
Bob, I think that an attack by North Korea is highly unlikely, and that if Iran invades Iraq, it will be retalliation for a US attack on Iran. We can't attack Iran and think that it will be a contained or limited war. We don't have the option of an "air-only" war with Iran. Anyone who is stupid enough to be pro-war with Iran needs to realize that they will retalliate if attacked, and we will have to fight them on the ground.

I agree with what you said, Bob. I've been very antiwar myself for some time. Even after 9/11, I believed that a manhunt and criminal investigation were called for, not a war. 9/11 was not a Pearl Harbor, because it was not perpetrated by a state, and the perpetrators did not have the ability to wage a follow-up attack. That attack on our cities exhausted al Qaeda, and took years of planning. In the mean time, our wars and illegal torture and detention have alienated allies, bred new terrorists in Iraq, and compromised the criminal investigations and prosecutions of terrorists. I'm just wondering, is an additional war for the US military within the realm of possibility without a draft?

Also, where have you been able to find a wounded in action figure? I've been searching for that. Thanks.
Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda. Some folks would come up with some convenient excuse and/or political scapegoat to avoid putting their *** on the line regardless of the circumstances. How Iran is being compared to Iraq is convenient seeing how many other countries see a madman espousing wiping a nation "off the map" and who is enriching Uranium is a situation that needs taking care of. Its also always seemed like the people who tell me "I was going to join" or "Iwas going to try to be a SEAL" couldnt do 10 sit-ups or even finish a 2mi run if theor life depended on it..even if there was a box of ho-ho's on the finish line. :)
Blotan Hunka said:
Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda.

In my case, they just didn't offer me enough money on my ROTC terms. I knew I wanted to go to college first, but they didn't give me enough to go to my first choice school. So, I took the full ride to my second choice school.

There's been a variety of reasons for my continued non-enlistment. I'm not currently in the Guard because my girlfriend would leave if I was.

A draft would clearly push my decision. I'm much rather put my *** on the line than let somebody who didn't want to do it find themself with no other option.

For me, being a soldier has never been a matter of political or moral values. It's a job, and I'm confident I could do it.
If its going to be something you regret NOT having done when you are an old man than JUST DO IT! IMO most of the "I was goin to" people are trying to justify something to themselves than they are to anybody else.
bushidomartialarts said:
what are the chances of another draft, do y'all think? and what would you do if one came?

I'm 46, and my employment would probably exempt me from a draft even if I were 26-I understand, though, that the cut-off is likely to be 34 if there's ever another draft. In which case, I will get my now 23 year old son good and drunk, cut off two of his toes and take him to the hospital.

After I flush the toes down the toilet, of course.....

As for attacks by North Korea, invasions of Iran, and other future military endeavors, well, I'm going to avoid commenting on those here, except to say that the melons in Persia are excellent........
elder999 said:
I'm 46, and my employment would probably exempt me from a draft even if I were 26-

Actually, I don't beleive there are any exceptions now due to employment...
I think we should have a mantitory draft of eveyone that is 18. A 2 year enlistment would be a nie number. That way we keep the military with plenty of troops and gives many kids a chance to mayb get a future or some training that can help them in the future
Blotan Hunka said:
Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda. Some folks would come up with some convenient excuse and/or political scapegoat to avoid putting their *** on the line regardless of the circumstances. How Iran is being compared to Iraq is convenient seeing how many other countries see a madman espousing wiping a nation "off the map" and who is enriching Uranium is a situation that needs taking care of. Its also always seemed like the people who tell me "I was going to join" or "Iwas going to try to be a SEAL" couldnt do 10 sit-ups or even finish a 2mi run if theor life depended on it..even if there was a box of ho-ho's on the finish line. :)
Hey, no one said they gave you hohos. Hell, I'm outta here....I'm joining up.
Womans Auxillery balloon Corp, here I come. :D
bignick said:
Actually, I don't beleive there are any exceptions now due to employment...

Well, you'd be totally wrong in that belief.

Worst case: I get drafted, become a commissioned officer and keep doing exactly what I do now at drastically decreased pay-rate.....most likely, I get exempted in the interest of national security. Trust me on this: the U.S. government does not want me or anyone like me (as in younger and more draftable, but with the same knowledge and skill sets) in danger of being taken prisoner by the likes of Iran, North Korea, or anyone else for that matter......
tshadowchaser said:
I think we should have a mantitory draft of eveyone that is 18. A 2 year enlistment would be a nie number. That way we keep the military with plenty of troops and gives many kids a chance to mayb get a future or some training that can help them in the future

Well I am female so don't have to worry about the draft anytime soon, and though I don't agree with you tshadow 100%, as I have watched friends get sucked into mandatory service in their countries and seen how it has hurt aspects of their lives, I do believe that everybody should for a year or two do some service to your country. Join the military, join the peace corps, work for a government agency.....do something even if for a short time that contributes to society and the world around you.

I don't think a draft is realistic. Last I few Army guys I talked too said the military isn't as thinly stretched as everyone is spouting about, and that there are several undeployed brigades, but what makes it seem bad is the national guard/reserves being called up and people feeling there is no one left to protect them at home. Plus the Army, which is the main force in Iraq at least, is in the middle of a major restructuring, not the smartest thing to do during wartime.
Draft or No Draft?

No Draft!


Because our culture is not ready to make it totally equal.

What do you mean by that?

I mean that when it was implemented before it was a discrimination against males. If a male did not register he could not get federal or state money for college. Yet, any women could go to school and get federal or state aid without the additioanl hoops to jump through.

What do you mean women in the draft? Did I hear you correctly?

Yes I think that women should be a part of the draft just like men.

1 out or 9 in actual combat the other 8 our considered support. Some of the 8 are in combat areas where women serve today.

So why not have it for both genders?

Because our culture can handle sending our young men/sons/brothers/nephews/friends off to war to die, but cannot think about our young women/daughters/sisters/nieces/firends going of to be ravaged by war.

Not a popular belief I know but it is mine since 1976.

How likely is the draft to be reinstated?

Not likely as stated by others by many others on this thread.
Blotan Hunka said:
I think we should have a law that lets illegal immigrants become full citizens if they serve.

'service guarantees citizenship....'

blatant scifi quoting aside, i'd be completely behind this idea. 1st generation immigrants are often the most patriotic americans you'll ever meet. they know how wonderful our country can be.
I'd go with that!

An instant 5 million man army!
Bob Hubbard said:
Hard question. Something based on the ideals I believe this country was founded in. Not a war of expansion, of convenience, for political or economic gain. I'd fight for friends, for family, for my home. Hard to be more specific as there are no causes currently going on that I am aware of that I would risk my life over. I certainly wouldn't risk it because the emperor and his warmongering cronies seek to deflect attention by attacking yet another country illegally, in complete departure from what I believe are the foundations of this nation.

Now, if Iran or any other nation starts landing troops on the Jersey shore, I'll either join or form a group of partisans to defend Buffalo....just in case Vinnie and the Boyz don't take em out first. :D

I'll second, third and forth that sentiment. The 2nd Gulf was a travesty in my view, and any attack on Iran would expose the current US administration for the neo conservative, imperialistic, money grabbing, rich big-wig suit wearing for what it really is. Just that. If Iran began invading Montana tomorrow, then defence of the home land is one thing, but invading Iran? For what? What reason? The War Against Terror (T W A T)?
Well let me first say that these are my opinions only.
Now with that said and out of the way, I served in the military, did my four years and got out. I am glad I did this and I was able to learn a trade that landed me the job I have now. As for making it mandatory for every male or even for every one to serve a two year commitment I have to disagree with that. Our military is made up of volunteers. Yes the military will in most cases teach you a skill, responsibility, respect, how to follow orders and pay attention to detail. But the military is NOT a babysitter, when you make it mandatory you have a bunch of people that donÂ’t want to be there and well it would show. Along with a host of other problems with people doing what ever they can to get out, costing no telling how much money to investigate. And so on and so on.

That brings me to the draft itÂ’s self. Last time I checked it was 18-34 I am except since I served 4 years active and 4 reserve. As anyone that did the same would be. I really donÂ’t think our Govt. would start a draft to enter a war with Iran. As it has been stated in another post neither side (DEM-REP) would want to hurt their chances.

What If North Korea invaded the South? Not likely to happen and here is why I think so. If this was to happen then yes the US would lose a large if not all of the personal at the AF Base and I think we have a Navy base there also. As we could not pull out fast enough. So it would start out an air war and since we would have a real hard time getting troops on their soil in force fast enough and they would have the same problem here it would most likely turn nuclear. Again neither side wants that.

Now for a war with Iran, again I am thinking from a military standpoint, the only thing we are really after is stopping them from having a nuclear capability? That is something that has us worried but we are not alone in that. Their stand to reason rather than a full scale military assault on a country that does have the ability to defend itÂ’s self and sustain a long campaign. DonÂ’t you think the US, or maybe Israel would just send over an air strike against a specific target.

Some one said in a post “Since the troops are already over there anyway” Well when I was on a PRIME BEEF team we could have deployed anywhere in the world in 24 hours. We don’t have to do anything since we are already over there we can be anyplace on this planet in 24 hours or less. Believe that.

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