parmandjack said:
lts time to get a few items straight...
1- what a number of you consider to be a personal attack by me against heretic... read what I was responding too... he immediately slurred my ability to reason... this has been his method of approach against me, and still is if you read his posts, and I responded in kind, but with less venom than he, so before you go castigating me, line him up first... fiesty has again cliamed that my defence against heretics attacks are rude etc... I'm so tired of this one-sidedness...
2- we are trying to discuss the feasibility of alternate theories for classroom discussions... that creationism is based on a foundation of a God is obviously correct - however, that evolution is based on a foundation of "no-God" is also true...therefore, lets call creationism something else.. lets call it..umm... "xyz".. having said that, I again "attempt" to bring to your attention that there are scientists out there who do not believe in God, nor the bible, but still refure evolution based on the factual evidences... lets discuss the "solid" facts proving evolution... then i'll buy your position...
3- in support of point #2, it was said earlier (i cant remember by whom) in response to my asking for rock solid evidence of the transitional fossils supporting changes from one species to another, that there was more than enough "science" to prove that, so he needn't provide it... well, so you know, science is a tool, evidence is not... I therefore repeat my request that you present the iron-clad proof of transitional fossil evidence once and for all proving your position. after all, I don't want my child taught a false religion (evolution) when it cannto be proven.
4- while my religious beliefs are well known, I also know your positions... we all have differing ones... and thats the way it is... however, what is not cool is for people to claim to be christians, and then turn around and claim that the bible is false... I have stated it before fiesty, but you choose to argue instead of read... The bible... in fact Jesus... tells you Himself, that if you are not born again, then you are not saved... therefore, the words Christian and Born-Again don't need to be said in the same sentence... if you are born again, you are a christian, if you are not born again (which you have stated you are not), then you are not a christian.... that is not me claiming that, that is Jesus... sorry if it goes against your beliefs... thats what the book sez... if someone claims christianity, but doesnt adhere to the teachings of the book, then they are not christians, they dont belong to the church... simple... and again, that is God speaking... read for example... Revelations regarding taking away or adding to His Word...
5- "public review" is not limited to "only" a review by scientists... it means that the people who are professing a belief (ie:evolution) present their beliefs and supporting evidence in a public venue, not the private cloisters of a group of like minded scientists...and let them then defend the theory in the open against detractors... in full view of media, etc... lets them address teh valid evidences against their position... if its true, it will hold up...
6- heretic demands proof, yet whenever I present it he flippently dismisses it as being the apparent defacto leader of this group... well why should i go to the trouble of posting more and more and more and more evidences, when he truly is not interested, yet when I in turn ask for definitive proofs in support of evolution, I am also given none... I need to be convinced that what you want my children to learn is school is not simply your own fanatical belief in evolution irregardless of any supporting evidences to take it past the point of mere theory. If its wrong, then obviously smoe other theory may have the true answer.
7- someone asked why my faith was so weak, and also stated that there is no such thing as absolute truth... I answer him/her by saying that it is actually quite the opposite and because of my unwavering faith in Jesus Christ as the ultimate and Absolute Truth that I am targetted by people on this string as "intolerant" etc... I would also note that in telling me that there is no absolute truth, you have just declared an absolute... however, i disagree and state that there has to be an ultimate "truth" at the end of everything...
8- it has been said that christians who hold a belief in the inerrancy of the bible are "scared" to have there creatin beliefs "exposed" as wrong.. well I propose that it is in fact the opposite, adn that it is proponents of evolution who hold that concern...
1a) In no way did I "slur your ability to reason", Jack. I merely questioned your understanding of the scientific method. Rightly so, I might add --- given your analysis of the nature of theories, falsifiability, and constant projection of atheist philosophy onto scientific discoveries.
b) You, in fact, did personally attack me when you accused me of lying. Very "Christian" of you, I might add.
2a) What you are calling "evolutionism" would better be described as "evolutionary theory" or the "theory of evolution". What you are calling "creationism" would better be described as "Protestant fundamentalist religion" (since, if we just so happened to find evidence for the Hindu creation myth and not yours, you would still be fighting).
b) Evolutionary theory in no way excludes "God", regardless of your constant repetition to the contrary. If your requirement for a solid scientific theory is that it
must include "God" to explain anything, then you are most definately barking up the wrong tree.
3) Once again, "evolution" is not a religion. It is a scientific explanation based on currently available evidence. It does not preclude any metaphysical presences, nor does it impose any set of values or worldviews.
4) In no way do you have authority to decide what is and is not "Christian". There are numerous varieties of Christianity that do not conform to your fundamentalist model --- including, but not limited to, Catholicism, non-evangelical Protestantism, Unitarian-Universalism, Quakerism, Neo-Gnosticism, Eastern Orthodox, Hesychasm, some forms of Deism, and so on.
5) I could actually care less about "public review", a term I never used in my posts. I am referring to peer-reviewed scientific journals and panels. Since you don't quite understand this concept, this basically means that individuals that have also conducted the same experiments or engaged the same paragidms (i.e., "peers") make a judgment as to the veracity of one's conclusions. The "public" as a whole are not peers in this respect.
6) You have yet to demonstrate any "proof", all you have done is copy-and-paste lengthy articles when links would suffice. The truth is that if you actually had any real understanding or knowledge of this "proof", then you'd be able to discuss it with others point-for-point. Providing links to outside sources, or copy-and-pasting lengthy articles does not demonstrate this.
7) You oppose the "intolerance" of others because they don't see the One and Only Truth, that you just happen to have?? If you can't see the sheer hypocrisy of this statement, then there's really nothing else to say.
8) The Bible has been demonstrated to be flawed in some respects (with glaring internal contradictions being the least of its problems) --- I went into quite some depth on this in the "Historical Jesus" theads. Using it as a support for biological or historical theory is tenuous, at best.