Effective Technique

Mmm! In fairness, DB may be talking from the perspective of perceived authority. To an untrained person, being grabbed anywhere by someone with an air of confidence is confronting.

What I would be interested in finding out from your experience is how many times do people really resist when you are cuffing them? What I am suggesting is that in reality they may put up a token struggle but they have accepted the inevitability of the situation.

Now the reason for me asking is one of my senior guys is ex-cop. When he first started with me years back I asked him how he would control someone to cuff him. We had a very interesting training session. :D
Most folks don't actively resist. It's more passive like refusing to put their hands behind there back. Failing to follow directions. Usually if they are really trying to keep from being cuffed they will lay on their stomachs and pull their hands under their bodies. Or they will pull away and try to run. Very rare for someone to stand and want to fight you. It happens every now and again. I usually nip and resistance in the bud with a quick hard take down that usually let's them know I'm not playing around and they comply. Sometimes it takes more. Few strikes or pressure point. Other guys have been known to use the taser. I'm not a big tasers guy and I don't carry one.
no really i don't.

Yes you do. Come now, are really sure that MMA is a praticle tool to use on the door. No it is not. Look, I had the same aggressive intentions, we all do. Now I really know that you know what I am alluding to here :)
eyegouges are slow to work though. I have been eye gouged a few times now. And if my head was free I could pretty much shake it off.

I had a mate who was groin grabbed and punched his way out of it.

airway is fast. It is a tangent but i will find a video of a water boarding. Which demonstrates how quickly a clogged airway messes with people.

You've been eye gouged a few times...really.... can you still see, or can you still see like you did (20/20 or whatever it was on the scale) prior to the eye gouge?

And you should take into account there is a rather big difference in human reaction between someone trying to choke them and some one being choked by water (or any foreign object) in the throat

sometimes there is a difference between what should happen and what does happen.

Sometimes it is the difference in reality (experience) and fantasy too... particularly YouTube based fantasy
You've been eye gouged a few times...really.... can you still see, or can you still see like you did (20/20 or whatever it was on the scale) prior to the eye gouge?

And you should take into account there is a rather big difference in human reaction between someone trying to choke them and some one being choked by water (or any foreign object) in the throat

Sometimes it is the difference in reality (experience) and fantasy too... particularly YouTube based fantasy

Concur. Nice :)
because my choke works and the ones done on you didn't.
Well I will guarantee that you have never put a choke on anyone with any training, and here I am talking of a single or double hand grab to the throat (not guillotine or RNC). One it is a dumb move and two, you are out if it in less than a quarter second. Unless you are posturing you would never do it. As an effective technique I would rate it zero unless you are on the ground and even then there would be a dozen better choices.
Funny thing is I go to domestic assaults all the time where the man chokes the woman and I know several who fought back and won and none of them had any training
I used to do it a lot. And was taught it by a guy who was even more effective with it.

And in my experience a good throat grab pretty much paralyzes people.

Well, no, you actually need to break their neck to paralyze them...