Ex-Porn star reads to kids

Porn is a choice, and I am a free speech kind of person, but would it be okay for a high school to send kids to a convention for career day,...that is if it is no different than any other profession? Is it then a viable choice for a high school, after school job?
An attractive, successful, self assured young woman telling kids it's cool to read.
Yeah, that's so wrong.
I have known people who smoked all their lives, lived into their 90's and didn't seem affected by smoking. My Drill sergeant, an army ranger forced into drill sergeant school, smoked like a chimney and could run us into the ground. Smoking is a lifestyle choice as well. Sure, the industry may have bad elements to it, but there are people who aren't affected by it or who smoke for a while and stop, or only smoke recreationally. Why would a tobacco rep. be any different?

And there are no known health issues with smoking, and the users smell great!
So, the posters supporting Ms. Grey would have no problem with a tobacco company rep, who was attractive and well spoken, and had children in the 1st grade class, would have no problem with them reading to the class?

No more than I would a priest, imam or a rabbi-as long as they just read the story, rather than trying to convert the class. My dad was a priest, ya know, and the times were different, but today I could see him being excluded from school activitives by just the sort of P.C. thinking you're embracing here.....
Of course there are health issues with smoking, but there are just as many and more in the porn industry and yet, some posters would allow Ms. Grey to read to the class but not the tobacco industry rep. I find that somewhat odd is all.
An attractive, self-assured, successful member of an inner city gang telling kids reading is cool, is that so wrong?:ultracool
Well, that might be the case jks9199, but once her name was out there people would look her up and find out who she was after the fact. Not allowing the parents to make the choice in wether their kid participated was irresponsible on the part of the school regardless of where people fall on Ms Grey as an individual. Parents have a right to raise their kids in the way they choose, and the school shouldn't make what is a controversial decision without informing the parents first.
Parents do indeed have a right to raise their kids in the way and moral climate they choose. With that right is responsibility. If you cede 6 to 8 hours or more of your kid's day to the state -- you either accept that the state will teach things you may disagree with. Alternatively -- you homeschool or send your kids to a parochial school or other private school that mirrors your own feelings.
An attractive, self-assured, successful member of an inner city gang telling kids reading is cool, is that so wrong?:ultracool

Depends. Whats the rap sheet look like? Actually, convicted felons talk to kids all the time in schools. By invitation. With permission.
So sounds like clueless prudes with hangups finding issue when there is none to me.
An attractive, self-assured, successful member of an inner city gang telling kids reading is cool, is that so wrong?:ultracool

So, just to sum up what your position seems to be, we need to keep porn stars, former porn stars, priests-especially Catholic priests, I'd guess-imams, rabbis, gang members, former gang members, lesbians, homsexuals, tobacco industry reps, plastic surgeons, pharmaceutical company reps, former drug dealers, former drug users, drug users, and all politicians out of the classroom.

I'm talking about an un-repentant gang member, proud of their work, not a reformed gang member who works to keep kids out of gangs. It sounds like Ms. Grey is proud of her work.

Here is one for the posters, for those who support Ms. Grey and consider her former industry as neutral as any other and above the tobacco industry, how many of you would actively encourage a son or daughter to go into that industry? None of the " I would support them regardless of the choice they make," stuff either. I am talking about actively encouraging them the way you might encourage them to become a teacher or doctor?
So, the posters supporting Ms. Grey would have no problem with a tobacco company rep, who was attractive and well spoken, and had children in the 1st grade class, would have no problem with them reading to the class?
Nope, no problem. Nor a banker. Or even a gang member. Would I have an issue if they were teaching a class on ethical behavior in high school? Yeah. Different question.
An attractive, self-assured, successful member of an inner city gang telling kids reading is cool, is that so wrong?:ultracool
"The world is Black, White and Grey, knowing where the differences are is the beginning of wisdom.--Me"

Perhaps the world is not as limited as your signature would elude to, and there may be some, between the lines, possibilities.

Just a thought. :)

Elder, I didn't mention any religous people. I have no problem with priests, rabbis, muslims or bhudists reading to kids or any other denomination although I would stop at devil worshipers, they sacrifice cats. Just about all of the categories you mentioned would be fine. The porn industry though is not an appropriate industry for reading to kids, current or former. Un-repentant current and former drug users would also be off of my list. People who gave up drugs and were trying to keep kids from making their mistakes would be fine, especially just reading to 1st graders.
So, just to sum up what your position seems to be, we need to keep porn stars, former porn stars, priests-especially Catholic priests, I'd guess-imams, rabbis, gang members, former gang members, lesbians, homsexuals, tobacco industry reps, plastic surgeons, pharmaceutical company reps, former drug dealers, former drug users, drug users, and all politicians out of the classroom.

Apparently, only those without sin or fault may speak to children. Maybe Fred Rogers was OK... but he's deceased.

Gonna make for some long, empty days in the schools, I suppose.
Politicians should be kept out as well, they have too many problems that you won't find out about till their arrest.
I know it takes a bit for posts to appear, but my position isn't that people need to be pure, as I posted above. There are some things that should stay in the adult world and not intrude into just being a kid.
I'm talking about an un-repentant gang member, proud of their work, not a reformed gang member who works to keep kids out of gangs. It sounds like Ms. Grey is proud of her work.

Here is one for the posters, for those who support Ms. Grey and consider her former industry as neutral as any other and above the tobacco industry, how many cf you would actively encourage a son or daughter to go into that industry? None of the " I would support them regardless of the choice they make," stuff either. I am talking about actively encouraging them the way you might encourage them to become a teacher or doctor?

I would not. But simply meeting a porn star isn't going to push him one way or the other -- unless I've already failed by not teaching him my moral code in the first place.
Elder, I didn't mention any religous people. I have no problem with priests, rabbis, muslims or bhudists reading to kids or any other denomination although I would stop at devil worshipers, they sacrifice cats. Just about all of the categories you mentioned would be fine. The porn industry though is not an appropriate industry for reading to kids, current or former. Un-repentant current and former drug users would also be off of my list. People who gave up drugs and were trying to keep kids from making their mistakes would be fine, especially just reading to 1st graders.

So a FORMER porn star isn't permitted... but a former drug user or former gang member is? Which other jobs or professions give a permanent stain to the person?
I'm curious, why not. It seems that many think the porn business is no different than any other industry, there is a great deal of money in it as well as fame, from what I can tell no heavy lifting and the hours are pretty good. There is probably the chance at travel as well. Why wouldn't you encourage your son or daughter to go into this apparently harmless profession? Heck, they even help kids learn to read. What's not to like?
Well how bad an industry can it be if they read to kids? Isn't it therefore a viable career option for your kids?

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