Difference Between Hitting Too Hard, and Being Too Experienced

I think the kid wants to fit in. But I really think he doesn't know how. Mentors / Mods, take it easy on him. Although I agree with you, he needs you to guide him. I remember when I was 22...
I do not know if they will listen to your voice of moderation and wisdom. This is a feeding frenzy. Thank you, Jenna x
Jenna that's harsh and untrue. The OP has posted things which sound patronising and in places quite arrogant, at times too it sounds as if he's talking down to long established martial artists. When one is young one always thiks one is invincable, immortal and of course right, which is fine if your life doesn't actually depend on you being so. With martial arts, more specifically self defence one has to know what one is doing not play at it. What people are seeing is someone playing at it and who will get hurt unless he stops playing and trains seriously. A lot of people have said he shows promise, has potential and have offered friendly and very constructive advice. That is not a feeding frenzy.
It's gentle picnic in a flowery meadow......
He seems to be arguing his corner quite well so far, holding his own I'd say.
Argued more tactfully? This isnt a UN Meeting :p He said something, We replied, He replied, and so forth. Bluntness is best, and He at least didnt do what alot of folks do and quit when He didnt like the music.
Yes, but from his perspective he is being attacked not informed. He likely feels he is being ridiculed and not corrected. Quite a number of posts are littered with jokes and mocker, look at page 2. For all we know, this fellow came on in search of some much needed encouragement and instead was laughed at. If I thought he was a troll, I'd think of this differently. Instead I think he is simply uninformed or misinformed.
Yes, but from his perspective he is being attacked not informed. He likely feels he is being ridiculed and not corrected. Quite a number of posts are littered with jokes and mocker, look at page 2. For all we know, this fellow came on in search of some much needed encouragement and instead was laughed at. If I thought he was a troll, I'd think of this differently. Instead I think he is simply uninformed or misinformed.

I don't think so. I think he's way too into what he does & what he think he does. From his tone he expected us to treat him as an "equal" (for whatever that's worth) or on "equal footing".

It's the old saying... it's not what you say but how you say it. If his approach had been different, what he received would've been very different.
I think the kid wants to fit in. But I really think he doesn't know how. Mentors / Mods, take it easy on him. Although I agree with you, he needs you to guide him. I remember when I was 22...

After further reveiw of additional threads by Zenjael, I have come to the conclusion that I may have been premature in my evaluation. In other words, I think I may have been wr...wr...wr...wrong. :uhyeah:
After further reveiw of additional threads by Zenjael, I have come to the conclusion that I may have been premature in my evaluation. In other words, I think I may have been wr...wr...wr...wrong. :uhyeah:

*rubs eyes* Tames?? Tames!!

Welcome back my friend, great to see you around the neighborhood :asian:
After further reveiw of additional threads by Zenjael, I have come to the conclusion that I may have been premature in my evaluation. In other words, I think I may have been wr...wr...wr...wrong. :uhyeah:

Yes, yes you were....and even though I agreed with you the first time...and agree with you now....let the record state...and as much as it pains me to admit this….. Yes you were wrong...but I wasn't... I never am..... I was just being agreeable :D
After further reveiw of additional threads by Zenjael, I have come to the conclusion that I may have been premature in my evaluation. In other words, I think I may have been wr...wr...wr...wrong. :uhyeah:

Premature evaluation. Happens to us all man, happens to us all.
:duh: I actually just read the title of this thread and thought about what it is saying and asking

“Difference Between Hitting Too Hard, and Being Too Experienced”

Now I am sure that in 5 pages this has been mentioned and I will admit right now there is absolutely no way I am going to read 5 pages of this mess to see if it has been mentioned but that thread title absolutely misses the point more than any other I have seen on MT in all the years I have been posting here

The Difference between hitting too hard, and being too experienced is that if you are hitting too hard you are not experienced at all…actually you are rather inexperienced…. So the difference between hitting to hard and being to experienced is exactly the same as the difference between being inexperienced and being experienced.
I think it's clear from the videos that have been posted that you're not hitting too hard (if at all...) nor are you such an incredible fighter that people are scared of you. I think there absolutely MUST be a third possibility...
:duh: I actually just read the title of this thread and thought about what it is saying and asking

“Difference Between Hitting Too Hard, and Being Too Experienced”

Now I am sure that in 5 pages this has been mentioned and I will admit right now there is absolutely no way I am going to read 5 pages of this mess to see if it has been mentioned but that thread title absolutely misses the point more than any other I have seen on MT in all the years I have been posting here

The Difference between hitting too hard, and being too experienced is that if you are hitting too hard you are not experienced at all…actually you are rather inexperienced…. So the difference between hitting to hard and being to experienced is exactly the same as the difference between being inexperienced and being experienced.
Great insight! :asian: