Effective Technique

Yes you do. Come now, are really sure that MMA is a praticle tool to use on the door. No it is not. Look, I had the same aggressive intentions, we all do. Now I really know that you know what I am alluding to here :)

mma isn't all ground an pound

highly practical martial art for security guard. Just like anything with strong wrestling.
Well I will guarantee that you have never put a choke on anyone with any training, and here I am talking of a single or double hand grab to the throat (not guillotine or RNC). One it is a dumb move and two, you are out if it in less than a quarter second. Unless you are posturing you would never do it. As an effective technique I would rate it zero unless you are on the ground and even then there would be a dozen better choices.

from your practical experience with it?
Well, no, you actually need to break their neck to paralyze them...

not if you are using the English language.


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verb (used with object), paralyzed, paralyzing.
to affect with paralysis.

to bring to a condition of helpless stoppage, inactivity, or inability to act:
"The strike paralyzed communications."
Funny thing is I go to domestic assaults all the time where the man chokes the woman and I know several who fought back and won and none of them had any training

obviously there is more than one way to do this choke. And the way you and k man do it does not work.
not if you are using the English language.

You're going to tell me what paralysis is? :rofl:

There is a vital difference between "cannot" and "does not". Cannot, meaning incapable, will require that their spinal cord be severed. Otherwise, it is a case of "does not" rather than "cannot".

That is, if you're using the English language, of course.
You're going to tell me what paralysis is? :rofl:

There is a vital difference between "cannot" and "does not". Cannot, meaning incapable, will require that their spinal cord be severed. Otherwise, it is a case of "does not" rather than "cannot".

That is, if you're using the English language, of course.

Did you read the dictionary meaning of that word?
It sort of tells you what kind of guy thinks that is a good move. LOL

No that is a dog whistle.

Wife beaters use chokes so if i use a choke i am a wife beater?

Is that really the level you are going to play at?
obviously there is more than one way to do this choke. And the way you and k man do it does not work.
I don't choke people. If we are going to use the English language a choke is internal like when you choke in food. External would be strangulation. Either way I do neither. I've had it attempted on me it failed. Both from front and rear. I've also seen several cases of woman who's boyfriends or husband's tried to strangle then and they were not frozen in fear or paralyzed or whatever other nonsense you want to spout. No in fact they fought back and we're able to get away and call the police.
You've been eye gouged a few times...really.... can you still see, or can you still see like you did (20/20 or whatever it was on the scale) prior to the eye gouge?

And you should take into account there is a rather big difference in human reaction between someone trying to choke them and some one being choked by water (or any foreign object) in the throat

Sometimes it is the difference in reality (experience) and fantasy too... particularly YouTube based fantasy

my eyes did not pop out of my skull driving me into a screaming ball of fight finishing agony.

there is kind of a misconception about that.
I don't choke people. If we are going to use the English language a choke is internal like when you choke in food. External would be strangulation. Either way I do neither. I've had it attempted on me it failed. Both from front and rear. I've also seen several cases of woman who's boyfriends or husband's tried to strangle then and they were not frozen in fear or paralyzed or whatever other nonsense you want to spout. No in fact they fought back and we're able to get away and call the police.

ok. So you don't have experience using that technique.

you are saying what now? The rear naked or sleeper choke is also ineffective?

oh. And good for that girl.
Carotid artery, means choke artery, in English!!!!!; so, don't EVER let anyone pull that. :bored:

And technically you can either go for the airways or the blood supply.

mma is often the airway because you get a quicker submission. Which i found a bit weird when i was first taught it.
Wasn't just one. It was several over the years. None were trained and they had no problems not being "paralyzed"

well then good for all those girls. I guess we should just be thankful that bad guys don't know how to choke people.
obviously there is more than one way to do this choke. And the way you and k man do it does not work.
If you had a BJJ instructor that couldn't pass the guard on his students you would reckon he was a crap instructor. If I couldn't teach any adult to escape your choke I'd give the game away.

This is one of the first releases I teach my students. None of them have failed yet and there are a lot of big strong guys there trying to hold them. You must have hands that could hold a dinner plate, balls of steel and buttons for eyes. I for one don't believe you have ever been eye gouged by someone trying to really harm you. I'll guarantee you that if I did it to you your eyes would be hanging down your cheeks.

You are arguing rubbish for the sake of arguing. A two handed front or side choke will not work against a trained person.

Here is a BJJ version of escaping. Mine is even simpler.
If you had a BJJ instructor that couldn't pass the guard on his students you would reckon he was a crap instructor. If I couldn't teach any adult to escape your choke I'd give the game away.

This is one of the first releases I teach my students. None of them have failed yet and there are a lot of big strong guys there trying to hold them. You must have hands that could hold a dinner plate, balls of steel and buttons for eyes. I for one don't believe you have ever been eye gouged by someone trying to really harm you. I'll guarantee you that if I did it to you your eyes would be hanging down your cheeks.

You are arguing rubbish for the sake of arguing. A two handed front or side choke will not work against a trained person.

Here is a BJJ version of escaping. Mine is even simpler.

Wrong choke.

There is a difference between what you think will happen in a fight and what does happen.

And this is what i am arguing. Not what might happen according to dogma or what feels right but what does happen according to real world experience.

I am sorry that does not match your training methods. But there is nothing i can do about that.
Wrong choke.
Well that is your problem. I described the choke I was talking about at the beginning, but maybe it is just your memory. ;)

There is a difference between what you think will happen in a fight and what does happen.

And this is what i am arguing. Not what might happen according to dogma or what feels right but what does happen according to real world experience.

I am sorry that does not match your training methods. But there is nothing i can do about that.
Is this meant to mean anything? Just what are you arguing?

it would make sense that if i grab someone by the throat he has his arms free so he just punches me untill i let go.

but it just doesn't happen.
This is what you first posted ... and it is obviously a silly statement. No one will just stand there while you choke them out. That's about as good as a no touch knockout.

what does this prove?

nothing. But i thought it was pretty funny.

is he drunk?
Then you showed this which is even easier to escape than two hands.

all right this is the one i was looking for.
Then you showed this which is not a choke. The cop just takes him to the ground and immediately releases.
it is a discussion. Considering I can waste pages on flame wars. I think i can take the time to expand or explain stuff.
So seeing you are so brilliant at flame wars perhaps you could take a little time to read what I post so you can explain your stuff better.

I used to do it a lot. And was taught it by a guy who was even more effective with it.

And in my experience a good throat grab pretty much paralyzes people.
Now you are back to the throat grab, which as Dirty Dog explained doesn't paralyse anyone. If it did I'm sure it would have been one of the first points I would have been shown in Kyusho.

obviously there is more than one way to do this choke. And the way you and k man do it does not work.
No, the choke will work just fine as long as your victim is happy to leave your hands there. :D If you haven't got a compliant victim it is a Monty that it won't work, especially if the person has some rudimentary self defence knowledge. In my earlier post I did exclude a choke where the victim was on his/back but from your extensive MMA background you would recognise the problems associated with having your arms in a position where you can be arm-barred.