are you two done making vague stereotypes? or do I need to give you some more time??
heh heh:lol2:
the core of American Liberalism is socialism. Plain and Simple. With a little Marx and Lenin thrown in for good measure. Now what are the earmarks of Marx and Lenin?
equality of everyone, wether they deserve it or not
outlawing religion
disarming the people
eliminating the "burgois" ie the wealthy
state ownership and oversite of business
and thats just for starters
The goal of the American Liberals (not democrats per se, I am talking the far left liberals here, the people behind the scenes with the money, like Soros) is to remake the USA into a socialist nation. But they cant come out and say that, because they know that the people would never have it. So they disguise it. They use terms that sound like good ideas.
Affimitive Action SOUNDS good on paper, but what it is, is doing away with reward equal to merit
Higher taxes on the rich sounds good on paper, but what it really is is "wealth re-distribution" and the elimination of the wealthy
government control of commerce supposedly to "protect the working man" but in reality to control every aspect of business
seperation of church and state sounds good, but which was meant to ensure the free exercise of religion has become the emilination of religion from the public. Some liberals have even suggested that parents taking thier children to church is child abuse and grounds to take those children away. Socialism allows no other dieties.
Gun control sounds like a good idea, but what it really is is a way to disarm the people.
And they are smart about it, they label things "progressive" cuz hey, that sounds like "progress" and that HAS to be a good thing, right?
They lubricate this change with bribes. They are called 'entitlement programs" like welfare, un-employment, dis-ability, etc
If you are on welfare, and an election is comming up, and the liberals tell you 'the republicans will cancel your welfare checks" who will you vote for?
the point Sukerin, is that the changes the far left want to make are sweeping and total.
The changes the right wants to make are not as bad.
Now the FAR right, which is just as scary, but they are a small group, with little funding, and no real political power. Plus, here is a prime example of the far right: gay marraige. The far right wants to keep marraige as "one man, one woman"
but right now, with the exception of ONE state, thats the way it already is.
So they are not wanting to change, as much as maintain the status quo
Now i happen to agree with the liberals on this subject, but the fact is, only one side wants to CHANGE something.