How Do You Practice?

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Originally posted by Kirk
During training today, we came up with HOW to train at home,
to enhance what you've been taught, instead of messing it
up! LOL One senior belt said, "do it 1000 times slow before
you do it one time fast". Now I'm a yellow belt. I study the
orange belt techniques that I've been taught so far, plus forms,
sets, etc, and I try to make sure I cover the yellow techniques
as well. Maybe not all in one day, but enough I think so that I
won't forget them in the future. So should I still do the yellow
belt techniques slowly? What's a good pace?

I am sooooooo into Kenpo, if I'm not doing it, I'm thinking/reading/
posting/ about it. Doing it is the MOST fun, but practicing outside
of school is a pain in the keyster! I'm not sure what I do/practice
at home is actually helping me or not.

Qi Gong standing And Moving Hard and Soft Gong Motion; Wrist Push-ups; Qi gong Advanced Stretching Meditative Breathing; Steel Makiwara Work; Circular Boxing Analogies (Upper And Lower Body); Flowing Analogies; And Variation Analogies: Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by arnisador

There's no substitute for physical practice, but mental rehearsals can help too. When walking I often imagine what I'd do if someone attacked from here or from there. If a solution isn't obvious or acceptable I make a mental note to work on it later. My wife will be holding my hand and ask "You're thinking about the martial arts again aren't you?" as she feels my hand jumping just a bit as I think.

This happens to me when I'm walking with my wife and using visualzation training at the same time, which happens a lot much to her regret. She will look at me with a smile and say "You're having another kenpo seizure" Another thing that I do is pick up my walking pace, which does annoy her.
As for my physical training goes, I employ Chuck Norris's graduated speed drills, which I won't go into here as I posted it already under technique reps, to work my techniques, basics and sometimes my forms. I also work my technques full contact on my bag, which I attached arm and leg to.
when I practice (every day I'm not in class) I start with my orange belt card (we don't have a yellow rank) and go from technique number one all the way through 24, and do short form one, then flip to my purple belt card and do my techniques and short form two, then to my blue belt card and do techs and long form one, then to green belt card and do techs and short form 3, then, since we don't have any additional requirements for brown belt other than forms, I do long form 2 and the parts I know of long 3, then I do my weapons katas, then I'm done. takes about an hour and a half to two hours depending on how much I want to nitpick.

When I don't have time for practice, I get out my notebook and start plugging techniques into the technique lists that are on my instructor's website (I'm the webmaster). That way, I at least get a little review, and I get something accomplished at the same time.