EXTRA: Jimmy Swaggert back in the news!!

(stands up)


(sits down)
Awright, that is ENOUGH.

Little Miss Pert, hold out your hands. Palm up...no, HOLD THEM OUT.
(holds up two fingers with two hands) :2xBird2:
You will be the first to taste my ruler today.

THWACK. No...hold up the other one.

Hm. Isn't that what the hooker told Jimmy, back in that motel?
(ruler breaks over She-Sulsa's hand)

Nuthin' like taking one for the team.

(picks up backpack and struts out of the room)
I've been teaching for over twenty years. Titanium ruler. Then there are the Claymores in the hall, for the TRULY difficult student.
you could use one of my computer science professors tactics when he gets frustrated with a bad student...flood us with quizzes that are easy if you spent your time reading and working through the material or that you'll fail everytime if you don't...i've seen him do this more than once to weed out students...literally, quizzes everyday for over month...

they either cure you or kill you
rmcrobertson said:
I've been teaching for over twenty years. Titanium ruler.
You're Catholic, aren't you?

rmcrobertson said:
Then there are the Claymores in the hall, for the TRULY difficult student.
Great! Thanks!

(Grabs Claymore and turns to glance at teach)


(charges off down the hall)
You're grabbing the one labelled, "FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY?"

Hm. Now class, let's go back to work. NOW.
Did not!!! I was just taking a nap on the crayon box, and one got stuck up my nose!

I need to see the nurse. All I can smell is cornflower blue.