In response to Brocklee; a true Wing Tsun man never powers (ie; the bicep & the tricep working against one another)through,in the real school of Wing Tsun you have to understand "preserving the gravity of the trunk" this is achieved through the repetitive wall bag exercises,if your shoulders move back when your punch is delivered,you are pushing (forcing your punch) if you have to reach you are commiting and not preserving the gravity of the trunk.
Over time by smacking the wallbag will you develop smackdown power similar to a whip (that is why it is most important to relax,in time you will develop a springy muscle) add the turnstile effect,straightline attack,and there you go. Call/ask any practitioner of The Wing Tsun system and he will probably give you an explanation,or you can buy the books,but as a good student knows there is nothing like real instruction,the books only aid in explaining theory.Do some homework,Or find a real school.For the other fellow don't give up!persevere! Find a real Wing Tsun school,go online.Someday.......
No thanks. I've been a student of LT before and am happy to have gotten out. I don't think this is the appropriate thread to discuss which is better or why. Also, it tends to become an uphill battle discussing this with a WT student, so it isn't even worth talking about. I've already done my homework and have found a real kuen.
and wall bags are used to control structure