Environmental Awareness

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throwing all kinds of stuff out on the matt and run regular class or sparring...... stuff like matts..... blockers.... medicine balls blocking shields... etc....... and everyone has to work around the obsticles.......

this turned out to be a pretty good thread :0) Its nice to see different perceptions
I have used that one, GD7!! It's lots of fun. You can also take it up a notch by making the obstacles "explosive", i.e., you step on one, and then you have to hop around on the other leg; touch one with a hand, and you can't use that hand.

That provides for some interesting sparring, too...;)

One trick that I experienced when taking a fencing class: You allow everyone to spar simultaneously (i.e., the "bar brawl" of classic cowboy fame). Rules are that you have to acknowledge your opponent (i.e, you can't just jump someone, you have to make eye contact at least), and if you are tagged with a really good shot (you can determine what that is as the instructor, and students are on their honor as to if they were hit "right"), then you sit out.

Lots of fun to that one as well.....but you have to really be on top of it as an instructor to make sure no one gets hurt....;)

Well, yeah.....I guess you would have to make allowances for ninjas, huh?


Okay, and no weapons, other than the natural ones (hands and feet, not body odor, etc.).

And have seen some new idea to try out. Thank you all for the ideas. I'm glad this thread has been well recieved. Thanks

Originally posted by brianhunter

this turned out to be a pretty good thread :0) Its nice to see different perceptions
My instructor turned off all the lights once and we trained with only the light coming in through the front door.

We worked against grabs and locks, very different. I had to go by when I felt the grab being put on.

One of the training tools I am going to go for once the students get a firm grasp on the principles (starting a new school in July) was actual use. Locations I plan on trying are: cars (inside, entry, getting out, in between cars), on hills or grass areas, seated positions, etc.

The one thing that I feel is great for the student is how to respond to a strike (sucker punch) and not freeze or get caught in the moment. Try to get them conditioned to getting hit (safety gear a must!!) and then respond. In most mass attacks, the person being attacked is likely going to be struck by one of the others, not the one in front.

"Environment is in you, on you and around you". Although my first thing is to let the student know not to put themselves in those situations but if it happens...

I feel that if they are introducted and train in this area, they're better prepare for what life my throw at them.

Thanks and just my two cents,
Bill Smith
That's a cool idea. I'm going to suggest that to my instructor and see if we can't get some of that training in.

very good idea!! alot of fights occur in parking lots!!! not on carpeted studio floors ;) TAKE IT OUTSIDE
I believe every student should learn about environmental awareness, it will greatly enhance you ability to defend yourself and your loved ones.
The one thing that will prepare you for real life situations, is training for it. It was a concept I had been working on and wanted to share it with my students. Even though we training for every attack possible, it's good to take it to different levels.

Bill Smith

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