Finger Set

  • Thread starter Thread starter KenpoGirl
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Originally posted by jfarnsworth

Is this open others as well? We touched only on a slight bit of long 4. Just curious.

The more the merrier!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No I will have to say it is no longer "Hokey". :eek: Can you Believe it??

I am getting use to doing it, but I still have a lot of work to do. Certain sections of it, my hands just don't seem to want to do very well, but I am improving.

LOL But I doubt I will ever loose the oppinion that it was created by watching the Stooges. Heck it makes it a lot more fun if you add some ...

Whoo whooo whoooo's, and the Yuck Yuck's as you are doing the set. ;)

soytanly. :lol:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Hey Thanks for everyones input.

Didn't mean to bash it, I truely do understand it's uses, even more after Mr. Billings help.

Blame it on my Misspent youth, forced to what endless reruns of the 3 stooges on Sunday afternoon. The very first time I saw it I laughed out loud because of the similarities it has to what the stooges use to do to each other.


Ed Parker used to make references to the 3 Stooges and some of their movements as examples in lecture.
If you don't appreciate it now wait until you learn Form 7 "Knife set" The opening of the form is finger set applied to the knife. Then there is also fingerset 2.:erg:
Start inserting strikes from Finger Set into some of your techniques, and you'll begin to understand the purpose and validity of the set.
Okay Okay, I confess. I don't mind fingerset so much anymore.

I'm fairly comfortable with it now. Only occationally getting screwed up the the ........ aaaaawww geeeeze what are they called????? Oh yes the Crane Finger Whips (thank god for kenponet ..... oops can I say that here?). My right side not knowing what my left side is doing.

Plus I got the added boost that I learned the "jist" of the movements for the set in 2 days. Two other fellow students took two weeks to figure it out. :EG: {pats self on back}

LMAO of course that is tempered with the fact that it took me months to get kicking set, and two kids in class learned it in 2 days. So I take what I can get.

I am soon on my way to learning finger set II so that should be worth a comment or two. LOL at the very least it will be worth a laugh for my fellow MT members. :D

To be continued .........

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I am soon on my way to learning finger set II so that should be worth a comment or two.

Yeah, don't you need to sit on I for a considerable amount of time first. No use in learning new material when we still have to refine previous material.:asian:
Although at the moment I'm learning this arm lock set that is very painful after about the 9th time through. (actually it's painful the first time, but excruciating the 9th time). The idea is to apply the locks in a sequence, then use both hands fuidly within the sequence, then be able to switch them around and get them on a live partner. My training parner & I are working on the third stage, up down & sideways. We did this after lifting the other night, then we had class (sai & bo work). The next morning I could barely comb my hair.

There's a next step, but I'm a long way from adept with my left in general, and against a resisting parner in specific.
I always thought finger set was cool. I find myself doing it alot when I'm behind the wheel of my car (at red lights of course).
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yeah, don't you need to sit on I for a considerable amount of time first. No use in learning new material when we still have to refine previous material.:asian:

It was November when I first learned finger set I, that's 5 months, are you saying I should not be learning finger set II yet?


Originally posted by KenpoGirl
It was November when I first learned finger set I, that's 5 months, are you saying I should not be learning finger set II yet?

I guess that's up to you and your instructor. As for me I haven't learned it yet although I do know it's a heck of a lot harder than the first set.
I am soon on my way to learning finger set II so that should be worth a comment or two. LOL at the very least it will be worth a laugh for my fellow MT members.

For the most part FS II is FS I with foot maneuvers
Dear KenpoGirl,

I did not read all of the replies to your thread. Let me say this. If you ever get the chance to attend any seminar that Gary Ellis, 7th degree in England, is teaching, please make it a point to attend. I have never seen the Finger Set done the way he does it. His understanding and presentation is awesome! And he is a fantastic instructor.

He has been coming to the states about once a year lately and he has a big camp in England every year.

I suggest e-mailing him some of your questions concerning the Finger Set. Just search his name, Gary Ellis, and his web site should come up with his e-mail.

I attended a class where he went over the finger set. All in attendance were various degrees of Black Belt. ALL of us left feeling like white belts. A new perspective is like a breath of fresh air sometimes.

E-mail him. You won't be sorry.
Your in Kenpo

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