Environmental Awareness

  • Thread starter Thread starter C.E.Jackson
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Originally posted by C.E.Jackson

How many of you use Environmental Awareness exersizes?
I use several.

1. As the students are lined up to bow in to class I have them close there eyes and one by one I have them point to an object in the training area such an the sparring equipment bag of other object than can be easly relocated for the drill.

2. I sometimes use a field trip to "observe" the natural positions people stand toward each other in different circumstances.

3. I also use field trips to study the "Environment" pointing out structors, poles and windows pointing out there impact in the event of a developing "situation". ... Then it's the students turn to identify these environmental factors as we continue our trip.


Hmm never tried this. I might just do that one day.
Thanks for tthe tip.

I think one way to look at it is to try and figure out all of the places (nearby, anyway) that you would *least* likely be attacked, and try and train there. What you figure may be the least likely places are often where you just *might* be attacked.

Like has been mentioned, try practicing between parked cars.....in the woods....by a pool....on sand, on ice, knee deep in water....sure, maybe not *likely* attack scenarios in all cases, but at least you will have the experience.

Better to train in the scenarios and never have to use them than to never train in them and be surprised when something happens.....

that Field trips to the real world is a great idea! Examine or watch people and discuss from the 3rd point of view possible circumstances and possible resolves.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

training on Ice once....... That'll be the last also.....:rofl:

I did that once too. It ended up mostly ground fighting LOL .:rofl:
for a week.......!!:rofl: and when I kicked some one while on the ground if they were big..... I went scooting along the ice like a big puck!!:eek:
So sad, sore butt, poor puck,
but with a little luck, your kick did not su#!
And your opponent flew through the air like a duck
So sad, just his tough luck.
When working out on that cold ole ice
Don't forget the sacrifice!
If you slip and fall, it'll happen fast
And you'll find yourself upon your A$$.

Now rock or gravel is not much better
When you're swept and fall
You dream of feathers.

On concrete or hard tile, many do go
At several hundred visited Kenpo dojo....
But a wet and dripping head,
Makes the floor oh so wet,
So when you're foot hits that water,
You'll bust your A$$ yet!

Carpet is nice but can tickle your toes
and if your face is downside.....
I'll tickle your nose......
Falling is better than on rock or on tile,
But the bruises still hurt
For quite a long while....

So hopefully you have good mats
That will cushion your falls
So the bruises are lesser
And less jarring to the B:)ll$.

What ever the environment,
Be careful I say
So you can return in one piece
To Practice another Day.

Kenpo is our Art,
To you we must tell
We learn to kick and to punch
And do Techniques so well

We practice our Basics...
Even the ones we don't like
To break down our Comfort Zones
As we learn to Fight.

Yet some of us love,
Just to do Forms and Sets,
And learn all the principles,
That no one else gets...... (laugh)

But we are all a family
And as a family we bare
All our ups and our downs
During our Journey to share......

For the greatest thing,
About the Kenpo Brotherhood might be
From everywhere on this Earth
To talk to About our Favorite Hobby!!

This board has a bunch of bad poets
And I am sure that they do know it
They try to make rhyme,
But its really a crime,
Cause Shakespeare would throw quite a fit.

hehe...just kidding...thanks for the laugh, you two.:rofl:
Mr. C,
I love your poem no WHAT "others" say!:rofl:

I'm even going to post it in my school (with a couple of minor edits). I think my students will think it's a riot!
Thinking of testing
In the hot Texas sun;
Visions of cactus needles
Stuck in my bum.

Doing the pushups
In fireant beds rife
With nasty litte critters
Who don't appreciate my sacrifice

The dust is choking us
As the test drags on;
It's only been 6 hours
And we are not nearly done.

As the second day dawns,
Clear and bright;
Under Texas skies,
It'll be a hundred and five by twilight.

I love to test
And fight with the rest;
Now if I only can get my legs to uncramp
So I can join in with the best.

My first Black Belt student's nose
Is broken and red.
He's got a smile on his face
Because he's not yet dead.

After 3 hours more
The test is done.
Now it is time to go
For the long run.

My teacher makes 4th Black
With a broke collerbone.
I get my 3rd also
And don't feel alone.

Now it is time for the ultimate test,
Will I blow chunks, when faced by the fact,
That my teacher's can't wait,
To see if they can kick me off of my feet?

The day is done, under that Texas sky,
A grin on my face that does not look shy;
The Kiss of the Dragon,
Completed and done.

Now it is time to start over
Because there is so much left undone.
Principles, Theories, Concepts and more,
How do I move when I am so sore?

I love the Art,
and hold all dear,
Who followed Mr. Parker,
And had his ear.

Kenpo holds all
Both far and near,
In arms spread wide,
And accepting without fear.


There was a Kenpoist from Nantucket,
Every other art he tried, he chucked it,
He said with a grin
as he wiped the blood from his chin,
Next time that tech comes, I'll duck it.:rolleyes:
This Art we call Kenpo
Is the Art that we love
It was founded by Ed Parker
A gift from above

The early years in Hawaii
Were the root of his start
Being teased about not drinking
Really troubled his heart

Then he heard of this Chow
Who was the Island tough guy
So he went down to see him
And look with his eyes

Most impressive was Chow
As his eyebrows rose high
I want to learn this stuff Kenpo
From this Thunderbolt guy!

So start training he did
Almost every day and night
He did Judo, and boxed
And learned how to fight!

The curriculum was crude
To and educated man
But his desire to become better
Didn't stop this young man!

A short call to the Coast Guard
Interrupted his regime...
But soon he was back hitting harder
To continue his dream.

He then moved up to Utah
To attend BYU
And started to teach his art there
To a select special few

Of this Group out comes Chuck Beeder
The first Black Belt he had
Then off to Pasadena
To continue his fad

James Ibroa was the next
Followed by many, many more
Little did they realize
What he had in store....

The IKKA was formed
To organize his Clan
Then teaching he did
To everyone at hand....

Some soon left his nest
To far away lands
Spreading His Art of Kenpo
Putting the World in his hands

With Degrees in both Sociology and Psychology
He was armed quite well
Everyone he met was impressed
With this Hawaiian Kenpoist from Hell

Yet being a kind & gentle man
With a heart made of gold
He would share all he had
with the young and the old.

1st, 2nd,3rd Generations and more
Were teaching his Art upon every shore
USA to England, Sweden and down Under
Ireland and Greece were feeling his Thunder

He traveled the world
Teaching us what he had found
Evolving as he went
Covering miles of Ground

Curriculums were developed
And changed as need be
From 32 to 16
All with Master Keys

Basics, Self Defense and Freestyle
Were the 3 divisions of His Art
With the 3 points of view
Is where you will start!

He penned many books
To record what he found
Kenpo Karate, Secrets & Insights
In soft and hard bound

He had many more projects
That he desired to do
But the Lord said your Done
And, I'm coming for you.

That was December 1990
A day we shall not forget
But we remember you still
And appreciate what you left.

We are all chatting on Forums
On this thing called the net
Discussing all your material
And who does it best.

Many of us you would be proud of
And a few you would scorn
But that wouldn't surprise you...
It was like this when you were born.

Your Logic is spreading
to new ears everyday
We are expanding your Kenpo
You are not fading away.

Technology rules us
as we venture ahead
With web cams and digitals
Kenpo is alive and not dead.

The Virtual Studio
is now under way
Teaching Kenpo to students
From miles away.

Dennis Conatser
1st Generation Student

This was inspired by Billings... you remember the lad
that sucker from Texas that was really bad
I told you to can him but Tommy took him in
Well,, he's a pain in my A$$ (said with a grin)
He is still teachin' Kenpo yes can you believe that
He's still there in Austin.... and he still is a brat!
He loves to give me a hard time
And challenge my skills
I guess I'll just have to teach him
He'll never win over my will!:rofl:

No wonder the ozone layer is depleting there has been more hot air in this thread than the entire forum has produced since its inception.
Wow!! 6 degrees of kenpo black belt and able to write poetry too, that takes some skill :eek:

I can see it now - out kickin some butt for trying to mugg the little ole lady from pasadena and writing a poem about for the mugger to read while in the hospital recuperating.


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