Ex-Porn star reads to kids

A strong factor is the fact that she is applauded for her career in porn, and is also proud of her career in porn. The former drug dealer/user or gang member would need to not be proud of their past life and trying to keep other kids from making their mistakes. That would be a big difference for a start. The porn industry is apparently seen as legitimate where drug use and gang membership are not.
I'm curious, why not. It seems that many think the porn business is no different than any other industry, there is a great deal of money in it as well as fame, from what I can tell no heavy lifting and the hours are pretty good. There is probably the chance at travel as well. Why wouldn't you encourage your son or daughter to go into this apparently harmless profession? Heck, they even help kids learn to read. What's not to like?

Interestingly enough, that's NOT what I said. I do believe that the porn industry is gravely disordered, and a perversion of something that belongs within the bounds of marriage. I never said differently. I didn't even say it did no harm, because I do believe that it has great potential to harm marriages and chastity. Just like I don't consider prostitution, even with a fully willing and consenting person, as either victimless or harmless. But those are MY beliefs -- and this Miss Grey wasn't espousing her former industry or her current line of work. She was reading to kids. I can draw the line between the sinner and the sin.
But can a teenager? If they find themselves in trouble, with no money to pay the rent, why not do some quick porn for cash. Look at Ms. Grey, she apparently did porn for 5 years, looks beautiful, is rich, well spoken, is on a popular cable show, and is looked up to by the community. You can't say she isn't now looked up to, they let her read to kids. You are a good dad, as far as I can tell, but are teenagers smart enough to not see Ms. Grey in a more nuanced light.
I'm not trying to attack you Jks, it is just that some questions need to be examined in this debate beyond her reading to kids. I like what you have to say about marriage and the rest, it is the same way I generally feel. The deeper issues here need to be examined though.
You're still missing a point, billi, by not answering my earlier question: Should Jenna Jameson be permitted to read to her boys' elementary school classes? Or bake cookies? Or chaperone field trips? If we exclude her on the basis of her profession/former profession, whom else should we exclude?
Hmm...I don't know about Jameson. If her kids are in class then it is already a known quantity in the community, so she could probably do all the mom stuff for her kids. The Grey issue is different because she has no ties to that classroom and no kids in the school, as a controversial figure, the parents should have been told before the event and given the option to opt out. Why invite that industry into the classroom by bringing Grey into it.
Elder, would you suggest to your kids that instead of being a teacher, or a scientist, they should go into the porn business because they would make more money? Or perhaps that their career in porn would be just as rewarding as one in science, with less homework and no college needed?
But can a teenager? If they find themselves in trouble, with no money to pay the rent, why not do some quick porn for cash. Look at Ms. Grey, she apparently did porn for 5 years, looks beautiful, is rich, well spoken, is on a popular cable show, and is looked up to by the community. You can't say she isn't now looked up to, they let her read to kids. You are a good dad, as far as I can tell, but are teenagers smart enough to not see Ms. Grey in a more nuanced light.

Again -- by the time the kid's a teen, you have either succeeded in teaching them your values, or failed. There comes a time when they may choose on their own to do things that you are against, but unless you're going to lock them away or stay by their side 24/7 -- you're going to have to trust that, by and large, they will make choices in concert with how you raised them.

And we're not talking about teenagers. We're talking about elementary school students (1st & 3rd grade.) Who probably would have had no idea who she was had it simply been left "Sasha Grey, actress." Honestly, were she to speak at a high school, I wouldn't have a major problem with it, either. Though I do suspect that there'd be so much silliness from the male students (and some teachers) that her message would be lost.
Hmm...I don't know about Jameson. If her kids are in class then it is already a known quantity in the community, so she could probably do all the mom stuff for her kids. The Grey issue is different because she has no ties to that classroom and no kids in the school, as a controversial figure, the parents should have been told before the event and given the option to opt out. Why invite that industry into the classroom by bringing Grey into it.

Grey wasn't controversial until she read for the class, as a volunteer.

"That industry" is "Hollywood," no matter how much they might seem separated, or the insistence upon such from the perceived "legitimate side" of it.

If you can't exclude Jameson for "already being a known quanity," how can you exclude someone else for not being known? Or include those who might likewise be found to be controversial, like a Catholic priest? Certainly not without letting the parents have the option of opting out:This week's reader will be the Reverend Joe Paterno Sandusky, of the Catholic Church. Those parents who have objections can designate an altenate activity for their children here. :lfao:
Elder, parents should be made aware of anyone outside of the school coming in to interact with students. If the person is a parent coming in with a student in the school, essentially what I meant by a known quantity, that is different, they are part of that school community already. Or perhaps a Muslim Imam, Elder?
Elder, would you suggest to your kids that instead of being a teacher, or a scientist, they should go into the porn business because they would make more money? Or perhaps that their career in porn would be just as rewarding as one in science, with less homework and no college needed?

Some of the older members might tell you that you're asking the wrong guy. :lfao:

Ironically, my son is a teacher; my daughter is a doctor. I made no suggestions to their career choices, and only told them that whatever choice they made, I would still love them. THat's the end of the story. If they'd asked me about working in porn, I'd have given them my opinion, and the same answer.
Wow, my psychic abilities must be starting to manifest themselves. Two for two, that's not bad.
Would I have a problem with my kids going into porn?
Not if it is their choice.
Now if they start doing drugs I'll beat their asses into paste.
Bill, let me turn this around for a moment.

Should a person who left a woman to drown be allowed to read to these kids?
Should a person who had a high publicity affair on his wife be allowed to read to these kids?
Should a person who is a convicted rapist be allowed to read to these kids?

yes or no only please.

I do believe I already said that politicians shouldn't be allowed to read to kids either.
Bill, let me turn this around for a moment.

Should a person who left a woman to drown be allowed to read to these kids?
Should a person who had a high publicity affair on his wife be allowed to read to these kids?
Should a person who is a convicted rapist be allowed to read to these kids?

yes or no only please.

I am sure you have specific ideas in mind?

So far I have the impression that billi does not want to include people with open lifestyle changes around. He prefers people who do their dirty business in private.

(Or campus showers, whatever qualifies for secluded for you)

Frankly, I have not seen too many people volunteering in schools, reading or otherwise.
From the 'good' crowd, you know.

(billi's position brings a line to mind from a German comedian: "Tolerant, I am not!")
Bill's Puritan perspective is shared by millions of people. It was a view that was prevalent in this country for centuries it is still active today, right or wrong. I don't see anything wrong with getting a women who wasn't in the Adult Film Industry to read to kids over a women who was an Adult film star. Because of the role model concern. And because when they the get old enough to comprehend who she is...well kids will be kids. And for parents who see eye to eye with Bill it is an issue for them to have an ex-porn star read to their kids and they dynamic of when they all discover that a porn star read to them. Then the parents in this case didn't have a choice or option to the reading. Then the post experience of that, the publicity. Maybe parents don't what their kids part of that either. I can understand that. I respect that. But that is also their value system and that system is no longer shared by all.

This is an example, of a point I want to make. I think Grey reading to the class is equally as bad as Martha Stewart reading to the class. My opinion. Someone else my feel Grey that is ok and Stewart isn't. Their opinion. Is one better than the other. No. But the issue again is respecting others views and cultures which is part of our public school system which the school didn't honor. Maybe because, like I said, they got star struck and her arrival was short notice. The school should apologize, and avoid that type of situation again.

You also have to consider, this country isn't white bible belt bread. You probably had all sorts of kids from different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities in that class including Muslims, Hispanic Catholics, etc. I think having her read was irresponsible on the school's part without the consideration. Schools don't and shouldn't have that kind of publicity.

I don't hold anything against her. But she should of thought about it too, and considered her actions. Maybe she didn't because she wanted the publicity. That could be exploitation of kids.

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