Ex-Porn star reads to kids

Well, maybe we could get attractive, well spoken members of the tobacco and alcoholic beverage industries to go and read to the kids as well. Perhaps even some of the drug cartels could send representatives to read to the kids. It would be good for them as well don't you think.

So in your mind sex == cocaine.
I remember now why I don't bother to read much of what you post.
No, the porn industry is especially subject to abuse, addiction and other soul and life destroying practices. The industry is the problem, and I have to wonder, would any of the posters supporting her appearance in the school have any objection to a representative of the tobacco industry reading to kids?
How about Traci Lords?
Her porn career ended over 20 years ago. She's gone on to become a successful actress and musician. Is she still damaged goods?
What is the 'statute of limitations' here?

That is a good point too. That is what I was alluding too with Jolie's past. There is this odd line, if you are full blown porn actor you are damaged goods. Hollywood doesn't consider you a "real" actor. But if you play it like Jolie did, breeching taboos you are acceptable, you are acting material. If your Ice-T same thing, you can kill people, go to jail and be a gangsta musician- rapping violence and sex, and turn actor, you are not damaged goods. Yet, if you are Paul Rubens, caught masturbating in a porn theater outside your character, almost unrecognizable your damaged goods. You can be Sylvester Stallone or any number of mega movie starts who in their past, made porn movies and not be damaged goods. Or make a sex tape, Rob Lowe suffer from it, then years later have Pamela Anderson do a sex tape and start an industry tend.

I think the 'statue of limitations' is don't be in the porn business long. Hollywood doesn't like the porn business much because they mock Hollywood films, in porn movies. That I guess is changing as the porn business is cutting back on that and are a multi-billion dollar business. And you see Grey making a transition from being a full porn star to movie star, which wouldn't have happened 10 years ago. Grey would be in another career.
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Let's test the level of tolerance here. How many of the posters here, who support her reading to the first graders would support the local high school taking a bus load of teenagers to an adult film industry convention as part of career day? If this industry is no different than any other, wouldn't you have to say that there would be no problem if your kids went to this career day event?
My issue here is she is a -former-, not -current- porn star. But even if she was a current, being a porn star -alone- isn't cause for me to dismiss her. There are a few other's in that industry who I wouldn't have problems with reading to kids. Nina Hartley. Carol Cox. Danni Ashe. Asia Carrera. More here http://www.ranker.com/list/the-13-smartest-porn-stars-of-all-time/greg.

Not all porn stars are drugged out hobag losers.

Bouncing back to Ms. Lords, her I actually wouldn't want reading to kids. Because by all reports she's still pretty much a lying user and is the type that would do this just for PR.

As to the tobacco folk, no, I wouldn't want them there as they sell poison. But a -former- CEO for RJ Reynolds, maybe.
... taking a bus load of teenagers to an adult film industry convention as part of career day? If this industry is no different than any other, wouldn't you have to say that there would be no problem if your kids went to this career day event?

Sounds like a great Senior Day trip. I ended up seeing Platoon. Not quite the same.
Hmmm...tobacco use is also a choice? It wouldn't be like he would be handing out cigarettes to the kids. The rep. from the tobacco industry would also be attractive and well spoken and would only read to the kids.
Hmmm...tobacco use is also a choice? It wouldn't be like he would be handing out cigarettes to the kids. The rep. from the tobacco industry would also be attractive and well spoken and would only read to the kids.

But he would only be there to encourage kids to smoke right?
I have known people who smoked all their lives, lived into their 90's and didn't seem affected by smoking. My Drill sergeant, an army ranger forced into drill sergeant school, smoked like a chimney and could run us into the ground. Smoking is a lifestyle choice as well. Sure, the industry may have bad elements to it, but there are people who aren't affected by it or who smoke for a while and stop, or only smoke recreationally. Why would a tobacco rep. be any different?
Let's test the level of tolerance here. How many of the posters here, who support her reading to the first graders would support the local high school taking a bus load of teenagers to an adult film industry convention as part of career day? If this industry is no different than any other, wouldn't you have to say that there would be no problem if your kids went to this career day event?

I don't support it at all. I find it strange for a former adult film star like Sasha Grey to make an appearance at an elementary school despite being in that industry for only a few years. I wonder what this world is coming to. I hope that teenagers won't be sent on a field trip to an adult film industry. It's too much and it's inappropriate. Some things need to be kept underground.
Was she fully clothed? Reading age-appropriate material? Conducting herself in an appropriate manner?

Then maybe the problem is with those who recognized her, not her reading to the kids...
Well, that might be the case jks9199, but once her name was out there people would look her up and find out who she was after the fact. Not allowing the parents to make the choice in wether their kid participated was irresponsible on the part of the school regardless of where people fall on Ms Grey as an individual. Parents have a right to raise their kids in the way they choose, and the school shouldn't make what is a controversial decision without informing the parents first.
But, I do see how some parents may object....having all those parents stay for the reading. :) There has to be consideration of the parents and their concerns, equally. You can't condemn parents if you praise Grey for what she is doing. I am sure the parents where not warned appropriately she would be reading to their kids. That could be the concern of no choice or heads up. Common it's California and not an Amish community in Pennsylvania, I am not sure if her being a porn star is all that big of an issue. The other thing is, she is transitioning from porn to main steam, reading to kids was probably for PR. To shed that porn actress image. Porn actors are not taken seriously as actors in Hollywood, and image is everything. She isn't reading to kids for altruist reasons.
What warning was needed? Who cares why she read to the kids? An adult, outside their ordinary circle, showed interest in them, and came in and read to them. Oh... and you think Michelle Obama, or Laura Bush or any other First Lady reads to kids for altruistic reasons? OK -- maybe Laura Bush; it would be consistent with her past to do so out of a sincere interest in education.
There is a show called the Big Bang Theory, adult in nature due to sex content, and it is about 4 science geeks and their neighbor, an actress/waitress across the hall. In one episode the female character, Penny, is stressed about her life and complains to the group that she drove 2 hours to an audition to only find out is was a porn movie. She didn't take the job. By allowing Ms. Grey into a classroom, society is saying that porn is actually a viable alternative, no different than police work, being a doctor, or a secretary or a scientist. The character, Penny, in essence, would have been right to take that film role according to the some of the posters here on Martialtalk. I understand the idea that it is, in some cases, a personal choice to do that line of work. Mainstreaming it, by letting Ms. grey read to an elementary school, essentially says to the older sisters and brothers of those first graders that that line of work isn't any different than any other line of work. I think that it is. I don't think she should have been allowed to read to those kids. She makes it easier for someone on the fringe to make the wrong choices, and more than likely not come out of it the same way Ms. Grey did.

Is it any different? For those performers who do porn by choice (and with the move/rise in on-line porn, it's more and more of them) -- what's wrong with their choice? I may not agree with it (for the record, I don't) -- but they're not pushing drugs, lying about pension investments, giving loans to people who'll never be able to afford them... I can think of far worse and far more destructive things they could do.
Well, let's look at this another way. Would it still be objectionable if one of her kids were in the class?

I mean, Jenna Jameson (who is or has been pretty much everything billi has to say about the porn industry and its actresses) has twin boys with Tito Ortiz, who will be going to kindergarten around 2016. Should she be kept away from her kids's school activities because of the delicate sensibilities of other parents, and the potential corruption of their little children?
So, the posters supporting Ms. Grey would have no problem with a tobacco company rep, who was attractive and well spoken, and had children in the 1st grade class, would have no problem with them reading to the class?
Well, let's look at this another way. Would it still be objectionable if one of her kids were in the class?

I mean, Jenna Jameson (who is or has been pretty much everything billi has to say about the porn industry and its actresses) has twin boys with Tito Ortiz, who will be going to kindergarten around 2016. Should she be kept away from her kids's school activities because of the delicate sensibilities of other parents, and the potential corruption of their little children?

No, her children ought to be kept in a cage at the sideshow.

It's kind of hilarious. I suppose it's Ok to watch porn, but not to make it?

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