Would you fight back against a knifeman?

If I really thought the guy was going to slit my throat, then yes I would fight back. But the techniques you see in the movies, and in a lot of martial arts schools will get you killed.
In a situation where they already have a hold on you and the knife is already at your throat, you will get cut. The question is just how bad. You don't necessarily have to die. But these techniques can not be shown in a forum like this.
If I thought all the guy wanted was a wallet or something and I was convinced he did not intend to cut me, I probably would not fight back.
If he pulled the knife on me and said "get in the trunk" then the fight happens there.
If it was a hostage situation like he were using me for a shield or to get something, the fight would happen eventually but I would try and wait for an opening. Again that is only if he were serious about cutting me.
I just got through reading all the posts under this topic. I've been a police officer since 1977, imho, I say when it comes to edged weapons and gun disarming, please listen to law enforcement personel and reality based instructors. As far as LEO's go, remember, they learn and teach this stuff not for a belt, not for a demo, not for a trophy but to go home alive at the end of their tour of duty. They cannot go on what might work, they have to have something that has a decent probability of working under high stress situations. What they learn is based on real life survivors of edged weapons and those not so lucky too. As what was said in some of the above posts, learn conceptually rather than memorizing a long string of techniques that will do nothing more than get you killed. Yes, many things can work against a knife per se, ex. the punch in the nose, but that doesn't neccessarily qualify it as a proper method of defense against a blade especially against a worthy opponent. Just my 2 cents. Great job to the Leo's and reality based trainers, you guys are right on the money!
The question in the topic line implies a choice. If I had a legitimate choice about whether to fight a knifeman, the answer would be "No." But then, that would go for anyone in any fight. Not given a choice, the answer also seems axiomatic, "What choice would I have?" To curl up and die? Of course I'd fight.
Danjo said:
The question in the topic line implies a choice. If I had a legitimate choice about whether to fight a knifeman, the answer would be "No." But then, that would go for anyone in any fight. Not given a choice, the answer also seems axiomatic, "What choice would I have?" To curl up and die? Of course I'd fight.
Good answer, I agree
Disco said:
I know many men that can control themselves when they get kicked in the groin.

I can't help but honestly question that statement........ I can understand an exception to the rule, but many men that can control a groin hit? How many times have we all seen trained boxers get a low blow and their wearing protection, get the fight stopped so they can recover. Same for UFC, Pride, K-1 and so on. :btg:
I know several guys who have been on PCP who could handle getting their testicles blown off and keep coming. Sure, groin hits hurt, but it's still pain compliance. With pain compliance always comes an assumption. The only techniques to rely on under these circumstances are ones that cause disruption of the persons ability to function, not his will. Something that makes it structural impossible for the person to operate.
Yes and no. If the knifeman/woman (he from hereon) wants something, I will just give it, be it my wallet, shoes, shirt etc. If he is going to kill me, slash/stab me then yes.

How do you fight? With 110% commitment, no posturing, no bouncing, no jabbing, just do it. My attitude will be to kill him with my bear hands, because if I don't he will kill me and he has the distinct advantage. Whatever martial art is your base, commitment is necessary.
i don't know what i'm about to say was covered in this thread BUT here it goes.

would i fight back against a knifeman.? it depends on my SD skills.

if somebody come up to you with a knife, it's really too late for you to do anything. If a bad guy wants to kill you, he won't tell you to stand still or he will cut your throat.

Just do whatever he said and hopefully, everything is OK in the end.

if you want to fight, fight with all your hearts and you know that you try your best to defend yourself. It's all about the mind. Stay calm!

people will die 1 way or another right.? nobody lives forever.
Yeah, trying to folllow the forum guidelines.....but it was about fighitng and running......get the video....makes you laugh and wonder.....if you are "ito" this kind of humor...
Kane said:
Okay, you see it in Martial Art movies all the time. A bad guy grabs a knife or Chinese Broadsword and grabs from behind and says "If you move I will slit your throat!" The hero Martial Artists then does a back kick to the groin, elbow to the head, snapemare the man, ect. However, would these attacks work in real life.

Would a good kick to the groin really stun a dude with a knife making enough time to run or fight back? I know many men that can control themselves when they get kicked in the groin. Would be long enough to escape a stab or slit to the throat?

How about an elbow to the head, would you do it? If you don't hit the guy hard enough to escape he will get you hard with the knife. Even ad snapmare (head throw). If you don't throw them with enough force they will yet again get with the knife. So do you think it would be better to do with the man says if he caught you blind-eyed with a knife? Not sure whether I would, but it might be safer.

How about fighting a knifeman? Do you think disarming techniques are practical or is it better to run?

What do you think about all of this?
It depends on what he wants. Mugger? Give him the money and don't risk dying. Kidnapper? Fight back. There's a technique where, due to the trickiness of dealing with a knife against the throat from behind, the best thing one can do is pull the knife away from you by the blade. Painful, but beats getting killed.

If you can run, it's better. Why take the chance? If you can't, what real choice do you have?

The key is who your opponent is. Some dumb 13 year-old kid with a bloated ego? Disarm him and let him do the walking away. Trained knife fighter? Run, Loak. (Oobi-Doob, you're still here?)

~ Loki
Now that I think of it, depending on the person, a back kick would be a very powerful kick. As I think of it, if you had a good back kick, hopefully one would be able to knock off their balance some, and make a run for it.

However, if someone tried to slash me with their knife, I would by all means try to deflect it, and then gain control of their arms so they could not harm me. If I had to, I would possibly break the elbow in a down ward hold.
Back kick is a very useful attack, as it can be thrown to strike up from under the opponent's defense, sometimes catching them off guard, however, the sheer range of technique makes it a bit difficult in close-quarters. This is even more evident in the more likely scenario of an assailant with their knife against your throat, especially if they have you in a mock-sleeper hold. From that position, I'd be hesitant to try anything considering how gravely dangerous the situation is.
No Unless I Could Not Get Away Hey Thats Why We Practice Real Knife Disarms Right
Kamaria Annina said:
Now that I think of it, depending on the person, a back kick would be a very powerful kick. As I think of it, if you had a good back kick, hopefully one would be able to knock off their balance some, and make a run for it.

However, if someone tried to slash me with their knife, I would by all means try to deflect it, and then gain control of their arms so they could not harm me. If I had to, I would possibly break the elbow in a down ward hold.
Hmnnn, ever been faced with this in actual confrontation?

Also, many times someone with a knife, has a "back-up"
The only way to decide to fight or flight in the face of non bullet spewing weapon would be to look at the individual situation. If I somehow screw up enough to find a knife at my throat, I will probably anchor the arm and perform one of several escapes. IF the distance to the attacker is greater than that, (it should be so long as I can use my eyes), I may run. If my fiance is standing next to me in a skirt and heels, she probably could nt run, so my only option is to engage and take him out.

So the end answer is: yes Id fight if I had to, but I would rather not.
Gray Phoenix said:
The only way to decide to fight or flight in the face of non bullet spewing weapon would be to look at the individual situation. If I somehow screw up enough to find a knife at my throat, I will probably anchor the arm and perform one of several escapes. IF the distance to the attacker is greater than that, (it should be so long as I can use my eyes), I may run. If my fiance is standing next to me in a skirt and heels, she probably could nt run, so my only option is to engage and take him out.

So the end answer is: yes Id fight if I had to, but I would rather not.
Very nicely stated.

If my fiance is standing next to me in a skirt and heels, she probably could nt run, so my only option is to engage and take him out.
This had happened to me, around the late 70's. But he (the mugger) held the knife to her throat. So I had to comply and give him my wallet. Luckily so, because he ran around a corner and we saw him get together with an accomplice. (I state luckily because no matter if the knife was on me and I had defended myself, the accomplice could have came in without me knowing and worse-injure my fiance')

This was a learning experience that I had added to my self defense classes.
Furthermore, this situation does not end there. Something else, per another dramatic situation came out of it.
I've practiced and taught many knife techniques. The best advice is, if you can, run. There is no shame in getting away to safety.

If, on the other hand, you have absolutely no choice, then and only then would I personally take on the attacker.

The number one rule when fighting someone with a knife is, "You're gonna get cut".
47MartialMan said:
Also, many times someone with a knife, has a "back-up"
I always emphasize this...if you were going out to commit a crime using a weapon, wouldn't you take a back-up?

The attacker will surely have a back-up weapon. Be careful!

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