Does anybody else

Oh no my friend, the right wants to change everything too. They want to take us back to the mythical time in the past when everything was peaceful and nice. Thus, knowingly or unknowingly in the service of their corporate masters, agitating for the dismantling of the social safety net, the "Great Society" reforms, and governmental oversight and regulation of industry. On the social side, advocating for an explicitly Christian governance, with associated morality laws such as the banning of abortion or homosexual marriage. Truly, some of these far-right types qualify as radicals in any sense, advocating for a theocratic government which we have never had - despite their spinning of history.

You far left loon!! It wasen't "mythical" It was called Reaganland.
And about "Christian Governance" ummmm HELLO Commie.. This country was founded on Christian values. It's not "spinning history"... Clearly you should move to France...with all the other *******! :boing2:

You secular progressives need to stay away from my gun and my bible or I will have to do what Jesus teaches.. and blow your ****ing head off!!

ALWAYS TRYING TO INFEST our country with your HOMOSEXUALS and "HEALTHCARE".. you know what? Move to SAN FRANSISCO instead...:D
:lol: You would hope ... {I'm positive it is and funny too}.
:lol: You would hope ... {I'm positive it is and funny too}.

Staffordshire, England?? Oh look.. the EUROPEAN elites think the liberal humor is funny. What a shock. Why don't YOU move to FRANCE TOO!!!!

If it was not for America.. you'd be speaking German!!!!
Staffordshire, England?? Oh look.. the EUROPEAN elites think the liberal humor is funny. What a shock. Why don't YOU move to FRANCE TOO!!!!

If it was not for America.. you'd be speaking German!!!!

Now, now ... ROFLKLITA ... them's fighting words, young man :D.

If it wasn't for us not joining the Germans, you'd be speaking English ... oh hang on :). As for moving to France - gadzooks milord, are you lost to all decency when crafting your gibes? :lol:.

Sadly, I'd guess we'd better rein in our good humour and stray closer to topic - it is a good one for discourse after all.
haha. yes. I only wanted to point out the obvious humor.. or.. humour in the right-wing point of view. And I say "move to France" because Bill O'reilly actually "boycotted" France after the invasion of Iraq. A common right wing tactic in the US is to call someone "French" if they appear left of what they deem as acceptable.

I am done in the study for now. I need sleep and I find myself laughing more often than not.

are you two done making vague stereotypes? or do I need to give you some more time??

heh heh:lol2:

the core of American Liberalism is socialism. Plain and Simple. With a little Marx and Lenin thrown in for good measure. Now what are the earmarks of Marx and Lenin?

equality of everyone, wether they deserve it or not
outlawing religion
disarming the people
eliminating the "burgois" ie the wealthy
state ownership and oversite of business

and thats just for starters

The goal of the American Liberals (not democrats per se, I am talking the far left liberals here, the people behind the scenes with the money, like Soros) is to remake the USA into a socialist nation. But they cant come out and say that, because they know that the people would never have it. So they disguise it. They use terms that sound like good ideas.

Affimitive Action SOUNDS good on paper, but what it is, is doing away with reward equal to merit

Higher taxes on the rich sounds good on paper, but what it really is is "wealth re-distribution" and the elimination of the wealthy

government control of commerce supposedly to "protect the working man" but in reality to control every aspect of business

seperation of church and state sounds good, but which was meant to ensure the free exercise of religion has become the emilination of religion from the public. Some liberals have even suggested that parents taking thier children to church is child abuse and grounds to take those children away. Socialism allows no other dieties.

Gun control sounds like a good idea, but what it really is is a way to disarm the people.

And they are smart about it, they label things "progressive" cuz hey, that sounds like "progress" and that HAS to be a good thing, right?

They lubricate this change with bribes. They are called 'entitlement programs" like welfare, un-employment, dis-ability, etc

If you are on welfare, and an election is comming up, and the liberals tell you 'the republicans will cancel your welfare checks" who will you vote for?

the point Sukerin, is that the changes the far left want to make are sweeping and total.

The changes the right wants to make are not as bad.

Now the FAR right, which is just as scary, but they are a small group, with little funding, and no real political power. Plus, here is a prime example of the far right: gay marraige. The far right wants to keep marraige as "one man, one woman"

but right now, with the exception of ONE state, thats the way it already is.
So they are not wanting to change, as much as maintain the status quo

Now i happen to agree with the liberals on this subject, but the fact is, only one side wants to CHANGE something.
:tup: Given that the French are the ones that won the America's their independance that is indeed an ironic barb to wind this side-excursion on :D.

Open history challenge:

A) Name an engagement in the War of Independance that the (purely) American forces won (you get the fact that we were fighting the French navy at the same time for free)

B) Name the most successful General in said War of Independence

For the sake of thread integrity, feel free to mail me with your answers or start another thread with this as the OP.
thats all well and good. But there is a reason the French today are referred to as "cheese eating surrender monkey's"

And the boycott Josh referred to was because the French refused to help the US in Iraq.

Come to find out, the government of France had several ILLEGAL business deals going with Saddam...............
My thanks for your detailed answer, TF.

Sadly, the late hour (for me) and too much 2004 Wolf Blass Yellow Label means an intelligent response will have to wait until tomorrow evening (I'm teaching tomorrow so it'll be a fair delay; please don't think a lack of reply means anything negative).

P.S. :D Dont feed my anti-French prejudice, good sir. I have enough trouble keeping it tied down as it is :lol:.
Now the FAR right, which is just as scary, but they are a small group, with little funding, and no real political power.

No, unfortunately, the far right has an enormous amount of money and political power given their size. Keeping the far right happy is a major part of every serious Republican contender's campaign. There is a reason why George Bush spoke at Oral Roberts University, where interracial dating was against the rules at the time. There is a reason that McCain has sought out the endorsement of extremist pastors like Hagee. There is a reason that until he outed himself as a gay meth-head, Ted Haggard as the head of the National Association of Evangelicals met every Monday with President Bush. Now, it may be cynical use, but the Republican party gives an enormous amount of attention and promises to the far right in exchange for their money and votes.

In contrast, you would be hard pressed to show such associations for serious politicians on the Left. They just can't get away with it. Obama is being hammered mercilessly for his association with Wright, who has views less or equally disturbing to the far right pastors who have long been associated with the Republican party. If the the Dems were meeting every Monday with MeCHA or representatives of the Communist party, the howls out outrage would be audible in Siberia.
The Far Left? We don't have one in the US. We have a far, far right that fits every single textbook classic definition of fascism from Eco on down. It is currently the mainstream of the Republican Party. It's not the belief of every single Party member. But it's the platform from "opposition to organized labor" and "partnership between business and government" to "imposition of pervasive surveillance".

What people of that sort call a "Far Left" has economic, civil liberties, social welfare, trade, fiscal and even labor policies that are pretty much identical to those of a moderate Republican of forty years ago. Seriously.

Olbermann, whom the poster despises as a radical leftie, is further to the right than I. F. Stone or the other great icons of the 20th century.
Empty Hands,
Every major Democrat in the race at the time went to the DailyPOS convention. So your "you would be hard pressed to show such associations for serious politicians on the Left" just got shot full of holes.

The far left has BILLIONAIRES funding them. The Far Right has a bunch of poor white people in churches funding them. Who do you think wins that contest? Plus, what hast he far right gotten accomplished? not much. The far left on the other hand........

Edited to take out my reply, short though it was to tellner. No point in engaging him.
Every major Democrat in the race at the time went to the DailyPOS convention. So your "you would be hard pressed to show such associations for serious politicians on the Left" just got shot full of holes.

Say what? The Kos crowd are committed to helping Democrats win, not to extremism. They were even willing to go with a pro-life Democrat in the Chafee race. That ain't exactly extreme.

The far left has BILLIONAIRES funding them. The Far Right has a bunch of poor white people in churches funding them. Who do you think wins that contest?

Well, those churches aren't exactly poor, and the megachurches have thousands of members with a national political and lobbying apparatus. Your local church on the corner of 5th and Main they ain't.

In any case, the far right has its share of billionaires. Richard Melon Scaife. Rupert Murdoch. And so on.

Plus, what hast he far right gotten accomplished? not much. The far left on the other hand........

Well, I can't think of anything the far left has accomplished. We are still at war. Unionism and labor protection are at an all time low. So are import barriers and protectionist measures that they favor. The Bush administration is pushing hard on regulatory schemes and institutions that the left favors. Ditto for Great Society stuff like Social Security, although they didn't manage to accomplish anything on that one.

Meanwhile, the far right has gotten their religion into government with the faith based initiatives nonsense. They got themselves two anti-Roe Supreme Court justices, Roberts and especially Alito. Those two alone will provide dividends to the far right for decades to come. The far right also has its representatives taken seriously and courted in Congress and the White House. Not bad for a bunch of poor white churchgoers, eh?

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