Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I GOT A GOLD STAR, I GOT A GOLD STAR. !!! :boing1: :boing1: :boing1:
Thanks for the help Joe. I appreciate the help.
I'll even forgive you for calling me a slut. LMAO 
btw Joe, per out "im" conversation, the part I'm having trouble getting through is ....
13. Execute a right hand crane finger-whip to your attacker's eyes as your left hand checks at the groin.
14. Execute a left hand crane finger-whip to your attacker's eyes as your right hand checks at the groin.
15. Execute a right hand crane finger-whip from your right hip into your attacker's groin as your left hand checks at your groin.
16. Execute a left hand crane finger-whip from your left hip into your attacker's groin as your right hand check at your groin.
Crain Finger-whip, that's what I was trying to describe and doing a horrible job at. :shrug:
This that section the right hand and the left hand can't figure out what each other are doing. I'm probably doing an excellent impressonation of one of the stooges while I'm doing it.
Ok,Dot,when I finally meet you i'll stick that gold star on your forehead for all the world to see!
the overhead and underhand finger whips are used in conjunction with a "push down block" checking hand as you cock the striking hand in a "shape of the crane" position, you then torque your wrist so that the back of your hand is facing your opponent and your wrists flexes forward so that your index and middle finger strike outward toward your opponent in a whipping action [preferably into his eye ball] you then turn your hand so there is a built in slicing action and then grabbing action to rip/pluck the eyeball out as you return to the shape of the crane position--but that's a kenpo secret! print this post up then eat it!--not the eyeball!] you normally don't do the slicing and/or plucking action but Mr. Parker did show it to me because he knew I liked the "gruesome" stuff!
as you transition to the left side of the same set [6a & b] you utilize the "double factor" by opening the right shape of the crane hand into a right inward circular parry so that it ends up in the right "push down Block" position circles outward and up into the cocked left "shape of the crane" position. you then repeat the whipping action with the left hand.
In application, you would use the checking hand to push down your opponent's arm as you execute the finger whips
you would then do the same with the underhand whips to the groin area wth the underhand actions.
there you go,Dot! now be a nice girl and practice your finger set and await my upcoming video tape on this wonderful set!!
if you're a good girl, you'll get snacks!!
I hope that I was of some service:asian:
:::Getting off my soapbox now::::soapbox: