One of the training tools I am going to go for once the students get a firm grasp on the principles (starting a new school in July) was actual use. Locations I plan on trying are: cars (inside, entry, getting out, in between cars), on hills or grass areas, seated positions, etc.
The one thing that I feel is great for the student is how to respond to a strike (sucker punch) and not freeze or get caught in the moment. Try to get them conditioned to getting hit (safety gear a must!!) and then respond. In most mass attacks, the person being attacked is likely going to be struck by one of the others, not the one in front.
"Environment is in you, on you and around you". Although my first thing is to let the student know not to put themselves in those situations but if it happens...
I feel that if they are introducted and train in this area, they're better prepare for what life my throw at them.
Thanks and just my two cents,
Bill Smith