Do you learn more from teaching others or being taught?

I feel that teaching, or even assisting the instructor, helps me learn. Not only do I have to know the technique, I have to be able to clearly articulate it so beginners can understand it, and practice it properly. When assisting with the juniors, I often see or learn ways to make techniques quicker.
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Although I'm nowhere near being able to actually teach properly, I've done "go and show those white belts wrist releases" type teaching lol

Obviously you have to be taught first, but after I have learned the basis of a move from my instructor, I honestly think I learn more showing others how to do things. No matter how inexperienced they are they always have a new perspective on the technique and make you think about different ways of doing it. I find that by helping others learn I improve my own technique immensely. Seeing if you can properly explain and demonstrate to someone else what you have been taught, is a true test of whether or not you understand it and have learnt it well.

What are your thoughts? :)

I haven't read all the replies but I have to agree with this. I had the same experience in my last school. Teaching white belts a beginning technique, something I was doing without thinking, and then having to explain it to them was much more difficult. It really made me think and I believe helped me improve the technique too. You start thinking about it differently and it opens your eyes to your own imperfections and and makes you improve it for yourself.

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