that Chris understands what a fact is and who has the burden of proof when he makes a statement.its important because I could say Santa clause is real. You cant prove he isn't.
So nothing related to the actual topic your being confrontational just to be confrontational
I think what drop bear is trying to say, in a not entirely articulate fashion, is something like the following:
"Chris makes statements. He presents these statements not as opinions, but as undeniable facts. He indicates that I should just accept these statements and not challenge them, because he is an authority who knows much more about everything than I do. However, I do not think that I need to take his word that he knows so much more than I do and I don't feel like he has provided evidence to back up his statements that he claims as facts."
Drop bear - if this is indeed an accurate summation of the point you were trying to make, then I might make a few suggestions (some of which go back to my first post in this thread) for more productively engaging with Chris without having to either accept him as an all-knowing authority or waste time with cryptic snark.
a) Make sure you understand what Chris (or anyone else you want to debate with) is trying to say in the first place. That doesn't mean you have to agree with him. That means you should be able to restate his position and when you ask "is this what you are trying to say", he will say "yes." Otherwise you are wasting your time arguing with a strawman you have constructed in your head.
b) If you feel that you need more evidence than he has provided before you accept his point, then be ready to spell out what sort of evidence you need and why you need it. In an earlier thread, there was discussion of what samurai training methods might have entailed, and as Chris and elder and others outlined the available evidence (historical records, oral traditions, etc) you kept saying "so you have no evidence." Honestly, I have no idea what you were asking for. Were you dismissing the idea of historical records and saying you would settle for nothing less than video footage from the 17th century? Were you asking for links to the original Japanese historical documents? Were you asking for details of which specific historical documents or other primary sources that Chris had personally examined? I have no clue.
c) If you actually want to test your ideas through debate in the manner you originally suggested, then take the time to organize and clearly express them in such a way that the people you are talking to can understand your point. No one can help expose the weaknesses in your argument if they can't understand your argument in the first place.