Can someone explain to me who "the elite" are? I keep seeing that term used in various threads, but there has never been a proper definition. And unless we share a common terminology, the use of it is meaningless.
Good question. I'll give you my best answer, but know this, "the elite" means different things to different people so I doubt we will ever complete agreement on exactly who "they" are.
When I refer to the Elite, I am referring specifically to the Old Guard, Old Money, WASP families like the Rockefellers, Carnagies, Morgans, Astors, etc. This is a very Amerocentric group, though. In a broader sense international banking families (and no, I am not referring to Jews) like the Rothchilds or many of the European Royal families can also be classified as Elite.
The thing to keep in mind is that these families have interests that transcend the normal things that have meaning to us. Politics, nationality, sovereignty, money, etc...all of this takes on a different meaning in the elite context. For example, in this thread, if was brought up that the "left" and "right" media both have the same bosses and they are the Elite.
This kind of pragmatic attitude towards politics has nothing to do with allegience to partisanship. It has everything to do with manipulation of society for a gain of some kind.
This is why I said it was important to study
Hegel. These 19th century German philosophers had a huge influence on world events. In particular, they provided Elite families with a rationale and rule book for the manipulation of society for their own gain.
A good example is the
Hegelian Dialectic. If you are powerful enough to precipitate the antithesis, you can propose a thesis, and control the synthesis. Political parties do exactly this in the hands of the elite. The right and the left make lots of noise, but the "middle" was the original goal the entire time. The sythesis of ideas was directed by the control of the thesis and antithesis.