Effective Technique

it is a discussion. Considering I can waste pages on flame wars. I think i can take the time to expand or explain stuff.

Hey dude, you ain't been in no flame war, trust me on that one :D I don't mind what you post, that is none of my business, but I'm here to keep my nose clean, and take what I see as just that. That is the problem I have, and likely vice versa with my appalling grammar some time. However, I try to correct and make legible what I write. That is all I am asking. That is not too much is it. Secondly, you don't explain anything, you just expand on a point and close the other one down, it is not even a tangent. Just for me, please use proper grammar as best as you can, that is all I ask :)
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Hey dude, you ain't been no flame war, trust me on that one :D I don't mind what you post, that is none of my business, but I'm here to keep my nose clean, and take what I see as just that. That is the problem I have, and likely vice versa with my appalling grammar some time. However, I try to correct and make legible what I write. That is all I am asking. That is not too much is it. Secondly, you don't explain anything, you just expand on a point and close the other one down, it is not even a tangent. Just for me, please use proper grammar as best as you can, that is all I ask :)


glad we got that sorted out.
I'm not sure where you get the idea it doesn't happen

I used to do it a lot. And was taught it by a guy who was even more effective with it.

And in my experience a good throat grab pretty much paralyzes people.
I used to do it a lot. And was taught it by a guy who was even more effective with it.

And in my experience a good throat grab pretty much paralyzes people.
Perhaps it might be fair to say it might paralyse an untrained person because his attention is on the potential danger. You see it all the time when you train newbies. They will try to take your hands off by grabbing the wrists. They can't believe how simple it is when the roles are reversed and you reach for the eyes.

I'm with ballen. Grab my throat and make sure you protect your eyes and groin. One way or the other you are going to wish you hadn't done it.
I used to do it a lot. And was taught it by a guy who was even more effective with it.

And in my experience a good throat grab pretty much paralyzes people.
Well that's good to know. I'll never need to learn another technique again. Just grab their throat and the fights over it paralyzes the opponent.
Well that's good to know. I'll never need to learn another technique again. Just grab their throat and the fights over it paralyzes the opponent.
Mmm! In fairness, DB may be talking from the perspective of perceived authority. To an untrained person, being grabbed anywhere by someone with an air of confidence is confronting.

What I would be interested in finding out from your experience is how many times do people really resist when you are cuffing them? What I am suggesting is that in reality they may put up a token struggle but they have accepted the inevitability of the situation.

Now the reason for me asking is one of my senior guys is ex-cop. When he first started with me years back I asked him how he would control someone to cuff him. We had a very interesting training session. :D
Perhaps it might be fair to say it might paralyse an untrained person because his attention is on the potential danger. You see it all the time when you train newbies. They will try to take your hands off by grabbing the wrists. They can't believe how simple it is when the roles are reversed and you reach for the eyes.

I'm with ballen. Grab my throat and make sure you protect your eyes and groin. One way or the other you are going to wish you hadn't done it.

eyegouges are slow to work though. I have been eye gouged a few times now. And if my head was free I could pretty much shake it off.

I had a mate who was groin grabbed and punched his way out of it.

airway is fast. It is a tangent but i will find a video of a water boarding. Which demonstrates how quickly a clogged airway messes with people.
Well that's good to know. I'll never need to learn another technique again. Just grab their throat and the fights over it paralyzes the opponent.

yes that is exactly what it does.
eyegouges are slow to work though. I have been eye gouged a few times now. And if my head was free I could pretty much shake it off.

I had a mate who was groin grabbed and punched his way out of it.

airway is fast. It is a tangent but i will find a video of a water boarding. Which demonstrates how quickly a clogged airway messes with people.
I'm not talking about eye gouging. If you have both hands on my neck your shoulders are square. My reaching for your eyes will elicit a flinch response. If you are serious about choking me, I'm serious about blinding you. And I'm not talking about grabbing your groin. I will be hammering your groin. If you can withstand that then fair enough. But in a less threatening situation I'll be out of your grip in a fraction of a second anyway, without hurting you.

Where water boarding comes into it is anyone's guess. If by that you reckon you can hold my throat long enough for me to feel threatened you're dreamin'.
I'm not talking about eye gouging. If you have both hands on my neck your shoulders are square. My reaching for your eyes will elicit a flinch response. If you are serious about choking me, I'm serious about blinding you. And I'm not talking about grabbing your groin. I will be hammering your groin. If you can withstand that then fair enough. But in a less threatening situation I'll be out of your grip in a fraction of a second anyway, without hurting you.

Where water boarding comes into it is anyone's guess. If by that you reckon you can hold my throat long enough for me to feel threatened you're dreamin'.

sometimes there is a difference between what should happen and what does happen.
sometimes there is a difference between what should happen and what does happen.

Yeah. On that you are correct. I am curious about one thing. Basically I have been unable to separate fact from fiction, MMA bout, or on the door. Which is it. You are on the door with the intention of knocking someone out. Nothing wrong with knocking someone out, but not with a hunting outlook. In the cage, ring or whatever fair enough.
Yeah. On that you are correct. I am curious about one thing. Basically I have been unable to separate fact from fiction, MMA bout, or on the door. Which is it. You are on the door with the intention of knocking someone out. Nothing wrong with knocking someone out, but not with a hunting outlook. In the cage, ring or whatever fair enough.

i am not sure what you are asking here.

glad we got that sorted out.

Actually no we have not. You are to disingenuous for me to actually know what you mean. Actually I do know what you, but you're motives are somewhat obscure still. You say you do not get offended, that is absolute fishhook's. You are being passive yes, but do you realise that you were using passive aggression in that post. Of course you do, that sorts nothing, which you know of course!