield & Sword to make him put his hands up, the eye slice in Parting Wings so you can get in your palm heel shot.

2. The strike order covers five of the eight methods of execution (Thrusting, Whipping, Slicing, Clawing, and Hooking)

Mr. Planas put out a series of tapes on the Kenpo forms and on one of them he gives an explanation of the finger set which is excellent.
Does anyone have a link to an online vid of the finger sets? I'm interested in what it is, just hate to buy a video for a one time viewing.