[FAQ] Whats the story with the "White Belt" in my profile?

I guess that means you and I have to stop talking so much?
Man, these new rank levels sound sooo, sooo, familiar...

Heh heh heh...
Originally posted by GouRonin

5th at 3000

Or one could do it Modern Arnis style--at 5th degree everyone becomes their own grandmaster. If one's posts are sufficiently pleasing a "Master of Posting-Posting" title, above and beyond rank, could be added.

If posting from an IP address located in Korea, the software should automatically increase the rank by two levels.

On a serious note, though, it seems to me that people find these belt rankings confusing, and I could imagine someone being insulted at being labeled a "white belt". As there are already black belts on the board it's clear that colored belt rankings will be quite transient for frequent posters. And in any event, "He's got a black belt in Martial Talk" sounds like an insult directed at an armchair martial artist.

I wonder if another system, or no system, might be superior. I see that this system tends to increase the post count but now that there's a nucleus of people on the board is that really desireable? When it becomes difficult to wade through all the jokes and "me toos" I'm sure you'll find interest dropping.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Personally, and I say this is my opinion, if someone is insulted by being called a white belt then maybe there are other "issues" to deal with.

I would not disagree, and I have not seen any evidence of anyone being offended by this. However it does seem to cause some confusion.

Perhaps there's space to indicate "MartialTalk White Belt" etc. rather than just "White Belt"? That might help clarify the matter. I hadn't realized there was as much flexibility as there is in the management of the ranks and posts, both by the user and by the moderators. This is certainly a nice software package.
Originally posted by Nate_Hoopes
I think a field for a persons legitimate rank in their profiles or whatever is an AWESOME idea.

I feel the opposite: Even if it doesn't raise issues of what is and is not "legitimate" rank, I prefer seeing people judged by the quality of their posts here. With true ranks posted, will karate white belts feel compelled to refer to karate black belts as Sensei and feel reluctant to disagree with them? The information can be put into the Profile but I'd rather not see it in peoples' faces as it were when a reply is being composed.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
We can add a bunch of optional info fields to the profile. But, I think we got the "forum" important ones already listing on the posts, so I have no plans to expand that.

Ah, I misunderstood. Never mind (scroll down).
Well, that's really up to you, ultimately :)

Doesn't really bother me much either way. I'm not going to just spew posts out to get a higher level bb belt :)

BTW, I'm digging this forum, Kaith! It's like a well-organized version of RMA-moderated. Kudos!

Well, there's a BIG difference between RMA and RMA-moderated. I was comparing these forums to the latter, which is usually pretty good at filtering out the garbage that seems to collect on RMA. The quality of posts on the moderated newsgroup is much better than the regular RMA group. I find only about 5% of that stuff readable. The problem with the moderated RMA is that the moderation part of it tends to cut down on the amount and frequency of posts, which is to be expected, I guess.

I like these forums because posts and replies are fairly frequent, and the registration process tends to keep the weenies out (ain't seen any so far!). I also enjoy the variety of topics discussed, as well as the maturity and clarity of the posters.

Again, kudos!

I think adding the 'Martial Talk' was a good idea. However, since I've got so many dang posts, the title under my nick is a bit unwieldly :D

I would, Gou, but so many people are giving me such good topics to reply to. :D

Oh hey! The Big Cheese of the Board made MartialTalk Master Black Belt!

Awww...I'm not a 'Master' anymore? :D Actually, I like this new system better. I was feeling uncomfortable with the term 'Master' under my nick.

I agree. The rank system is up to you.

I like the forum to get in touch with others in the MA community.

I don't have many contacts out here, so I like the forum to bounce ideas around.

Thanks for putting a great site together.
I like the MOPPS. Nice twist. As for forum ranking it is all in fun.

It's been a long time since I have worn a yellow belt, but I remember my first yellow belt test. I was proud of the rank.

I even told my class that I was a yellow belt here. Most of them stopped in for to read the posts. Now we have more white belts.
Martial Talk added to the rank looks fine. It did catch my attention that it had been changed. Not as symetrical, but people should understand that the rank goes with the forum.
Most web boards have some method of ranking people by the amount of posts they've made. Some have fewer (or more) ranks than others. It could be as few as two levels -- start as a "junior member" and after X posts you become a "full member". Basically it's a quick way for others to know how much you tend to post. For a martial arts board, using a belt ranking system makes perfect sense. No, it's not going to win you any awards in the real world :) but it's fine for the purpose it's meant to serve -- dividing people into categories based on numbers of posts..
Kaith, since your looking for some feedback, heres mine:
I did not pay much attention to that white belt rank when I sign in for the first time, but I got to admit I wondered how it got changed to yellow belt. Do I get a certificate with my promotion?? :) I think it is great concept, now i understand what it is all about. Is there anywhere you could put an explaination on the sign up page? I also think adding Martial talk would be okay too.
I also like what you have built here, there is a variety of things to read and discuss unlike other forums.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Ok, I added "Martial Talk" as part of the belt ranks. Let me know if it looks good, is too awkward, or what. :)


Hmm...Certificates..... :)

I think the Martial Talk is fine. As a matter fact, I introduced Victoria (new member who just signed up 2 days ago) to martialtalk and as soon as she started to read a post I wrote she called me and asked me why my rank showed "White belt", she was confused because she knows I haven't worn one in many years. I explained to here what the concept was and she thought the idea of rank with posts was a very good idea.

Take care
Dosent matter to me here, my "real" colors are what matter to me.

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