There is a show called the Big Bang Theory, adult in nature due to sex content, and it is about 4 science geeks and their neighbor, an actress/waitress across the hall. In one episode the female character, Penny, is stressed about her life and complains to the group that she drove 2 hours to an audition to only find out is was a porn movie. She didn't take the job. By allowing Ms. Grey into a classroom, society is saying that porn is actually a viable alternative, no different than police work, being a doctor, or a secretary or a scientist. The character, Penny, in essence, would have been right to take that film role according to the some of the posters here on Martialtalk. I understand the idea that it is, in some cases, a personal choice to do that line of work. Mainstreaming it, by letting Ms. grey read to an elementary school, essentially says to the older sisters and brothers of those first graders that that line of work isn't any different than any other line of work. I think that it is. I don't think she should have been allowed to read to those kids. She makes it easier for someone on the fringe to make the wrong choices, and more than likely not come out of it the same way Ms. Grey did.