Ex-Porn star reads to kids

John, I'll concede the point bolded above.

I disagree that Ms Grey is seeking to exploit kids for a boost. Evidence about her doesn't suggest that IMO.

True that is my opinion, and it is arguable. I base it on the fact she is starting a mainstream movie career and possibly wanting to change her image picking that venue because it gets her attention. After all she is in Hollywood, a world in of its own.

I don't know all the details, or will I presume to,. I don't know if she just dropped by, or was this arranged. If it was arranged though her agent or PR person, I would say a high possibility of exploitation, publicity stunt. The M.O. for such a thing is to contact the press. If she lives in that area and contacted the school to read, and a parent called the press, then I would say, yes, there is no exploitation.

But above all she is a "B" list actor on her way to "A" list. Her motives then become questionable. We can see her drive and ambition in the critics reviews and awards she has gotten in the Adult film industry, so I don't rule that out she may have done this as a career move. That is par for the course in Hollywood. In case you might think I am stone set on the idea that her reading to the kids was purely motivated by improving her image, and progressing her career through controversy, am not. I just think there is a greater probability than not. If she did do this as a publicity stunt, than it is her character that is questioned.
Also if we are to be open minded about this, we can't close off our minds to those parents who feel Ms. Grey doesn't represent or model their morals they want their kids to learn. Now I personally, would have her read to my kids instead of say Ice-T. I would want a letter from the school announcing either one. If it was Ice-T, I would not think kids would think because he read to them would will lead to a career day in the hood. Nor that of Ms. Grey. For me it is a matter of respect and curtsy on the behalf of the school to inform who is the guess reader, and not find out from the news or from my kid. Respect and openness has to be across the board.
Would my motives be questionable if I read to the school?

After all I am an aspiring writer.

But in essence, the double standard is questionable.
We pick and choose our sins we live with.

We have a few 'role models' who are openly tolerated, even protected in the illegal activities.

Seems to me more that the parents have a major problem with how the sweet angels in school were originally conceived (and I thought that kind of thinking was unique to the Bible Belt)

(not to mention, it's a sexist piece of crap: I am sure Ron Jeremy would not make that many ripples would he go back to teaching as this young woman did just reading)

This young woman did not break laws, is not convicted of felonies not misdemeanors (as far as we know) has not spend time in jail...did not kill anybody, did not steal...yet she is damaged goods.

The girl you want to date (yeah, I know, dating is not the priority,more like reenactment) but in no way shape or form present to mom.

but I suppose we keep it like in Penn State:
Up until a few weeks ago they let a known child rapist roam their campus to use it as his private layer.
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Ok more seriously, though. It's great that Ms. Grey has moved on in her career. The fact remains that she is an ex-porn star, and to some parents, having her take part in their children's education is a legitimate concern. I would say the same thing if, rather than being an ex-porn star, the person was instead a has-been skinflick producer, or some other shady yet still legal professional. What if the school had decided to have a one-time Big Tobacco exec read to kids?

Even if Ms. Grey has moved on and had only the most well-intentioned reasons for taking part, and even if the reading in class was only that, the school would still be seen as promoting an ex-porn star as a role model to the kids. For that reason alone, I probably would have voted against the idea if I'd been on whatever committee made that choice.
Personally, even were she an active porn star, I still don't see the problem.

Porn is legal. If she's of age, working for above board production companies, it's legal. It IS a viable option to working at the grocery store or being a teacher. Many of those girls make a boatload of money for a couple hours work per day. It's their choice. Would I want my daughter's doing it? No. Of course, I'd hope that they have better options. In the same vein, I would hope that they have better options than flipping burgers full time, too. Sex is just not a big deal, guys, and it remains very odd to me that it's illegal to sell something in our country that we can give away for free any time we want.

I don't know about in California, but anyone who volunteers in the classroom or as a chaperon must agree to a background check. I presume it's something similar in California. Provided she has no convictions, isn't a registered sex offender and to the best of anyone's knowledge, isn't actively engaging in anything illegal, what's the problem?
Personally, even were she an active porn star, I still don't see the problem.

I don't know about in California, but anyone who volunteers in the classroom or as a chaperon must agree to a background check. I presume it's something similar in California. Provided she has no convictions, isn't a registered sex offender and to the best of anyone's knowledge, isn't actively engaging in anything illegal, what's the problem?

Some people do see it as a problem that has to be respected. Look at the example, I gave about the coach being fired for handing out his motivational survey. What he did was not illegal, just politically incorrect at the worse. It upset people it wasn't illegal by any means. It got him fired. Now, how would those people feel if he turned around and read to their kids? Should we dismiss their concerns? I don't think so. It isn't about Grey reading being legal or not, it is about the school being responsible and respectful of the parents they serve. Just as the school that fired this coach was.


[Coach handed survey out as motivational tool with these questions on it to players] The survey, under a list of reasons for hurt feelings, includes such choices as “I am a queer,” “I am a [another name for female genitalia or weak male],” “I am a little [another name for female genitalia or weak male],” and “I have woman like hormones.” It asks for the name of the “little sissy filing report” and his “girly-man signature,” plus the “real-man signature” of the person accused of causing hurt feelings.

Who would let this ex-coach read to their young kids? Especially if he was doing so to change his image for the purpose of enhancing his career.

Point here is to see that not all parents have the same values or concerns. And that using kids to boost your career by making you more mainstream acceptable is wrong. If she was doing that. Just as wrong as if this coach does the same thing in the future.
Wow... what controversy!

My first thought was "How nice that an entertainer like Ms. Grey, who so often are completely selfish and narcissistic, would give of herself and her time to do something so basic as help out at a school" (goodness knows with budget cuts they can use all the help they can get!).

In no way was she doing anything inappropriate, and her past should have no bearing on this type of volunteer work.

This only became a big deal because some parents saw some pictures of this and... ahem... recognized her, presumably from her former body of work (pun fully intended) and decided to make a stink about it.
Some people do see it as a problem that has to be respected.
Respected? Sure. But there is a big difference between acknowledging someone else's opinion and allowing it to be confused with canon. In this, given that she is presumably a law-abiding adult who passed a standard criminal background check (if California's anything like Washington) and is behaving appropriately around the kids, why is your opinion more or less important than my own? In other words, bottom line for me is if you want to excuse your child from circle time for that day, you don't need anyone's permission to do so. You are your child's parent. You're not my conscience just as I am not Sasha Grey's conscience.
Look at the example, I gave about the coach being fired for handing out his motivational survey.
As a coach, you are employed by the school and are subject to both employment law AND school district policy. Volunteers are NOT employed by the school district. They are volunteers. Two completely different situations.
What he did was not illegal, just politically incorrect at the worse. It upset people it wasn't illegal by any means. It got him fired. Now, how would those people feel if he turned around and read to their kids? Should we dismiss their concerns? I don't think so. It isn't about Grey reading being legal or not, it is about the school being responsible and respectful of the parents they serve. Just as the school that fired this coach was.
And now you're compounding the confusion. If he has been fired from a coaching position, that might disqualify him from being able to volunteer in the school district. Depends on why he was fired. If he was fired for abusing his position of authority by promoting an anti-gay agenda... sure. I don't know the details.
Point here is to see that not all parents have the same values or concerns. And that using kids to boost your career by making you more mainstream acceptable is wrong. If she was doing that. Just as wrong as if this coach does the same thing in the future.
Even if she was just doing a PR stunt, I still don't see the big deal. Bringing the coach into it, IMO, just weakens your argument. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I can even see that if the majority of parents in the school district object to adult films, a policy might be made regarding suitability of volunteers. If it's a policy, I might disagree, but that's at least going about it the right way.

Presuming to take a moral stand and suggest that this is wrong for any reason other than you have an opinion is the wrong way to go about it. What I mean is, your opinion is that she shouldn't be in the school. Presuming to suggest that this is enough to ban it is silly. Once again, she has broken no laws, behaved in no way inappropriately while at the school, and I presume submitted to a routine background check. It's a non-issue in my book.

How about let's focus on the actual sexual predators?
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I guess my biggest question is how many people on here that are against this are also the same ones that profess to be Christian. If they realize something and turn their back on it and are moving in a more positive manner, aren't we supposed to support that? Or is that only when it is convienant and not something we really have to address?

More so that self-identiying as a Christian is only acceptable when doing so allows one to be a judgemental, self-righteous jackass. The "Christian" lifestyle and choice is only too easy to loose sight of when it causes one to shuck thier responsibility to be forgiving, accepting of those with "questionable" pasts, and differing world views.

It is interesting that so many "Christians" that would object so strenously to having this young lady reading to thier childeren due to "moral concerns" , are the same ones that scream the loudest about P.C. oppression when thier views aren't pushed on children.

It is absurd, intellectualy dishonest, crap.


The coach is now an ex-coach, paralleling an ex-pron star. What parents would want him to read to their kids? Both represent values held by parents. Both have to be respected. You can't say it is ok for the ex-porn star and no to the ex-coach. I would bet the school would have said no to the coach, being "too controversial." Got to be fair across the board. Schools have to be vigilant in respecting parent's concerns, if any, who they allow their kids contact with. That's all am saying.


Maybe if more intelligent reasoning and non-hysterical handwringing were injected into more of the discussions here, then maybe some of extreme positions would be tamed. After all, mere exposure to an Ex-Porn star is certainly enough to cause those kids that she read to spontaneously degenrate into a life of prostitution, drug use, and sexual abuse. Seems that the influence of parents, educators, and other role-modles familiar with the children in question can be completely undone by having a story read to them by a porn star.

I could be wrong, however, but it seems to me that actively involved parents could ameoloriate any negative influence from a short reading session from a former porn star.

Just a thought,
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The coach is now an ex-coach, paralleling an ex-pron star. What parents would want him to read to their kids? Both represent values held by parents. Both have to be respected. You can't say it is ok for the ex-porn star and no to the ex-coach. I would bet the school would have said no to the coach, being "too controversial." Got to be fair across the board. Schools have to be vigilant in respecting parent's concerns, if any, who they allow their kids contact with. That's all am saying.
Thanks, but the key issue here is that the coach is an ex-coach because, from what I gather from the information you posted, he was fired for violating district policy. Sasha Grey wasn't fired from anything, as far as I know.

Also, didn't catch it, but was he a coach in the same school district? If not, you're completely off base.

Unless required by law, what you do in your school district has no bearing over what I do in mine, and there is no point in suggesting that they all have to be "fair across the board." Talk about an exercise in futility.

As I said before, this is about opinion, and I get that. If the parents in the school district oppose vehemently to this and district policy is amended, so be it. That's the right way to go about it, even if I disagree. My kids' school district does some wacky stuff, but overall, it's not stuff I disagree with strongly enough to rouse the rabble.

Absent a district policy, I don't see an issue. Again, it doesn't sound like she was violating any of the district policies. Whereas, an ex-employee fired for cause from his position.... that's a different story entirely.


Maybe if more intelligent reasoning and non-hysterical handwringing were injected into more of the discussions here, then maybe some of extreme positions would be tamed. After all, mere exposure to an Ex-Porn star is certainly enough to cause those kids that she read to spontaneously degenrate into a life of prostitution, drug use, and sexual abuse. Seems that the influence of parents, educators, and other role-modles familiar with the children in question can be completely undone by having a story read to them by a porn star.

I could be wrong, however, but it seems to me that actively involved parents could ameoloriate any negative influence from a short reading session from a former porn star.

Just a thought,
I'm pretty sure that whether they meet an ex-porn star or not, a lot of those kids are going to have sex. I'd bet that eventually, over 99% of them have sex in one manner or another. They might not be as good at it as Sasha Grey, but hey. We can't all be pros.
I'm pretty sure that whether they meet an ex-porn star or not, a lot of those kids are going to have sex. I'd bet that eventually, over 99% of them have sex in one manner or another. They might not be as good at it as Sasha Grey, but hey. We can't all be pros.


I like to think of myself as a talented amateur. LOL!


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