Don't stop till you get enough


Senior Master
MT Mentor
So I was watching UFC 94 tonight and I was thinking about something that always drives me crazy in movies.

The bad guy and the good guy are fighting, and the bad guy manages to stun the good guy temporarily. Then, the good guy turns to flee, giving the villian a chance to recover, and catch up to him and continue his assault.

This is one good thing, amongst many, that I think we can learn from MMA and relate to self defense. When one competitor gets the other in a disadvantageous position, he doesn't stop and adjust and mix up his techniques. He just pours it on.

I can think of scene after scene in movies where the girl manages to stab her rapist, but then crawls away instead of stabbing him ten more times and finishing him off. Right off the top of my head, in Kalifornia, Duchovny's character hits Brad Pitt in the face with a shovel, but instead of decapitating the now unconscious monster who has rampaged across the country, he leaves him there on the floor and runs away. Shocker, Pitt returns to further his aggression.

Yet in the fights tonight, when one fighter stunned the other, he just kept rocking him with the same technique. It might not be the best technique, but if it's stunning him, then keep it up!

Don't relent, don't mix things up. If your opponent is being overwhelmed by your assault, then overwhelm him! We aren't playing for style points here, this is life or death. Once you've seized the advantage, press and never allow him a moment to breathe.

Don't stop till you get enough.

The reason for this is two-fold: one is that it is the movies, two is that if you press the attack once the threat has been stopped, you are now guilty of murder. I don't know of one state where you can legally continue to beat another person once they have been incapacitated. You quickly transition fro defense to murder.

There may be a state where it is legal, but I don't know of one.
I was talking to a cop I ran into at Starbucks on Fri. and was asking him on some of the self defense laws in Ca. in regards to another thread.

And basically you are allowed to use just enough force to subdue or incapacitate. If in a bar, and some guy starts trouble, just cause he says" I'm gonna kill you" doesn't mean you have the right to break and knee and crush his throat. But, at the same time, if he says that and you see he has the means (i.e. a bottle in his hand, a knife in his belt or pocket), then your are allowed slightly more force to end the escalation. You have to be "in fear for your life or that of another."

Even if your in that second situation and the guy has a bottle, you break his knee and knock him out. The DA may find that it's justified, but this person can now come back at you with a civil lawsuit where you can be held liable for injuries etc....

As martial artists, we would ran thru the ringer, and like he said, it's always good to have a witness.

I'm sorry if it seems like rambling, I'm trying to type as I'm recalling the conversation. I'll probably remember everything AFTER I submit this.

Although in the heat of battle, you can bet this will be the farthest from my mind.

The reason for this is two-fold: one is that it is the movies, two is that if you press the attack once the threat has been stopped, you are now guilty of murder. I don't know of one state where you can legally continue to beat another person once they have been incapacitated. You quickly transition fro defense to murder.

There may be a state where it is legal, but I don't know of one.

I understand what you're saying, but I'm not talking about pressing the attack after the threat is neutralized, I'm talking about pressing the attack until the threat is neutralized.

I've taught stun and run self defense in the past, and still do, but I think stun means more than pushing the opponent away. It means making sure there is no way he can continue to press his assault. I'm not advocating taking his unconsious body and curbing him, I'm talking about striking him into unconsiousness.


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