What to do about workplace threat....

At the very least a solid paper trail makes your claim of self defense and your lawsuit against your employer for unjust termination a lot stronger.

Make sure the police actually take that report. Get a case number. Get in touch with the officer they've supposedly assigned to the case. I've been involved with more than one situation where they didn't and lied like a cheap carpet afterwards. Police these days tend to follow S.O.P. no matter what. It's the safe thing to do. It protects the individual officer. It protects the Department. That's why you got the zombie-like treatment from the one you already talked to.

Your company will not back you up if you are directly threatened and take the indicated action. They will almost certainly fire you. That's how HR works. Documentation of the fact that there was an unsafe work environment and that they did not take adequate measures to ensure employee safety will be very helpful.
At the very least a solid paper trail makes your claim of self defense and your lawsuit against your employer for unjust termination a lot stronger. Documentation of the fact that there was an unsafe work environment and that they did not take adequate measures to ensure employee safety will be very helpful.

The more paperwork the bigger your folder gets..When or if you have to walk into court you want your folder the size of the New York City White Pages..
We really cannot give you legal advice, for that, see a lawyer. However, reporting it to HR may be a good idea.

However, most people that threaten, rarely carry through. Threats are mostly used to control through fear. Those that would want to do you harm would likely do so without threatening.

IMO, sounds like this guy is probably an older version of his school yard bully childhood.

I would take every threat very seriously. I certainly wouldn't dismiss it as what they probably might not do.
Thanks everyone for all the advice,I felt a lot better going to work today.I did heed one persons advice to let everyone and their dog know what the deal was.I'm not trying to stir anything up here,just trying to get real answers.If it involved just myself I could probably control the fear better but all I can do is think of my wife.
I was taken back a little by the cops response;"well we really can't do anything until something happens" gee,go figure.Not every real situation is by the textbook or paper. I'm sure some people here can relate to a time when you could actually talk to people and get a human response,now a day everything is litigation & so PC,PC.I want to know are ordinary people really protected?Certainly some of you can relate.I just read all of your threads,you guys are great.I'll get through this unscathed,yes, cool heads prevail,but it helps to be aware of your surroundings as well.Thanks again for all of your input,Qwksilver61
Carry a tape recorder and inform them that they're being recorded. This might be a technical loophole to allow you to place another tape recorder in a place he might go where he thinks it's safe to make his intentions known. I hope this person didn't manage to find out your contact info, address etc. If so, that's a failure of your business to protect your confidentiality. Talk is cheap but if you can make it work it is the best rout. Get a witness who can vouch for the insinuation, for what it's worth. Too bad there's tolerance for people who make threats. I think they should be calmly shot on the spot, the mess wiped up with a rag and the corpse turned into dog food. If he had a family and kids he should've thought of them before he decided to die.

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