....I gotta blush a bit on this one....
It's been *years* since I dealt with English class, although I was an honors English student, once.....and it's been just about as long since I had to define Haiku to anyone.
Anyways, yeah, I knew that it was 5-7-5 on the syllables, but I understood that the original Japanese idea was to use no more than 17 characters (Japanese characters). English is a bit different, and puts it into the rigid 5-7-5 that nightingale talks about.
The poem I quoted was translated from Japanese, and obviously doesn't fit exactly. Happens, I guess.
My apologies if I screwed anything up on the English bit.....I'll defer to the teachers on this subject....

......If I keep on screwing it up, just make me sit in the back of the class....hehe
As a side note: Basho was the poet credited with the "You only live twice" saying. He wrote that in a poem, where the full quote was:
"You only live twice: Once when you are born, and once when you look death in the face".