Django Unchained...leftist humor...


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Jamie Foxx, the star of the new movie Django Unchained, repeated a line from the movie on SNL to great applause. The line, in the following video, was about how great it was to kill all the white people in the movie, as he swept his arm to encompasse the SNL audience. Now, being that the movie is about a freed slave trying to save his wife from slavery, the line makes a punch line on SNL it just points out the double standard when it comes to race in the United States. If the line was say from Black Hawk Down, about our rangers in Somalia, and one of the stars from that film stated how great it was to kill all those black people....hmmm...I think the reaction would be quite different than great laughter and applause.

Also, Jamie Foxx as a person is a vile sort of person. He has made some really vile remarks about conservative women in the past and as is the double standard, hasn't really paid a price for it.

As to the irony of Jamie Foxx, a member of the democrat party, playing a freed slave...that is pretty ironic. Keep in mind that the "white," people he is killing in the movie are democrat slave owners. The democrat party owned the slaves, attempted to get slavery pushed into new states, wanted to restart the slave trade with africa and even went to war to maintain the institution of slavery. After the war between democrats and republicans (the Civil War) the democrats continued to fight the Republicans and newly freed slaves as they tried to give rights to the newly freed slaves. The democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize the freed slaves and their republican allies, they started the Jim Crow laws and did everything they could to suppress the newly freed slaves. It wasn't until the 1960's when they finally realized that no matter how many hangings, and beatings they committed, African Americans, or from this point, Americans who were black, were going to be allowed to vote, and in great numbers, that they changed their tactics to keep power. The democrat party was the party of racism during and up to the 1960's and they are still the home of racism today.

Jamie Foxx is a member of that party, in a movie that celebrates shooting and killing members of that party...hmmm...that seems strange.
Do you think that would matter in Germany with the nazi party 150 years from now? Besides, the democrats were fighting equal rights for Americans descended from slaves up to the 1960's, and didn't change until they absolutely had to, and they still use racism to drive their agenda.
I think it's a travesty that we are even still talking about Racism these days. We have a black president, the matter should be settled.
We saw "Killing Them Softly" last night. Brad Pit's character made some anti-Obama comments that Brad Pitt wouldn't have made. It's called acting. All the best actors do it.
Do you think that would matter in Germany with the nazi party 150 years from now? Besides, the democrats were fighting equal rights for Americans descended from slaves up to the 1960's, and didn't change until they absolutely had to, and they still use racism to drive their agenda.

Not even worth dignifying with a response.
An election was just one using racism to smear the other side. There is money and power in racism in America and the democrats aren't going to let that go.

I think it's a travesty that we are even still talking about Racism these days. We have a black president, the matter should be settled.

You would think that that would have settled the issue, but it didn't.
Yawn. :rolleyes:

It's not "leftist" humor-it's just "humor. " Racial, maybe even black, maybe not very funny-definitely kinda dated (How black is that?)

This, on the other hand, was racial and pretty damn funny

I think it's a travesty that we are even still talking about Racism these days. We have a black president, the matter should be settled.

We still have racism-I think it's a travesty that anyone thinks "the matter should be settled..." :rolleyes:
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We still have racism-I think it's a travesty that anyone thinks "the matter should be settled..." :rolleyes:

the matter should be settled...but then we would have more people on unemployment, those who make a pretty good living of keeping it an issue and on the forefront...
As to the irony of Jamie Foxx, a member of the democrat party, playing a freed slave...that is pretty ironic. Keep in mind that the "white," people he is killing in the movie are democrat slave owners. The democrat party owned the slaves, attempted to get slavery pushed into new states, wanted to restart the slave trade with africa and even went to war to maintain the institution of slavery. After the war between democrats and republicans (the Civil War) the democrats continued to fight the Republicans and newly freed slaves as they tried to give rights to the newly freed slaves. The democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize the freed slaves and their republican allies, they started the Jim Crow laws and did everything they could to suppress the newly freed slaves. It wasn't until the 1960's when they finally realized that no matter how many hangings, and beatings they committed, African Americans, or from this point, Americans who were black, were going to be allowed to vote, and in great numbers, that they changed their tactics to keep power. The democrat party was the party of racism during and up to the 1960's and they are still the home of racism today.

Jamie Foxx is a member of that party, in a movie that celebrates shooting and killing members of that party...hmmm...that seems strange.

Read a book:

it'll be good for you.
Hmmm..."Django Unchained," an unintended conservative, pro-gun movie? Read on and see...

Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" is not only a great film but the greatest display of liberalism in movie theaters this past year.

To those whose blood is boiling or eyes are rolling, I don't use that word to refer to the political left in modern politics. Their use of that word was always illegitimate, and their ownership of it has expired.
Liberalism is exactly what its name suggests: a belief that men and women should be free—and therefore equal. And that is a far more fundamental belief than any racial or political one. The film isn't political at all, though its undertones bring to mind gun control, an issue made salient by a recent national tragedy—and its only coherent reading is that when access to guns is unrestricted, tyranny cannot survive.

In scene after scene, equal or superior firepower is the primary factor protecting those who seek liberty.

Guns are the equalizer between tyrants and those who would resist them in the world of "Django."
What a crock of ****. If any of you have seen the movie, it is set 2 years before the War of Northern Aggression. Yes, Jamie Foxx makes a comment about killing criminal white people and getting revenge on those who stole his wife. He ALSO calls other black people in the movie by very racial derogative terms (not just the most common one). Does that mean he hates himself? No, it means that even in the movie he is playing a subpart.

The movie does accurately reflect how some slaves were treated by some slave owners and how they were viewed and talked to. I can VERY well imagine that many, if not most, slaves that were treated in this fashion would not have been happy to inflict violence against their oppressors.

I did NOT see this as some hidden political agenda by the left at all.
Here is the part of the original post you probably missed...

Now, being that the movie is about a freed slave trying to save his wife from slavery, the line makes a punch line on SNL it just points out the double standard when it comes to race in the United States. If the line was say from Black Hawk Down, about our rangers in Somalia, and one of the stars from that film stated how great it was to kill all those black people....hmmm...I think the reaction would be quite different than great laughter and applause.

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