Ex-Porn star reads to kids

Hmmm... I don't believe I said she couldn't go into that industry or that that industry should be ended by state or private action. I simply don't think it is a good idea to have someone who actively supports that industry, proudly, in a school where she doesn't have kids. Hardly makes me a puritan, just someone who looks at the issue a little more deeply than some.

and we have another storm in the water glass.
As Sasha Grey, former porn star reads to elementary students in a California school.

Parents question why the school could not have found a firefighter or policeman to read to the kids.
heck, maybe they need a football coach, I know of a few without a job right now.

(Seriously though...I hope that 1st and 3rd graders have not had an eyefull of Ms Grey in her notable roles. So only the parents really know that this young woman did something other than reading to kids first...)

Damn, why couldn't I have had this when I was in school! LOL! :D

Ok, all kidding aside...I dont see a problem with this. Unless someone opens their mouth, I highly doubt these kids will know her past. I doubt this is the first time a former (insert drug addict, alcoholic, etc.) has talked to kids about something.
yeah, but at 6 or 8...you would not have been able to appreciate it! :D
Now, that bunch of high school seniors I get to talk to here and there.....

But she should of thought about it too, and considered her actions.

Considering she probably did, and considering that the activity she engaged in is legal in the US, it's a non-issue to me.
I don't see her as 'morally bad'. Her choice of careers isn't one I'd have chosen however.
For the smart *** who will ask why, I'll say it's because it's bad enough I get compared to Jack Black and Kevin Smith.
I don't want to be compared to Ron Jeremy.

But unless she stopped to shag the pool cleaner between chapters, or showed up dressed like Lady Gaga, I don't see a problem. She was most likely introduced as a model, actress or musician.

Not as an ex-knob-gobbler-cum-dumpster.

Oh, and the questions I asked Bill?
Who was I referring to?
Ted Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, George Dubya Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and at least a dozen more.
Considering she probably did, and considering that the activity she engaged in is legal in the US, it's a non-issue to me.
I don't see her as 'morally bad'. Her choice of careers isn't one I'd have chosen however.
For the smart *** who will ask why, I'll say it's because it's bad enough I get compared to Jack Black and Kevin Smith.
I don't want to be compared to Ron Jeremy.

But unless she stopped to shag the pool cleaner between chapters, or showed up dressed like Lady Gaga, I don't see a problem. She was most likely introduced as a model, actress or musician.

Not as an ex-knob-gobbler-cum-dumpster.

Oh, and the questions I asked Bill?
Who was I referring to?
Ted Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, George Dubya Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and at least a dozen more.

LOL, Lady Gaga....would you let her read to your elementary school class?
Which one does George Bush fit into, not the rapist, the drowner or the cheater, at least not that I have heard and believe me, if there was a scent of any of that we would know about it. The kennedy's, a real bunch of scum, ditto for clinton. Who is the rapist in this stack, Clinton, yeah, I believe Juanita Broderick and the woman from Highlander, but he was never brought to trial on that or convicted. Oh, Mike Tyson, can he even read himself? I wouldn't let any of those except for perhaps Bush to read to kids, which he did on the day of 9/11. But, as a rule, I wouldn't want any politicians reading to kids either.
You know Gran.....based on what little I know about Gaga.....much as I'm not a fan, not into the lifestyle, not into the 'scene', music etc....

I'd have to say that I probably would.
Not to mention the kennedy/dodd waitress sandwich, which they both got away with and dodd is still in office and was one of the prime movers in the mortgage crisis, and still is in office.
Which one does George Bush fit into, not the rapist, the drowner or the cheater, at least not that I have heard and believe me, if there was a scent of any of that we would know about it. The kennedy's, a real bunch of scum, ditto for clinton. Who is the rapist in this stack, Clinton, yeah, I believe Juanita Broderick and the woman from Highlander, but he was never brought to trial on that or convicted. Oh, Mike Tyson, can he even read himself? I wouldn't let any of those except for perhaps Bush to read to kids, which he did on the day of 9/11. But, as a rule, I wouldn't want any politicians reading to kids either.

Bush has/had a mistress while he was Gov. He's also an admitted abuser of illegal drugs, and has a questionable military background.
Tyson has a rape conviction.

The Kennedy's were known for their sexual, ah, extravagances.

Arnold, had that mistress. It's not a rumor. ;)

Here's another couple:
Would you let the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, former Buffalo Bill Jim Kelley, or the late Gracie Allen (wife of the late George Burns) read to kids?
Do you have proof of the mistress, cause I have to say, I doubt that would have gone unnoticed by the mainstream press, considering the front page coverage of his 1976 DUI arrest the weekend before the election. It is just hard to believe that that escaped attention, or mention. The sketchy military record is a silly charge, I was in the national guard, I know how that works, and true, the illegal drugs was bad, but did he profess that they were good for people. If he did he would be disqualified for that, but the politician thing still stands.
You know Gran.....based on what little I know about Gaga.....much as I'm not a fan, not into the lifestyle, not into the 'scene', music etc....

I'd have to say that I probably would.

Yeah, but if she walked in in elementary school fit clothes, would you recognize her?
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Hmmm...show of hands, how many posters here would tell their 17 year old son or daughter, "forget working at the big box store, forget waitressing, I have set up an audition for you with a porn director, you'll make a lot more money than you would at the big box store and have better hours." Well, show of hands please, no chickens allowed.

I'll read your responses tomorrow, adieu.
Hmmm...show of hands, how many posters here would tell their 17 year old son or daughter, "forget working at the big box store, forget waitressing, I have set up an audition for you with a porn director, you'll make a lot more money than you would at the big box store and have better hours." Well, show of hands please, no chickens allowed.

I'll read your responses tomorrow, adieu.

Don't be obtuse.

The lady was reading to 1st and 3rd graders. Kids that are somewhere around 6 and 8 or 9 years old.
If you let those kids on the internet unsupervised an ex-pornstar won't hurt the parenting one iota!

Considering that we just had a little outrage in the nation about a well respected football coach turning several blind eyes to the rape of children of this age bracket, are you for real?

(and I believe the legal age for adult film making is 18)

Then again....
How about Drew Barrymore as keynote speaker for the annual Dr Zeus fest in the library?
I mean, she played in a fairy tale movie (aside from doing just about everything else other than sex tapes)
Hmmm...show of hands, how many posters here would tell their 17 year old son or daughter, "forget working at the big box store, forget waitressing, I have set up an audition for you with a porn director, you'll make a lot more money than you would at the big box store and have better hours." Well, show of hands please, no chickens allowed.

I'll read your responses tomorrow, adieu.

I don't see it that way. As I said, the school screwed up. Just because you have a porn star reading a book to kids, doesn't mean you will be a porn star. There isn't enough interaction or time spent with the students. At that age the students are too young, it takes allot of indoctrination and reinforcement. She would have had to introduce herself as an ex-porn star. Like, "hey kids when you grow up get into the porn industry, you make money like me." She was probably introduced as a movie star, which none of the kids new of. Oh, I had a teacher who was an ex-musican in the sixth grade, I didn't turn out to be a musician. It was too brief of an encounter to a group too young to be influenced. For them to be influenced to get into the porn business they would have to be exposed to porn and have parents who didn't find porn to be an issue. Or have a personality, once exposed to porn, got into the business to rebel against their parents. Things like that. Not one visit from an ex-porn star, who is a movie star reading them a book has a great impact to get them into Adult film industry..
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With this many pages I`m sure the topic has changed from it`s original one to lots of arguing and personal attacks I just don`t feel like reading, so I didn`t. I read the first two pages, decided to comment, and then I`ll leave the topic for good.

I`m an ordained minister and a former full-time missionary. I`ve also been working as a junior high school teacher since I moved here seven years ago. I don`t see anything wrong with Miss Grey reading to kids at all. I`d be happy to have her come read at the two elementary school classes I do each week. How many of the people who become teachers every year have never been drunk,gotten high, had premarital sex, gotten in a fight,gone streaking or mooned someone? How many of the parents have never done something they regret? But people change, and most of us are well behaved around little kids. I doubt if she`s reading them Penthouse Letters, or doing it in a thong.
If she was introduced as a former porn star then its bad. If she was introduced as current actress on hit tv shows and the porn thing was never brought up then no big deal the kids would. Not know her past unless an adult told them.

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