Does anybody else

I think it's important to point out that what Americans consider "left" is actually not left at all compared to the rest of the world. Our country is, in my opinion..too afraid of change. (and I don't mean Obama haha)....
I think a little more secularism would do us good. I'll give you an example...

Could you imagine even an open agnostic becoming president these days?
It's almost a pre-requisite that you're a Christian to hold the presidency in this country. I think this at least HINTS at a strong religious right in the USA.

I think a lot of the right wingers in the US are holding our country back. Another example...
I think we're the only country in the free world that has an active anti-darwin movement to keep Evolution on the same textbook page as creationism.

To say the far right is somehow less powerful than the far left in the USA?? That's a tough pill to swallow.
you and I live on two totally seperate planets my friend..

I will answer at length later, i gotta do something. Be cool
Well, I know it gets heated, but debating someone point for point gives me a respect for them. Feel lucky. I await your reply
Joshua, with all due respect, the point that Twin Fist and I are trying to make is that all the news networks except for Fox News: CNN, CNN Headline, ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, etc... are in the tank for the Democratic Party. In fact Media Matters for America, a Liberal hate website has contributors and supporters who appear regularly on Hardball with Chris Matthews, and Countdown with Keith Olbermann, and Olbermann is now a regular contributor for The Daily Kos, a website so vicious and anti-American, the internet blocking software doesn't even allow it to be shown on a computer with such software.
Joshua, with all due respect, the point that Twin Fist and I are trying to make is that all the news networks except for Fox News: CNN, CNN Headline, ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, etc... are in the tank for the Democratic Party. In fact Media Matters for America, a Liberal hate website has contributors and supporters who appear regularly on Hardball with Chris Matthews, and Countdown with Keith Olbermann, and Olbermann is now a regular contributor for The Daily Kos, a website so vicious and anti-American, the internet blocking software doesn't even allow it to be shown on a computer with such software.

I appreciate that point of view. I just disagree with it. To quote Maddox.

""Liberal media":
Whiny, bitching, cry-baby conservatives love to prattle on and on about the "liberal media." To be fair, except for FOX News (Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, John Gibson, Neil Cavuto, Steve Doocy, E.D. Hill, Brian Kilmeade, Brit Hume), Clear Channel, Laura Ingraham, Dr. Laura, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Ann Coulter, Newsmax, G. Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan, Michael Savage, The New York Post, Sinclair Broadcast Group (WLOS13, Fox 45, WTTO21, WB49, KGAN, WICD, WICS, WCHS, WVAH, WTAT, WSTR, WSYX, WTTE, WKEF, WRGT, KDSM, WSMH, WXLV, WURN, KVWB, KFBT, WDKY, WMSN, WVTV, WEAR, WZTV, KOTH, WYZZ, WPGH, WGME, WLFL, WRLH, WUHF, KABB, WGGB, WSYT, WTTA), David Horowitz, Rupert Murdoch, PAX, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, they're right.
Joshua, Michael Savage isn't a Conservative first of all. Second, you know damn well that the media is owned by the extreme left of the Democratic Party!
Joshua, Michael Savage isn't a Conservative first of all. Second, you know damn well that the media is owned by the extreme left of the Democratic Party!

mike sure isn't a liberal would be the point. and yes, let's dismiss all of those other news outlets and just focus on what bill o tells us to believe. all hail bill O
I would also add that if you only get your "news" from Fox News... you deserve to believe the rest of the news is "owned" by the far left. I won't debate that point any more. You're right, the ENTIRE "mainstream media" is liberal. You win. Enjoy sucking Hannity's balls
......... Second, you know damn well that the media is owned by the extreme left of the Democratic Party!

Okee-dokee, here we go:

MSNBC, NBC-owned by General Electric-that same GE that supplies appliances, lightbulbs, powerplant turbines, and, oh yeah, brings good things to light like jet engines, nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons. The same GE that ran the Hanford Reservation Facility for the U.S., making nuclear materials for weapons. The same GE that began releasing nuclear material from Hanford in 1949...just to see how far downwind it would go. The same GE that was run by MR. Jack Welch-Republican, and major contributor the Bush campaign......

CBS-Owned by VIACOM,

ABC-Owned by Disney

Fox News-Owned by NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch)

CNN-Owned by Time Warner.

These 5 companies control 75% of the media's prime time viewing.

I'd put it to you, Dustin, that the media is as liberal as its corporate ownership permits-no more. That if you look for the faces of that corporate ownership, at the top you'll find mostly Republican Conservatives-even though they all might contribute to both parties-wisely-you'll find that they contribute more to Republican causes, either in person or through PACs.Their power structure has a huge investment in making certain that the country is divided and distracted on "key" that we don't realize that the airwaves belong to the public, that they get their licenses to use those airwaves from the government for free, and that WE the people are the ones who make decisions, or put people in place to make those decisions for us.....but THEY do their very best to control what you know, what you think about it, and how you act on it.

"Come sail away; come sail away; come sail away with me!"
Nice try Joshua and Elder999. The media is owned by liberals. How else do you explain the kind of dirty, and almost pornographic content on most network and cable network TV entertainment programs? Desperate Housewives, South Park, Reno 911, The View, Oprah, etc... You guys all talk like Rupert Murdock owns the entire media industry, which obviously isn't true.
Nice try Joshua and Elder999. The media is owned by liberals. How else do you explain the kind of dirty, and almost pornographic content on most network and cable network TV entertainment programs? Desperate Housewives, South Park, Reno 911, The View, Oprah, etc... You guys all talk like Rupert Murdock owns the entire media industry, which obviously isn't true.

Well, no, Dustin-the media is owned by corporations, and the people that run those corporations are generally conservative Republicans-don't take my word for it, see for yourself. Keep in mind that public information is available for their political contributions, and that they generally contribute to people of both parties, but you'll find that they contribute more, mostly or all of their funds to Republican causes.

While I don't know about most of those programs you mentioned , I have to ask how Oprah is almost pornographic. I can also tell you that when I resumed TV programming at home in 2001-2002, I experienced a bit of culture shock, so I'm kind of with you there, and I'd agree that most of the people who make those shows probably are "liberals." They don't own the media, though; they make a product that the media buys. In the end, the media buys it because people will watch it, and they can sell advertising. Same goes for the news, and the manner in which it is reported.

Voting statistics over the last 10 years say the country is pretty much split down the middle on a variety of issues, so for every person like you who stands there cussing out Mr. Olbermann (instead of just changing the channel or turning the damn thing off???) there's another out there nodding his head in agreement, somewhere-I know it's hard to believe, but that's the exactly the way that someone at the top of a corporation wants it. Case in point would be the Elian Gonzalez case, but you and I could find any major news story of the last 10 years, look at the reportage from both ends of the spectrum-say, Fox News and CNN, and the substantive facts would be the same, but the commentary, nuance and spin for the truth would be completely different.
Nice try Joshua and Elder999. The media is owned by liberals. How else do you explain the kind of dirty, and almost pornographic content on most network and cable network TV entertainment programs? Desperate Housewives, South Park, Reno 911, The View, Oprah, etc... You guys all talk like Rupert Murdock owns the entire media industry, which obviously isn't true.

You're ignoring FACTS. How do you explain the content on network and cable network TV? AMERICAN SUPPLY AND DEMAND. If your fellow citizens didn't watch those things it wouldn't be on TV. No one was acting like anything. You claim the media is owned by the far left, which is factually untrue.

Also, your entire premise in naming off those shows is ****ed. The republican party doesn't have a monopoly on morality. Here's an idea, tell your congressmen to stop having homosexual affairs left and right while voting against gay rights and stop focusing on what's on TV. ..Actually I take that back.. Nevermind.. Let's focus on what's on TV. Fox News is owned by Fox, which has NO ****ing leg to stand on when it comes to the morality of television shows. Those living in glass houses need to not throw stones.

As much as you want to believe everything bill tells you to be true, some things require facts. (like claiming the entire media is owned by liberals)

Really, if you'd believe anything from a man who "boycotted" France for not supporting our wonderful war in Iraq and complains that evil democrats are coming to take Christmas away... I really don't have pity for you.
You want to hear "news" on how America can never do wrong in the world and how evil and forceful the "Secular progressives" are? I say have at it.. Yep enjoy your willful ignorance.

Just don't label everything that isn't on the right-wings dick as "left wing"
Okee-dokee, here we go:

MSNBC, NBC-owned by General Electric-that same GE that supplies appliances, lightbulbs, powerplant turbines, and, oh yeah, brings good things to light like jet engines, nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons. The same GE that ran the Hanford Reservation Facility for the U.S., making nuclear materials for weapons. The same GE that began releasing nuclear material from Hanford in 1949...just to see how far downwind it would go. The same GE that was run by MR. Jack Welch-Republican, and major contributor the Bush campaign......

CBS-Owned by VIACOM,

ABC-Owned by Disney

Fox News-Owned by NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch)

CNN-Owned by Time Warner.

These 5 companies control 75% of the media's prime time viewing.

I'd put it to you, Dustin, that the media is as liberal as its corporate ownership permits-no more. That if you look for the faces of that corporate ownership, at the top you'll find mostly Republican Conservatives-even though they all might contribute to both parties-wisely-you'll find that they contribute more to Republican causes, either in person or through PACs.Their power structure has a huge investment in making certain that the country is divided and distracted on "key" that we don't realize that the airwaves belong to the public, that they get their licenses to use those airwaves from the government for free, and that WE the people are the ones who make decisions, or put people in place to make those decisions for us.....but THEY do their very best to control what you know, what you think about it, and how you act on it.

"Come sail away; come sail away; come sail away with me!"

Bravo! Bravo, El Snarko!
Say what? The Kos crowd are committed to helping Democrats win, not to extremism. ...........

If you dont think the DailyPOS crowd is extreem, then our definitions are very, very different. Also, I would posit that if they are not your idea of extreem, it is not surprising that you dont see examples of far left activist as often as i do. because to you, they are not far left. To me they are. VERY. Sadly, I dont know of a way to reconcile these opposing views.

Meanwhile, the far right has gotten their religion into government with the faith based initiatives nonsense.

Uh, no. Faith Based Initiatives are a way of getting the organizations that already do charitable work the funds to do so on a large scale. This is not establishment of any religion. This is not endorsement of any religion, so i am afraid you are just wrong about that.

They got themselves two anti-Roe Supreme Court justices, Roberts and especially Alito.

Roe should be overturned.Not because abortion is bad, but because it is a very badly decided case. I agree with the result, but the "equal protection" is not the way to do it. many legal experts agree.
I think it's important to point out that what Americans consider "left" is actually not left at all compared to the rest of the world. Our country is, in my opinion..too afraid of change. (and I don't mean Obama haha)....

Who cares what the rest of the world does or thinks? I base my decisions off of what is good for america, not what France thinks is good for France

Could you imagine even an open agnostic becoming president these days?
It's almost a pre-requisite that you're a Christian to hold the presidency in this country. I think this at least HINTS at a strong religious right in the USA.

That has more to do with the FACT that the vast overwhelming majority of Americans are religious, at least to some degree, people want a President that represents THEM. There is nothing wrong with that.

I think a lot of the right wingers in the US are holding our country back. Another example...
I think we're the only country in the free world that has an active anti-darwin movement to keep Evolution on the same textbook page as creationism.

Both are theories. Neither is proven. Both are believed by a LOT of people. I would prefere that creationism be taught in Social Studies rather than biology, but it should be discussed at least.

To say the far right is somehow less powerful than the far left in the USA?? That's a tough pill to swallow.

only because you are more left than right. it is natural to see oneself as the minority. Wether you are or not.
mike sure isn't a liberal would be the point. and yes, let's dismiss all of those other news outlets and just focus on what bill o tells us to believe. all hail bill O

"You win. Enjoy sucking Hannity's balls"
was entirely out of line. You should apologize for that.

ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, the majority of the print media and almost the entire Blog world



And BTW, Clear Channel also hosted Air America, which failed miserably, I think because people dont want to hear negative negative negative, and thats all the far left moonbats at Air American had to offer.

regardless of who OWNS the, look at their CONTENT.

but that doesnt matter to you guys I am sure. Even though you know FULL WELL that owners dont control content.

BTW Elder, GE's IS, not "was" run by CEO Jeffery Immelt, not a republican
I am actually willing to admit all of the above are valid points..Very good points indeed. EXCEPT the first one.

who cares what the rest of the world thinks? I do. You should too. It's impossible for America to solve ANY of the global problems including the "war on terrorism ©" you can clearly see.

It's a figure of speech. I will do no such thing.
It's also not an acceptable way to debate here, and wasn't needed. Thread was doing ok until you got all "special". Wasn't needed. You might last longer here unless your point is to go out flaming.
It's also not an acceptable way to debate here, and wasn't needed. Thread was doing ok until you got all "special". Wasn't needed. You might last longer here unless your point is to go out flaming.

"last longer here"? Honestly, If I'm in some sort of danger of some sort of a ban for that.. then I'd prefer it be done and get it over with. If you think that was a personal attack of some sort you obviously don't understand the figure of speech. If you feel like I've broken some rule of ethics, report me... Otherwise You keep your idea of what's acceptable and I'll keep mine. Thanks...Again, Ban me or whatever if it's that bad. But you'll get no such apology.