Senior Master
So the person doing the kata forgot the correct sequence, but substituted different techniques and won the gold? You see no incongruity in that? The very basic thing that constitutes a kata is surelyHe specifically said OPEN competitions. That means the odds of any judge actually knowing the intricacies of ALL the arts represented is pretty close to nill. I've done the same thing, many times. I recall a time when one of my students took home a gold for a form that was done totally wrong. She did incorrect techniques in a lot of places. But the techniques she substituted were really well done, even if incorrect for that form. I have zero doubt that I have given good scores to others students who did the same thing.
Forms in open competition are about balance, flexibility, power, not technical correctness.
it’s sequence of moves. Otherwise, get up there string a sequence of any moves together, albeit very well, call it ‘Bassai’ and you could win. I think have lived too long…

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