[FAQ] Whats the story with the "White Belt" in my profile?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
There has been a small amount of confusion in regards to why our members profiles show their rank as a "white" belt, when for many it has been several years since they last wore one. :)

Our user profiles "rank" system is based on the number of posts you make/respond to. The more you participate, the higher your rank. We encourage you to list your martial arts experience in your profile, and if you like, also in your signature (accessed through the User CP button at the top of the screen.

For clarity, here are the Martialtalk.com ranks and their required post counts:
White Belt (Minimum Posts: 0)
Yellow Belt (Minimum Posts: 20)
Orange Belt (Minimum Posts: 60)
Green Belt (Minimum Posts: 100)
Blue Belt (Minimum Posts: 200)
Brown Belt (Minimum Posts: 300)
Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 500)
Master Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 700)
Grand Master (Minimum Posts: 1000)

We hope this clears up any confusion. :)
Question for Y'all:

Should we add in 1/2 belt or "dan" levels for the black belts?

Example would be:
White Belt (Minimum Posts: 0)
Adv White Belt = 10 posts
Yellow Belt (Minimum Posts: 20)
Adv Yellow belt = 40 posts
Black Belt [3rd dan](Minimum Posts: 500)
Black Belt [2nd dan](Minimum Posts: 600)
Black Belt [1st dan](Minimum Posts: 700)
Master Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 800) [was 700]
Grand Master (Minimum Posts: 1000)

Thanks guys. The responce to the forum has been great. It wouldn't be great though without everyones input. I mean, without you folks posting, it would just be me talking to myself...and I do enough of that as it is. :) I apreciate the RMA comparision. When I was tossing this idea around I did think "they got RMA, what use is another forum?" but then I went and read thru RMA and realized that while its cool, theres still room for improvement. so, here we are. :)

I think for now, I'll leave the titles where they are. maybe reorg later if it needs it, but for now, i think they are working. :)
Yup. so far no weenies...and if they do pop up, its fairly easy to ban em. Also, its simple to move off topic threads into the proper forums, and you won't find a thousand ads for porn sites either. :)
Ok, so we've had a couple of weenies, and spanked a few. :)

We're over the 1,000 post point, and heading for 100 members. :)

We have a few new forums, and have already awarded our first "Brown belts" :)

We're doing good. :D

But Gou, If I do that, it'll take ya at least until Xmas to hit GM status. :)
"Master of Posting-Posting"...I like that one. :rofl:

I set em up this way to give the board a little "flavor"...with the "Grandmaster" title being 1000 posts as a sort of "in" joke (1,000 = 1 grand) :shrug:

I haven't gotten any feedback from anyone insulted by it, but have gotten a few "what's that mean? I'm not a white belt." which indicates I need to make the definition clearer.

Regardless of which system or lack there of we got with, we will always have the "me toos" and those who post just to up the count. I can manually modify post counts on users, so if someone seems to be going for a new level, by posting empty msgs, we can either kill the junk posts (usual method) or decrease their count by a hundred or so. :D

There are a few threads that turn in to more of a bunch of friends BSing, but I think most of them are pretty on topic. I've only seen 1 user here post alot to bump up the count, and we killed those msgs.

The other thing is, those "ranks" are modifiable by the members, so if you wanted to be a "Master of Posty-Posty" (I do so like that one!) you could. :) (Look in the user control panel, under options I think)

Ok...todo list - clear up rules, belt explainations and forum usage. :)

"add Martial Talk to the ranks..." Might just do that. :)

DWright - I know what you mean...I'm a student of Tim Hartmans, and he said as much during 1 of our classes shortly after we got going. The whole "I just got my Yellow Belt" caused a few chuckles....and a few new members. :) I like the board...its fun. :)

I need to do some writing on a bunch o things. (puts on todo list) :D

Ok, I added "Martial Talk" as part of the belt ranks. Let me know if it looks good, is too awkward, or what. :)

I'm planning on revamping the main tool bar for the site shortly, and am gonna add the belt definitions to the menu, and to the sign up page too. I like the idea.



Hmm...Certificates..... :)
I got an idea to tweak it a bit...once I get a few minutes to play. :)
Took me long enough. :D

I'm gonna revamp the BBelt titles later on. I was thinking of something along the lines of :

BlackBelt = 700 posts
2nd Degree BB = 800
3rd Degree BB = 900
Master BB = 1000 (rather than 4th degree)
5th = 1200
6th = 1400
7th = 1750
8th = 2500
9th = 3500
Grandmaster = 5000

Revered Founder = 10,000

Also have a few other ideas, once I get done looking through the vBhacks forums. :)

So, ya like the jazzed up title look on the BB ranks? :)
Current Rankings:

Martial Talk White Belt (Minimum Posts: 0)

Martial Talk Yellow Belt (Minimum Posts: 20)

Martial Talk Orange Belt (Minimum Posts: 60)

Martial Talk Green Belt (Minimum Posts: 100)

Martial Talk Blue Belt (Minimum Posts: 200)

Martial Talk Brown Belt (Minimum Posts: 300)

Martial Talk Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 500)

Martial Talk 2nd Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 700)

Martial Talk 3rd Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 900)

Martial Talk Master Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 1000)

Martial Talk Grandmaster (Minimum Posts: 5000)

Once you hit Black Belt, you get a jazzed up title display. :)
Lemme know what ya think.
Its for fun. :) Not to mention the great "suitable for framing" cert ya get when you hit black belt here. ;)

I may add a field to the member profile so you can enter in your primary art rank if you like.

Nah. Didn't sound mean at all. No worries. :)

Have had several folks whose teachers are also on here go back n razz em (in that friendly way) about their being a white belt. Its a fun thing.

I'll be adding that field shortly. :)

We can add a bunch of optional info fields to the profile. But, I think we got the "forum" important ones already listing on the posts, so I have no plans to expand that.
I think I know what youre refering to, but toss me a link and I'll take a look at it.
I for one would like to see more spacing after the black belt level.
2nd black at 800
3rd at 1200
4th at 2000
5th at 3000
6th at 4000
7th at 5000
8th at 7000
9th at 9000
Grandmaster at 12,000 posts.
Otherwise I like how it is.
There's always one smart @ss in the crowd isn't there?

But overall I think the increase would make things looks good in the long term.
2nd black at 800
3rd at 1200
4th at 2000
5th at 3000
6th at 4000
7th at 5000
8th at 7000
9th at 9000
Grandmaster at 12,000 posts.

This way no one's level gets changed and there is more of a long term plan for the board.
That's funny, I have heard people say the opposite that they like the belt level things because it's different, it's fun, or just that it's something no one else is doing.

Personally, and I say this is my opinion, if someone is insulted by being called a white belt then maybe there are other "issues" to deal with.

Also i am trying to cut down on my posting to give other people stuff to read other than my 2 cents.