How Do You Teach or How Do You Like To Be Taught?
This is the topic for the day on my daily Blog so I thought I would share:
However, I am really interested in knowing how you like to teach or be taught and everyone's thoughts on the matter!
I was just thinking about this myself when I found your post. We all know good fighters who are poor teachers, and conversely, some good, patient teachers who were never great fighters. The best--those who are good at both--are rare.
The fighters are often poor students too. They do work hard and are happy to mix it up. They learn fast, But...they have little patience when it comes to learning material that doesn't have immediate combat practicality. They also tend to be impatient when working with less physically gifted students. And, although they may be "strait shooters" --that is good honest types who are fun to hang out with, they tend to be less than loyal to any one art or system. They learn what they can use and move on as they build their repertoire of skills.
A lot of teacher types had to work harder to acheive a high level of proficiency. That may make them more understanding of students who struggle. In addition, since they didn't just pick up their techniques intuitively, but by studying them, practicing, and reflecting on them, they are often better prepared to present information in a simple, logical and progressive format that students find easy to grasp.
Finally, as said above, different students learn differently. A good teacher must be sensitive to the different leaqrning styles of his students, and be able to present material in a way that each can grasp. I, for example, need to have the material broken down and explained physically and verbally. Then I need a lot of repetition, then a lot of patient correction until it hopefully "clicks". I usually understand the idea, in my head, long before my body fully gets it. And it gets worse as I get older.