Tone is everyting. The tone of your request came accross the acreen as abrupt and challenging, and not as a respectful request for back up information.
Think about the knowledge base you have accumulated in life. Got references in your back pocket or on the tip of your tongue to support every little thing you know or believe?
I had to learn about the carotid bulb thing in Chiropractic college; as part of EMT training; and again for other reasons. I could take a day to go to my storage space, dig out the text that accompanied the coursework, look in the back for the references, then go to the science library at the nearest university with a med school in it to try and find the original source material so I could post a reference for you. But why? Is that the best use of my day, just so I can say, "nyah-nyah, I told you so?".
No. It's a petty request, which if thought out with any respect for the other party, would not have been made, in light of the ridiculous path necessary for a response. Not having a snappy reference for you to look up, which you wouldn't do anyway, don't make it not so. The only people who would have any reasonable expectation around hunting down a reference would be authors of a paper or book on the anatomy, physiology, examination and clinical relevance of the critter in question. Do you happen to be writing a medical textbook, that we could help you by providing a citation which you otherwise cannot locate?