He is an author, a lecturer, and has a radio show here in the states. By walk away I mean they are still alive. The rapist, the stranger as well as the family member who commits incest, are still alive. The baby is not.
A nine month old baby is not alive until the umbilical cord is cut? You don't think that that law should be changed?
Here is my belief on the abortion issue. Life begins at conception. Abortion is killing a human baby. Abortion should be against the law except in the case of the death of the mother if the child is brought to term. Even in cases of rape and incest, a baby is a baby and should be allowed to live. The state should step in and once a finding of rape or incest is found, the state should provide care for the woman through pregnancy and take over the care of the child when it is born. Or, the woman could go through private charities, religous or secular, to achieve the same end. Protecting human life is the one role of the government that makes sense.
In the case of the life of the mother, it should still be up to the woman to decide if she wants to take the chance of loosing her life to deliver her child. Some women do value life that highly. Also, where both the mother and the baby would die if carried to term, you are choosing to save one life rather than let two die. I think the term is triage.
If someone murders a baby in the womb during the commision of a crime, they should recieve the death penalty as if the had killed the mother.