Effective Technique

This is what you first posted ... and it is obviously a silly statement. No one will just stand there while you choke them out. That's about as good as a no touch knockout.

You say, having no real clue about that technique. You don't know you haven't done it. You are taking what you think will happen and using that to refute what does happen.

And you do that a fair bit.

yes. I believed the same thing as you until i saw it done and then did it myself.

but having done it successfully I can tell you that you are wrong here. I can guess as to why this happens. I think that the effect of having your wind pipe compressed in that manner is such a primal fear that it is incredibly difficult to function.

you may with training acclimate to it. But i am pretty sure when you say trained. You don't mean squeezed on hard with intent to really hurt the guy.
Now you are back to the throat grab, which as Dirty Dog explained doesn't paralyse anyone. If it did I'm sure it would have been one of the first points I would have been shown in Kyusho.

Dirty dogs explanation does not comply with the dictionary meaning of paralyze. So while i am sure he is a wonderful guy. The dictionary is probably right here.
Then you showed this which is even easier to escape than two hands.

No it is harder. And your hand gets a better grip on their wind pipe. Your understanding of this technique is really limited.
No, the choke will work just fine as long as your victim is happy to leave your hands there. :D If you haven't got a compliant victim it is a Monty that it won't work, especially if the person has some rudimentary self defence knowledge. In my earlier post I did exclude a choke where the victim was on his/back but from your extensive MMA background you would recognise the problems associated with having your arms in a position where you can be arm-barred.

there are a whole bunch of things that makes it hard to arm bar. If you find me someone who understands the mechanics of an arm bar I could discuss it with them.

but it would get really complicated.
Dirty dogs explanation does not comply with the dictionary meaning of paralyze. So while i am sure he is a wonderful guy. The dictionary is probably right here.

The dictionary is right. So am I. What's incorrect is your apparent inability (or unwillingness) to grasp the difference between "cannot" and "does not". A person may react in a sub-optimal way to an attack of any kind. That doesn't mean they're paralyzed. It means they reacted badly.
The dictionary is right. So am I. What's incorrect is your apparent inability (or unwillingness) to grasp the difference between "cannot" and "does not". A person may react in a sub-optimal way to an attack of any kind. That doesn't mean they're paralyzed. It means they reacted badly.

did you read the example sentence that used the word paralyzed. It does not fit your criteria. And certainly does not imply broken necks.
did you read the example sentence that used the word paralyzed. It does not fit your criteria. And certainly does not imply broken necks.

I've read enough of your posts to know that if I said "the sky is blue", you'd say I was wrong because I didn't define the particular shade of blue.
That's ok. You can declare yourself the winner of the "conversational sparring".
Have a nice day.
I've read enough of your posts to know that if I said "the sky is blue", you'd say I was wrong because I didn't define the particular shade of blue.
That's ok. You can declare yourself the winner of the "conversational sparring".
Have a nice day.

Who exactly started this sparring match over the meaning of the word paralyzed?

i am pretty sure it was you arguing the metaphorical shade of blue here.
Dirty dogs explanation does not comply with the dictionary meaning of paralyze. So while i am sure he is a wonderful guy. The dictionary is probably right here.
He is also highly trained in emergency medicine. You are wrong!
You say, having no real clue about that technique. You don't know you haven't done it. You are taking what you think will happen and using that to refute what does happen.

And you do that a fair bit.

yes. I believed the same thing as you until i saw it done and then did it myself.

but having done it successfully I can tell you that you are wrong here. I can guess as to why this happens. I think that the effect of having your wind pipe compressed in that manner is such a primal fear that it is incredibly difficult to function.

you may with training acclimate to it. But i am pretty sure when you say trained. You don't mean squeezed on hard with intent to really hurt the guy.
Just what don't I understand. I could invite anyone to do that choke and I would be out of it before any pressure could be applied. Your blowing smoke. I've been playing with chokes since way before you were born. And, for what it's worth, when I am demonstrating this I do ask them to try to apply the choke. It just can't be done. If it can be done to you then you have no decent training. I teach the escape to schoolgirls in SD class. Get over it.
LOL! That from someone with no qualification in the martial arts. Right!

Qualification in martial arts does not always equal ability.

I actually use this stuff.
Qualification in martial arts does not always equal ability.

I actually use this stuff.
Where? Where do you run around choking people and causing them to freeze in fear and not fight you back. If your that good why are you not a professional fighter you could just walk in the ring slap on the WWE choke and boom you win
If you had a BJJ instructor that couldn't pass the guard on his students you would reckon he was a crap instructor. If I couldn't teach any adult to escape your choke I'd give the game away.

This is one of the first releases I teach my students. None of them have failed yet and there are a lot of big strong guys there trying to hold them. You must have hands that could hold a dinner plate, balls of steel and buttons for eyes. I for one don't believe you have ever been eye gouged by someone trying to really harm you. I'll guarantee you that if I did it to you your eyes would be hanging down your cheeks.

You are arguing rubbish for the sake of arguing. A two handed front or side choke will not work against a trained person.

Here is a BJJ version of escaping. Mine is even simpler.
If you were going to attack a trained traditional martial artist the two handed throat grab would be one of the last things you would want to do, it will tie both your hands up whilst leaving their arms free to strike. It is one of the most common self defense techniques to be taught and there is a buttload of ways to get out of it. The one in that video does not appear to be a very good one. The grabber might be able to stop the escape by bending their arms as he begins to roll his head out (I will have to test it out to be sure). One of my personal favorites is to just tilt my head back and clap the grabber's hands together.and kick to the groin.
No it is harder. And your hand gets a better grip on their wind pipe. Your understanding of this technique is really limited.
Nope, two handed grip is harder, two hands are stronger than one, you can compress the trachea with both your thumbs with a two handed grip.
eyegouges are slow to work though. I have been eye gouged a few times now. And if my head was free I could pretty much shake it off.
I just saw an old UFC event where one fighter was poked in the eye and it stopped the fight immediately, he was rolling around on the mat in agony, he did not shake it off. It probably did not help that he had eye surgery a few months before for a detached retina, but still.

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