2nd Black Belt
John, I'll concede the point bolded above.
I disagree that Ms Grey is seeking to exploit kids for a boost. Evidence about her doesn't suggest that IMO.
True that is my opinion, and it is arguable. I base it on the fact she is starting a mainstream movie career and possibly wanting to change her image picking that venue because it gets her attention. After all she is in Hollywood, a world in of its own.
I don't know all the details, or will I presume to,. I don't know if she just dropped by, or was this arranged. If it was arranged though her agent or PR person, I would say a high possibility of exploitation, publicity stunt. The M.O. for such a thing is to contact the press. If she lives in that area and contacted the school to read, and a parent called the press, then I would say, yes, there is no exploitation.
But above all she is a "B" list actor on her way to "A" list. Her motives then become questionable. We can see her drive and ambition in the critics reviews and awards she has gotten in the Adult film industry, so I don't rule that out she may have done this as a career move. That is par for the course in Hollywood. In case you might think I am stone set on the idea that her reading to the kids was purely motivated by improving her image, and progressing her career through controversy, am not. I just think there is a greater probability than not. If she did do this as a publicity stunt, than it is her character that is questioned.