Senior Master
Its a rather simple problem, Mike.
"Creationists" want to teach fundamentalist Protestant theology in a science classroom. A theology which, by the way, has no supporting scientific evidence. That is what is so truly bizarre.
So, yes, this truly is a matter of the Religious Right trying to forcefeed their beliefs down the throats of America's youth.
I'm all for teaching different creation myths and philosophical speculations on the origins of existence. But, guess what?? We already do that. They're called So-and-So Literature, Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, Comparative Religion, Cultural Anthropology, and so on --- in fact, there are a helluva lot more classes dedicated to talking about this stuff than they are about evolution.
These "creationists" aren't fighting for having "alternate views" portrayed in our schools --- which they already are, in the appropriate classrooms and settings. No, they are fighting to have their religious beliefs passed off as "science".
Because, rest assured, these guys would still be absolutely livid if it was Hindu or Buddhist or Mithraic creation myths being taught and not theirs...
"Creationists" want to teach fundamentalist Protestant theology in a science classroom. A theology which, by the way, has no supporting scientific evidence. That is what is so truly bizarre.
So, yes, this truly is a matter of the Religious Right trying to forcefeed their beliefs down the throats of America's youth.
I'm all for teaching different creation myths and philosophical speculations on the origins of existence. But, guess what?? We already do that. They're called So-and-So Literature, Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, Comparative Religion, Cultural Anthropology, and so on --- in fact, there are a helluva lot more classes dedicated to talking about this stuff than they are about evolution.
These "creationists" aren't fighting for having "alternate views" portrayed in our schools --- which they already are, in the appropriate classrooms and settings. No, they are fighting to have their religious beliefs passed off as "science".
Because, rest assured, these guys would still be absolutely livid if it was Hindu or Buddhist or Mithraic creation myths being taught and not theirs...